
Our destination city, and we made it here!   We’ve ridden to the last city on our incredible journey!   We are on the eastern side of China!

Here are just a few photos on the ride in, including a ferry ride across the bay.   A motorcycle adventure is always better with a ferry ride thrown into the mix…


The good ship Whatever…in all the excitement, I didn’t get her name!


Riding on to the Whatever.


My good buddy Qi.


Deng, our videographer/photographer.


Joe G.


Sean, our intrepid ride organizer. He did a great job.


Joe G in the Number “San” spot.


Riding through downtown Qingdao, a city of 9 milion people.


The lightest traffic spot in the city.

After checking into the hotel, we had dinner last night and as you might imagine, we had a great time!


Deng, Ma, Tracy, and Wong (the local Zongshen dealer).


Furem, Zuo, Wong, Lin, and He (the drone pilot).


Lu and Dong.


Dinner last night in Qingdao.

We’re going to ride about 60 clicks today on a publicity ride in and around Qingdao, and then we turn in the bikes tomorrow.   Woohoo!

It’s been quite a ride.  5000 miles, heat, humidity, lots and lots of rain, and not a single motorcycle problem.   One flat tire (that was on my bike a day or two ago), but the good guys in Jinin had that fixed lickety-split!  (I guess I was due for a flat…in 52 years of riding, it’s only the third one I have ever had.)  These Zongshen motorcycles are bulletproof (both the RX1 and the RX3), and once again, they’ve proven their reliability.

It’s difficult to say what I’ve enjoyed more…the riding, the bikes, the camaraderie, the cuisine, the scenery, the Chinese people, meeting the members of the RX3 clubs in all of the cities we visited, the adventure, being famous in China as part of the Arjiu and Dajiu show, or the enormous feeling of accomplishment we are all feeling today.    What a ride!

As you might imagine, it feels good to be here, and it feels just a bit sad to know the ride of a lifetime is nearly at an end.   There’s so much more to tell about this grandest of all adventures, and I am going to do just that.  Riding China, folks…it’s in work and it’s going to be epic!  Preorder your copy now!

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