Yes, I get paid to do this…

One of the things you may have noticed about our posts here on the blog, on Facebook, and on the Internet forums is that we always invite folks to stop by the plant if they want to ride the RX3.   I’m usually the guy who gets to take our fans out, and my favorite route is to head into the San Gabriel Mountains.

I was in the plant this morning working on the setup instructions we’re providing as part of the service manual when Steve mentioned we had somebody stopping by for a test ride.

“Where they coming from, Boss?” I asked, lost in the photos I was assembling for the setup instructions.

“Georgia,” Steve said.

“Georgia, as in the one on the east coast?”

“Yep, she flew out here just to ride the bike,” answered Steve.

I was intrigued.   Georgia.   Just to catch a ride on the CSC RX3.   Wow!

Folks, meet Anne…


It was a fun ride, and Anne is going to stop by tomorrow for another run.   After all, she flew in all the way from Georgia just to check out the RX3.    And the weather’s been perfect.   And I need more photos for the blog.    And….well, you get the idea…

I know what you’re wondering.    Yes, they actually pay me to this.   No, my job is not available.  No, I don’t need any helpers.  Yes, I’d do it even if they didn’t pay me.   But don’t tell Steve.


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