San Marino Bill, inspired by Twin Peaks Steve…

“When I saw Twin Peaks Steve’s Bobber on the blog, I knew I wanted those wire wheels on my bike!”

That’s what San Marino Bill told me when I stopped by the plant a short while ago.  Bill was loading the newly-accessorized Bobber onto his bike rack.   That’s when I grabbed this quick shot….

And you know what?  Those wire wheels and whitewalls absolutely make Bill’s Bobber come alive!  They look just great!

Bill is an interesting guy.  We had a great conversation while TK was selling him a few more accessories for his Bobber.  It was a fun morning.  Bill actually bought two California Scooters…both were project bikes we featured here on the blog and on our CSC Classifieds page a couple of weeks ago.   We still have one of the project bikes left, and it’s a honey…

You can see more photos and learn more about this bike on the CSC Classifieds page.   I think there’s still one brand new Bobber in our inventory, too.   It’s a real pretty Satin Blue, another color that just flat works on these bikes.   Give Steve or TK a call at 800 884 4173 and they’ll fix you right up!

Ride safe, folks…


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