A super deal…

Most of the photos I’ve put here on the blog in the last few days have been with the new Nikon D3300 camera.   It’s working well, it’s small, and it’s light.   That last part about it being light is a big deal, and so is the part about it being small.   It is already working well as the new moto adventure camera.


You may recall my telling you that I bought the D3300 Nikon for $499 at Samy’s Camera in Pasadena and it included the 18-55 lens.   It’s a phenomenal value.

Well, yesterday, I ran across the street to get some coffee at Costco for the coffee machine here in the plant, and wow, they’ve got an even better deal.   Costco is selling the same camera with two lenses (the 18-55 I have, and the 55-200 telephoto lens), and with all that their price is only $599!   That’s a great deal…a lot of performance in a compact package.     Something to think about for the Baja run, boys and girls!


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