Keep those photos coming!

JimBOur good buddy James B from McAllen, Texas, won our “what record did we set” contest a short while ago by correctly pointing out that the record was this:   We posted more blog entries in November than we had ever done before!   The previous record was 40, and as soon as we topped 41 blogs in November we asked the contest question to you, our loyal readers.   We finished the month with 44 blogs in November, and as the guy who writes the blog, I can tell you that record is going to stand for awhile.

We sent a CSC T-shirt to James to thank him for his correct entry, and he responded with the photo you see to the right and this nice note:

Steve and Crew, 

The T-shirt you sent to me arrived today.  It fits well, and will get a lot of attention at the gym.  Thank you very much.


James B, McAllen, TX 

James, it was our pleasure.   Thanks for your kind words, thanks for your winning entry, and thanks for being a loyal CSC fan!


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