Captions, Chryslers, and Chinese SUVs…

The suggestions for our photo caption contest (see the blog below) are pouring in, and some of them are humdingers.    I think we’ve had close to 50 submittals so far.  Who’d a thunk?

Another cool video came my way…I saw this video on YouTube yesterday.  The 1934 Chrysler Airflow sedan…it’s a delightfully retro video.   Check this out…

And what do you know, that icon of American automobile manufacturing, none other than General Motors, is going to import a made-in-China Buick SUV.   Buick sells well in China (so much so that GM opened a plant there several years ago), and there was an article in The Wall Street Journal this morning about their plans to build in China and export the Buick SUV to the US.   You can read that story here.


It will be interesting to see how this venture goes.   An American automobile, designed in the US, built in China, and then exported back to the US.   American and Japanese auto manufacturers have been building cars in China for years.   To my knowledge, this is the first time an American auto manufacturer is bringing a Chinese-built car to the US.  It will be interesting to see how this wave crashes on shore.  The times are changing, folks.

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