A quick mountain ride…

Ryan and I grabbed the blue RX3 and our SuperMoto styling study for a quick run up in the mountains today.   Good times, and I grabbed a few quick photos…






We switched bikes partway through the ride, so I got some seat time on the SuperMoto, too.   It’s noticeably and significantly lighter than the standard fully-equipped RX3.   We’ll weigh all the accessories tomorrow to hang a number on weight delta, but I can tell you that my perception is the difference is huge.   The bike’s front-and-rear 17-inch aluminum wheels make a real difference in the bike’s responsiveness, too.

That said, I like the stock RX3 with the bags and the guards.   I’m not much of a canyon carver…I’m more of a touring dude and I have visions of exploring far-off places like Baja, the Canadian Rockies, and other adventure touring destinations on a solid touring platform that can carry the things I need.   The RX3 fills that bill well.   Very well, actually.

We were only on the road for about 45 minutes this morning, but it was fun.   We stopped at a local loncheria for tacos and tea, and then it was back to the plant.   Here’s one last shot of Ryan…


That’s it for today, folks.   Hang in there.   It won’t be too much longer before our bikes are here…


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