The Grand Canyon, Highway 89, and Utah tonight…

I’ve got a poor internet connection here in Page, so let me try to do my best.

Tonight we’ll be staying in Panguitch, Utah, in three separate hotels…the Lamplighter at 581 N. Main, the Color Country at 526 N Main, and the Bryce Way at 429 N Main.

Okay, first, the videos…

And a few photos in and around the Grand Canyon….


At the edge of world…from left to right, you see Hugo, King Kong, Lester, and Zuo…


And here’s one of my good buddy Kyle.


The Chinese guys all have English names. I have a Chinese name….it’s GwangJoe.


This next shot looks like it’s been Photoshopped, but it’s not…


That’s Joe Gresh in the photo above…he’s with Motorcyclist magazine and Joe is doing the entire ride with us.

The photo below shows Gabriel and Juan Carlos, our good buddies from Colombia.  Juan Carlos is a Colombian journalist.


Here’s a shot of my good buddy Hugo, the Zongshen guy who is riding with us.


Hugo is a great guy and we are having way too much fun.

And finally, a group photo of just the bikes on a stop along Highway 89 going into Page, Arizona…


That’s it for now, folks.  On to Utah later this morning!

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