Glad you asked…

As many of you know, Revzilla recently published a piece on the CSC RX3 on their online magazine (you can see it here).    The article is getting some interesting comments, including one from our good buddy Jay in Malaysia I’ll quote a few excerpts from…

…thanks to online tutorials from Joe Berk, and the good guys from CSC,  I can now…change oil by myself…and even TRY to change tyres (kept pinching the freaking tube).

The point is, I believe the CSC business model is encouraging new riders such as myself to get our hands dirty, operating on a motorcycle and all. Being a rider who loves adventure-riding, sooner or later I will have to make my own repairs by the roadside. Or riverside. And I rather have the knowledge beforehand than trying to figure out which wrench I have to use to open up my wheel in the middle of nowhere.

And, when I’m stuck at some desolate jungle in Borneo here with my flat tyre, I will be sure to thank Joe for the tyre-changing tutorial.

Thanks CSC!

Well, after reading that, you’d think I might get a swollen head.   Actually, it’s a bit late for that…I already have one, as evidenced by the XL full face helmet I wear.  But that can come in handy, too!    Here’s another comment on that Revzilla article…this time from our buddy Piglet2010…

Will an XL Bell Vortex fit in a pannier or the top box?

Well, Piglet2010, I don’t know about your Bell helmet, but just for you I took the following two photos a few minutes ago.   My HJC carbon fiber helmet (size XL, by the way), fits in there just fine…


140409_1516-650 Please note that the top box you see in the photo above is our optional Tourfella luggage set ($849.95).   A full face helmet will not fit in the stock RX3 luggage.

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