Centerstands 101

We’ve had a lot of questions about the RX-3 centerstand I showed you on the yellow Cyclone…you know, the bike we had at the Sacramento International Sportsmen’s Exposition last week.   Here’s a couple of shots of that bike again…

The new CSC centerstand is $129.95, and that includes all mounting hardware and the return spring.

Incidentally, the guys in that photo above are Steve Seidner, our CEO and a good buddy of mine (he’s sitting on the bike), and J Brandon, my good friend and Baja riding buddy.

A few of you correctly observed that the bike rests on the rear wheel when it is on the new centerstand.   As is frequently the case with stuff on the Internet, the comments started flying.   Folks, relax.  If you want to spin rear wheel when the bike is on the centerstand, just put a little downward pressure on the tank or the bars (or a little upward pressure on the rear of the bike), and the bike will tilt forward for as long as you keep the pressure there.  It’s close to being balanced fore and aft when the bike is on the centerstand.   You’ll have no problems lubing your chain with the bike on the new centerstand.

Okay, next topic.   A lot of folks saw the Zongshen assembly line picture I posted (nothing gets by you guys), and you asked about it.   You properly noticed the centerstand on the bike as it was moving down the assembly line….

The centerstand that you see in the photo above is not available, and you wouldn’t want it to be.  It’s only used as an assembly aid during production, and when the bikes get to the end of the line, it’s removed.

Hey, we’re not done yet.   This gets a little confusing, because there’s one more centerstand (of sorts).  We also offer a two-piece Cyclone maintenance centerstand, like you see in the photo below…

The maintenance centerstand is a maintenance-only proposition.  It doesn’t stay with the bike.    The price for this puppy is $79.95.

One more thing…if you install the centerstand shown in the first photo above (the one that stays on the bike), you can’t use the maintenance stand shown here because it uses the same mounting holes.

That’s it for now.   Stay tuned for our valve adjustment tutorial…it’s coming up next!


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