She’s on the block…


My Baja Blaster, the little engine that could, the one that I rode all the way down to Cabo San Lucas and back, is on the block.

To be honest, I don’t ride it any more now that I have my RX3.   I wasn’t sure if I wanted to sell it, and I thought about that a lot on the recent Western America Adventure Ride.   It’s one of the things that happens when you spend hours and days (weeks, actually) on a motorcycle without things to distract your thinking.    Things started moving in that direction a few weeks ago when I noticed several CSC-150 and CSC-250 owners trading their bikes in on a new RX3.     I love the bike; I just don’t ride it.   She’s never missed a beat, she’s never failed to start, and she’s gorgeous.

You know, we’re out of Mustangs, and we get calls for them.   Ryan mentioned that the other day.  Maybe you want one.   This could be that bike.


I have three bikes in my garage (my RX3, my 10-year-old KLR 650, and the Baja Blaster).   That little lipstick red puppy will fire right up, just like she always does, and I’m rolling into the plant on her later this morning.   Steve and Ryan will sell the Baja Blaster for me.   It’s time for someone else to make new history on it.  Me, I’m going to apply whatever I get to my next bike, which most likely will be a TT Special.   If you’re looking for a Mustang with a story to tell, this could be your next bike.

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