Coast to coast…

I saw this article on riding a motorcycle coast to coast this morning as I was catching up with the Internet, and I thought I’d post the link for you…

It’s a good read, especially the part about cutting back on what you bring with you.

You know, I’ve never done a coast-to-coast motorcycle ride myself, and I think my RX3 will be the bike with which I break that deficiency.   I might be interested in doing a Four Corners run, but I wouldn’t do it under the Iron Butt Association’s rules.   I’ve been to Key West (an interesting place, but a boring ride getting there), and I don’t want to restrict myself to however many day the IBA allows.

The Gulf Coast is interesting along the stretch from New Orleans to Destin, and it’s beautiful, too.   They have a fish down there called amberjack, and grilled amberjack in any restaurant along Florida’s Emerald Coast is about as good as it gets.


Destin, along Florida’s Emerald Coast

I would like to circumnavigate the US, but at my pace and hitting the parts of it I want to.   I think the RX3 would be perfect for that.   Maybe this summer.   We’ll see.

I checked the Germany’s location, and she’s still parked just offshore of Long Beach.  I expect that will continue for the next week plus a few days.   When we hear more, we’ll let you know.


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