Rough and ready Russ….

And here’s yet another couple of great photos…this time from our good buddy Russ in Arkansas!


Here we go…a neat swap…a Mustang P51 for the 150cc.  Easy and satisfying install.  (Yes, that is an airhorn on the front.) 

Well, they are both blue, but my preference by far is Lil’ Boy Blue for handling and just plain FUN!  In the twisties of NW Arkansas the 250 is the one to catch for sure!




Very cool, Russ!   A Mustang to match a Harley…and the colors work on both!   When I had my ’92 Softail, it was in Harley’s sapphire blue color.   I put the wide whitewalls on that bike and I really liked the look.   You’ve captured it nicely with your motorcycle.


I really like the colors on your jacket, too, Russ.   That hi-viz yellow is a good idea on a motorcycle jacket, and like you probably read below, I am considering getting a custom paint job on my new RX-3 in that color when it arrives.   We’ll see.   There’s a way to change the color in Photoshop and I’ll try to grab one of the blue RX-3 photos and see if I can learn how to do that.

Steve and my good buddy Tom wear hi-viz yellow jackets, and I keep repairing my old Olympia jacket because I like the color so much…


Thanks for sending your photos to us, Russ!   You have a beautiful bike.

And the rest of you folks out there, please keep the photos coming!


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