The Dealer Question…

_DSC0198-Dash-250No question about it:  Our path to market with the CSC Cyclone is unconventional.  Well, sort of.  It’s the model we evolved into with the CSC-150 and CSC-250 motorcycles and it worked well for our national and international distribution of those motorcycles.   It’s the path to market we’re going to use initially for the Cyclone.

There will come a time when we decide to use dealers, but for the time being, we are not.   The most significant reason for that is we couldn’t sell you the motorcycle at the price we’re offering if dealers were in the mix.  If there’s a dealer between you and CSC, the bike would shoot up to something very far north of $4,500 very fast.

Like I said above, we know we’re following an unconventional sales model with the Cyclone.   We’re doing it to deliver an exceptional bike at an exceptional price.   We started with the Don’t Miss the Boat program.   Our Cyclone path to market could very well be called the Rock the Boat program.   Rocking boats is what we do.   We’re doing it for you.

The obvious question if there’s no dealer network is this:   How do I service my bike?

That’s coming up, folks.   Keep an eye on the blog.


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