They’re here!


Our most recent shipment of RX3 motorcycles just arrived, folks, and that one you see above is the first one off the truck!   Yep, we now have all colors in stock, but I suspect that’s not a situation that will last long.   About 30% of this shipment was already sold when the truck pulled up to the plant, and I know the rest are going to go fast (in more ways than one).

We have a lot going on right now.    I want all of you to think hard about joining us at the Horizons Unlimited California gathering from the 24th to the 27th of this month.  We’ll be there offering RX3 test rides, and if you show up on your RX3 (we want you to do that), we’ll pay your Horizons Unlimited first year’s membership dues.   I’m speaking at that event, too, and if you scroll down on the HU page, you’ll see the blurb about us!

I completed the first draft of 5000 Miles at 8000 RPM, and I’m going through it now to polish it up a bit and to add the photos.  In another week or two it will be available on Amazon.   It’s good, folks.   It tells the CSC story, how the RX3 came to America, the CSC Inaugural Baja Run, the story behind the story, and of course, a daily accounting of the Western America Adventure Ride.   I’m having a lot of fun writing this book.  Oh, and more good news.   My good buddy Joe Gresh (who rode with us on the Western America Adventure Ride and who writes for Motorcyclist magazine) wrote the Foreword for me.   Wowee!

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