History happens here…

140408_1501-300That guy you see smiling in the photo to the right is our CEO, Steve Seidner, and the reason he’s smiling is what’s behind him.  It’s history being made…the first shipment of CSC RX3 motorcycles arrived in Azusa this morning, and they’re being unloaded into our plant as I write this!

Yes, indeed, the first of our RX3 motorcycles are here!  We’ll be receiving the rest of the shipment over the next four days.   Folks, our wait is nearly over.   Woweee!

Don’t deluge us with calls about your bike just yet…we’ll need a tiny bit of time to enter everything into our inventory control system, get things sorted, and get your bikes on their way to you!

Much, much more to follow, my friends….but I wanted to get the word out to you first!


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