More Baja info…


Whoa, the response to the Baja ride is strong!   I’m looking forward to this ride, and I know you are, too!   It’s going to be great.

We’ve had a few questions emerge in your various emails to me, and there’s more info I want you to have.   Here’s a partial set of comments and answers, and we’ll be posting more in the near term.

Motorcycle Payment.   If you’re going with us to Baja, you need to get your bike paid for right away (call Sara on Monday at 909 445 0900 to make this happen).    We need this so you can get your bike registered in your home state if you’re from out of California, and so that we can get it registered if you’re in California.

Bike Delivery/Pickup.   We need to know right away if you’re planning to pick up your bike here, if we’re delivering it to you, or if you want us to do the setup.

Setup at the CSC Plant.   Some of you have asked if you can set up the bike at our plant before the Baja trip.  It’s possible, but we want to discourage you from doing that.   We have room behind the factory and you can put your bike together back there, but if you want to do this, you will have to bring all required tools, gas, oil, an oil pan, a battery charger, etc.   We’d like to be able to help more here, but we’re a business and all of our people are extremely busy right now with the arrival of the RX3 motorcycles (and we do not lend out tools).   If you’re riding with us to Baja, my advice is to pay the $195 setup fee and let our techs do it for you (it’s what I’m doing on my bike).    You’ll know the bike will be properly assembled and you won’t have to carry all the tools and other stuff you’ll need to do the setup here.

Liability Release.   Yep, the legal beagles are at it again.   We are going to require that you sign a release if you’re going to Baja with us.

Insurance.   As mentioned earlier, you’ll need proof of US insurance and you’ll need a printed copy of your Mexico-specific insurance.    We recommend Baja Bound, and I’ll post info on how to get that.  Baja Bound has this wired, and you after you buy the insurance online, you can print the required proof of insurance stuff online.

Passport.   You’ll need a current US passport.   There are no exceptions to this if you want to go into Mexico with us.

Automobile/Truck/Trailer Parking.   We’ll have a spot for you to park your car, truck, or trailer if you’re driving out here to pick up your bike.  It won’t be at the plant (we don’t have room here), but it will be within a few miles.

Air Travel.   Ontario is the best airport to fly into.  It’s about 30 miles from the plant.

Local Hotels.   We’ll publish a list of nearby hotels for folks coming out here the night before we leave, and trust me on this, you need to be out here the day before we leave.   Don’t plan on riding in from Timbuktu Wednesday morning and making it here for our 4:30 a.m. Wednesday departure.

Break-In Oil Change.   If you’re picking up your bike immediately before the Baja trip or if you haven’t put enough miles on your bike to do the first oil change, we’ll do an oil change our first night in Baja.  You’ll need to bring your own oil and a new filter.  I’ll have the tools you’ll need for the oil change, but it would probably be a good idea for you to bring your own tools, too.

That’s it for now….and there’s much more to follow, so mantener los ojos en el blog!


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