The Jersey shore…

No, I’m not referring to the latest mindless reality TV show that made the rounds a while back (and yes, I know the phrase “mindless reality TV show” is redundant)…

I’m actually out here at the Jersey shore today…on another secret mission with Susie and we stopped to visit my sister Eileen (and no, I’m not referring to the play of the same name…I actually have a sister named Eileen)…


Cool stuff…the weather’s not too bad, but the pollen count is through the roof and anybody who ever had hayfever (and that’s me) is feeling its effects.   It’s okay, though.  I’m having good time…not the least of which was stopping in at a bookstore and finding our story with Wheelie Nelson in this month’s issue of Motorcycle Classics on the stands…


There’s something undeniably cool about seeing an article you wrote on your favorite subject and your favorite motorcycle company in your favorite motorcycle magazine actually on the stands…

That’s it for today, boys and girls…we’re going for out for a great Italian dinner tonight, and trust me on this, no one has better Italian food than New Jersey…not even Italy.   I know because I’ve been to both places.   Rome has all the statues.   New Jersey has all the great chefs.

I’ll be back in the saddle (that is to say, So Cal and my CSC motorcycle) tomorrow evening, so watch for more good stuff right here on the CSC blog.


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