An Acapulco Bobber…

Folks, take a look at this red-white-and-blue Bobber!

It’s one of our very latest…a satin blue Bobber customized with red wheels and white wall tires!  I like it.  This particular bike is bound for Acapulco, Mexico, and the young lady it’s going to will have a very special motorcycle!

And here’s another cool photo…our good buddy Jimbo sent us a copy of his original Mustang and his CSC-150…he calls this photo “Five Decades Apart” because that’s the time warp from his Mustang to his CSC-150!

My good friend Jim goes all the way back to the original Mustang days…he was the Production Superintendent when Mustangs were manufactured in Glendale 50+ years ago!    Jimbo, thanks for a great photo!


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