Some cool photos…

I’ve got two or three up my sleeve, folks (cool photos, that is)…a great one spotlighting three of my favorite people at CSC, a dynamite custom CSC gas tank, and the one I’m showing in this blog entry.   It’s totally unrelated to motorcycles,  but I know a lot of you blog aficionado guys and gals like things that go boom in the night.  

Well…check this out!

Serving as Number Two Gunner on Tredegar twelve pounder howitzer: night firing.

I wish I could tell you this photo is one I grabbed, but it’s not…it’s from my good buddy Doug, who’s another college prof.   I met Doug at an Army function at Ft. Knox, Kentucky, about 5 years ago, and we’ve been friends ever since.   Doug teaches history, and I just love that subject.     Funny how life changes…I couldn’t have cared less about it when I was going to school, but I have a deep interest in it now.   Wave a book about Theodore Roosevelt in front of me and I’m in.   The same thing is true about the Civil War.   And World War II.   And the….

Well, you get the idea.

Anyway, my good buddy Doug posted that photo on Facebook earlier today, and I immediately asked him if I could use it on the blog.   Here’s his response…

Joe, certainly, you may use the photo. A number of years ago I was in a reenactment battery called Bankhead’s Battery. The original battery was organized at Memphis in 1862 by a local lawyer and many of the officers and men were lawyers.

The battery served with distinction, but was overrun at Missionary Ridge in the Battle of Chattanooga in 1863. The tribute battery to which I belonged to has had several original guns. At one time there were two original Confederate cast tubes, the one in the photo; a 12 pounder howitzer shown in this photo. The other was a 3″ rifle cast in 1863 at Noble & Brothers in Rome, GA.  I have not been a member in recent years due to time constraints only.  I really like shooting black powder muzzle loading artillery. We were at the 100th anniversary of both Shiloh and Gettysburg.

Fascinating stuff, Professor, and thanks for letting us see that photo!

Folks, there’s more to come in the next few blogs….a custom tank, a custom bike or three, that photo I mentioned of my favorite folks, and a P-51 Greaser that Steve has on sale…so stay tuned!



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