We had a relaxed day today riding the bikes to the very edge of the Yellow Sea in Qingdao. It was amazing, and it was a good last day to ride in China. The skies were overcast and that took the edge off the heat. We literally rode the bikes right onto the beach and into the waves, and then most of us played in the water for a good hour. Imagine that…going for a swim in the Yellow Sea! I felt like a little kid today. It was fun.

At the edge of the Yellow Sea. 40 years ago, I was stationed in South Korea on the other side of that ocean as a HAWK platoon leader. My missiles’ Primary Target Line was the very spot from which I took this photograph!
We were going to wash the bikes after their dip in the salt water, but it was unnecessary. We were caught in a downpour on the way back and nature took care of that for us. We got soaked, too, but hey, that’s riding in China!
On a very sad note, my good buddy Art passed last night after fighting the good fight against a rare form of cancer. I knew Art for about 15 years. I bought my KLR from him in 2006 and we both enjoyed telling the story about that sale. Art was the Events Manager (and more) at Bert’s in Azusa and he loved working there. He thoroughly enjoyed working for Ron Seidner (he told me that several times). Art was a devoted family man and he will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
Godspeed, Art. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.