Bobbers, books, bandwidth, and Baja…

I saw an interesting bike on the Cal Poly Pomona campus yesterday…it was a CB550 Honda Four with a hardtail frame, and it had been given the Bobber treatment:



I like that bike.  I don’t know that it’s anything I’d want to own, but I like it anyway.   It’s cool and even though I haven’t met the owner, I’ll bet he’s an interesting guy.   The bike was parked outside the engineering building where I teach, so I’m guessing he’s an engineering student.    He’s going to be a good engineer when he graduates.  I can tell.

Front-Cover-For-B&W-650-2505000 Miles At 8000 RPM is doing well.    We’re going to be offering it from CSC in the near term, but in the meantime you can order it directly on Amazon right here.   At one point it was ranked as high as No. 23 in all of the motorcycle books Amazon sells, which was kind of an ego trip for me (not that I need any help in that department).   The online reviews have been good and the emails you folks have sent to me have been much appreciated.

I’m glad you like 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM, folks.  It was a hoot to write.  So much so that I’m thinking about the next book project, and what I think that might be.   I’m thinking about a photo book based on our next CSC RX3 Baja trip or two.

Yep, I’m thinking about two Baja trips…a three-day weekend run down to San Felipe before the end of the year, and our March 2016 trip to see the whales in Scammon’s Lagoon.   The March trip will be either 5 or 6 days, and it will be awesome.   We said we wanted to hold that to 10 riders, and we already have 7 people signed up.   There’s no tour guide fee or any of that nonsense (I work for peanuts, basically).   All you’ll have to pay will be your expenses (the hotels, your meals, and fuel, and the modest fee to go out in the boats to play with the whales).   You’ll need an RX3, of course, but you know you want one, anyway.

So, back to that next book project.  I’m thinking of a coffee table photo book, with photos from everybody who rides with us on the next two Baja runs.   We could arrange for 100% of the royalties to go to charity to keep things simple, and we’d use the best of all of our photos in it.  It would make the trips even more fun, I think.   Think about it.   A great motorcycle.  A great trip.   A grand adventure.   And a great book with your name on the cover!

And that bandwidth thing…folks, the CSC blog is so popular that it’s become hard for even me to sign on.   That’s a good thing.   Thanks for your continuing support and interest in CSC Motorcycles.

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