No one (and I mean no one) says it better…

…than my good buddy Joe Gresh!

Baja John (on the left) and Ar Jiu Joe Gresh (on the right).    Joe has a piece of cheese that John gave him for riding for two weeks without doing a single burnout.  Alas, we had to take it away a few days later.

Baja John (on the left) and Ar Jiu Joe Gresh (on the right). Joe has a piece of cheese John gave him for riding for 2 weeks without doing a single burnout.   Alas, we had to take it away a few days later.   It’s a story for another time.

You know from reading the blog that Joe Gresh is the Motorcyclist magazine columnist who rode the entire Western America Adventure Ride with us.   He’s a hell of a writer and an enormously entertaining guy to be around.   Joe Gresh is one of many things that made the ride a lot of fun.

I just read one of Joe’s Cranked columns, and it really hit home.  I think he absolutely nailed it, and I urge you to read this latest posting…

Total Recall: Taking Your Motorcycle Back To the Dealer For a Zip-Tie?

You might be wondering what that Ar Jiu business is all about in the caption above.   You’ll have to buy 5000 Miles at 8000 RPM to find out!  The book is in work now, and I’m having a lot of fun writing it.   I’m going to include a chapter for each portion of the ride, one on the people, and a lot of background info on what was involved in bringing the RX3 to America and changing people’s perceptions of Chinese motorcycles.

That’s it for now.  I’m going to lunch with the geezers today, and I’m riding my RX3 there.    Later, my friends!

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