Motorcyclist magazine’s Facebook page…


In addition to the online Motorcyclist magazine article I mentioned last week, Motorcyclist also posted a link to the article on their Facebook page.    That link is here:¬if_t=like

You know, it’s interesting to read the comments on these things.   A few haters and trolls turn out initially.   But what we’ve noticed is that there are fewer and fewer haters posting.   And the ones that do are basically displaying their prejudice and ignorance (I know, I’m being redundant; prejudice and ignorance usually go hand in hand).   What always happens next is that people who know about the RX3 post in response, and their posts (your posts) are based on actual experience.   When that happens, the haters and trolls usually crawl back down into the shadows under their bridges.

Okay, that’s enough on the trolls for now.  I’ve given them more print volume than they deserve.   I guess all I can say is that if ignorance is bliss, these folks must be the happiest people on the planet.   But I know and you know that’s not the case.   The happiest people on the planet are out riding their motorcycles (and for most of us, that will be on our RX3s)!

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