Surf’s Up!

New RX3 motorcycles being prepped for delivery

New RX3 motorcycles being prepped for delivery

It’s been hot out here, folks…almost like our summer weather this year.    Here we are, almost in the middle of October, and it was 102 degrees yesterday.   Good surfing weather for us California surfer dudes, I suppose, but not a lot of fun for riding.

Riding in extreme heat can be rough.   We did that on the first day of the Western America Adventure Ride when we rolled across the Mojave Desert in 103-degree weather.   That was rough.   You can’t see or hear the heat in this video, but imagine what it was like for us on that hot afternoon riding into Amboy on the first day of our 5000-mile adventure ride…

The heat notwithstanding, I’ll be on my bike today.  It’s another one of our Donuts and Dual Sports Saturdays, and I’ll roll into the plant this morning on my RX3, which is running like a Swiss watch.

Nope, scratch that…I have a Swiss watch.  My RX3 runs better.

We’ve observed and participated in some lively forum discussions this week.   One was on the Canada Moto Guide online magazine.   We announced the availability of the RX3 in Canada, and that really lit up their forum.   I was scanning through the other articles in that magazine recently, and the typical comment count was maybe one to four comments.   The story about the RX3 elicited 48 comments in the first two days.  One thing about the RX3 and the CSC organization…we sure excite reactions!  Somebody on that forum actually called me a surfer dude because we’re in California (hence my comment above about surfing).  For the record, I’ve never been a surfer.   Not that there’s anything wrong with surfing.   But I thought it was funny.  Me.  A surfer dude.

We also showed up on another interesting forum…the TW200 gathering spot.   The TW200 is a little Yamaha that’s been around forever, and it seems a few of those boys have taken a liking to the RX3.   That discussion quickly ran up to 14 pages of comments.   Interesting stuff.

One thing about our shared interest in motorcycling that we see on nearly any forum…our hobby sure attracts some strong egos!  It’s been said before…motorcycling is an emotional topic, and a motorcycle is an emotional purchase.   The egos and the authoritarian pronouncements pop up in nearly any online motorcycle forum discussion.  The pronouncements (and convictions behind them) are like politics…everyone knows their opinion is the only “right” one.   It’s entertaining.  I always find myself wondering if the people who post on the forums are the same in person.  I think not.

Enough philosophizing…it’s getting light out and I’m firing up the RX3.   Surf’s up, dudes!

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