A Cool Tutorial…

One of my engineering buddies sent this to me…it’s a bit out of the ordinary for our CSC blog, but the old Chevy and motorcycles in it are kind of cool, and it’s the best (and easiest to understand) explanation of this topic I’ve ever seen.


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Hell Froze Over

Hell’s Loop, that is…the Motor Scooter International Land Speed Federation (MSILSF) and Alan Spears’ latest event.

You’d think an event named after a place known for warmer temperatures would offer toasty riding, but it sure was cold!

This event was all about endurance riding, and Alan and the MSILSF team sure outdid themselves on this one. The route took a big round trip from Barstow, California, east on the 15, north on the 127 along the eastern edge of Death Valley (think Ronald Reagan, the old Death Valley Days television show, and 20-mule teams hauling borax), west on 190 through Death Valley, a long loop down through Death Valley’s center to a delightful little town called Trona (just kidding about that one, folks), back to the 395 south, and then Highway 58 back to Barstow.

The Hell’s Loop event was billed as an endurance rally, but in actuality it was a race. You and I both know you’re not supposed to race on public highways, but on scooters and small motorcycles, “racing” is not what it would be on bigger bikes.  Let me point out a couple of interesting things:

  • We ran this event with our throttles wide open a good 95% of the time. No kidding. The twist grips were pegged.  That doesn’t mean we were speeding, though. Sometimes a wide open throttle meant 65 miles per hour when we were on the flats with no headwinds, and sometimes it meant 35 mph when we were climbing a long grade.  Another aside at this point…the bikes performed flawlessly. This was another event in which we beat the, uh, Hell’s Loop out of our California Scooters, and they ran great.
  • The guy who won the event, Tom Wheeler, won it on a 49cc Kymco motor scooter.  Yep, you read that right.  49 cubic centimeters!  We’re sure not in the business of publicizing other brands, but hey, we’re more than happy to give credit where credit is due.  Tom drove out from Arkansas for this event and he finished first on his 49cc Kymco, beating machines with nearly 10 times the engine displacement (more about this later, folks).

The weekend started with TK and I rolling into Barstow Friday afternoon for a great lunch at Del Taco.  Those of you who know Del Taco might be tempted to laugh (it’s a fast food Mexican chain not usually known for their fine food), but the Del Taco restaurants in Barstow are different.  Ed Hackbarth is the entrepreneur who started Del Taco, and he did so right in Barstow.  Ed sold the Del Taco chain to a conglomerate after building it up into a huge business, but he kept the original three Barstow restaurants.  Here in southern California, we know that if you want good Mexican food, Barstow’s Del Tacos are unlike any others.  Everything is fresh, everything is bigger, and it’s not unusual to see Ed himself working in the kitchen preparing your lunch.  Trust me on this one, folks….if you’re ever passing through Barstow, you need to stop for a meal at Del Taco.

Yep, our Motel 6 room...where old Tom Bodette left the light on for us...$35 a night, and it might have been the most expensive hotel in Barstow! It was raining and we didn't want to leave the bikes out in the cold, wet weather. A lot of the Hell's Loop riders slept with their bikes Friday night.

On Friday we had a bitter cold rain, but the forecast was for sunny warm weather on Saturday.

Well, they got half of it right. I once heard one of those radio political talking heads say that the reason economists exist is to make weather forecasters look good. I think that guy might have had it backwards. It was sunny, but wow, was it cold when we woke up on Saturday morning.  I wasn’t too worried…I had my California Scooter motorcycle jacket, a pair of warm motorcycle pants, and my Haix Goretex boots (they’re made in Austria and they’re great), but it was still cold.  Really cold.

Arlene B (of Go Go Gear fame, and another California Scooter rider) rolled in on Friday night, and after a great 6:00 a.m. breakfast at IHOP Saturday morning, we rolled out onto Interstate 15 on our California Scooters and headed north…

On Interstate 15, headed north by northeast. It was cold! That's Arlene and TK in front of me...

It sure was cold Saturday morning.  As in maybe 40 degrees.   Teeth chattering cold.  I know all of our friends on the east coast would view this as something of a heat wave, but I gotta tell you, when you do 400 miles in one day through this kind of weather, it’s cold. Real cold.

Before I get too much further, let me give you a warning about the photos.   They’re not my best ever.  We didn’t stop to smell the roses on this one, boys and girls, and most of these shots were from the saddle of my CSC motorcycle at high speed.   That’s why a lot of the angles are off, and it’s why they might be a bit fuzzy.   This ride was all about getting back to Barstow first.    We stopped for fuel and restroom breaks, and that was it.    We didn’t even eat.   400 miles on a motorcycle, in 40-degree weather, with no messing around.   Riding…that’s what this run was all about.   And in the cold weather, our CSC motorcycles were running strong.   We thought we were gonna set the world on fire, until we heard about Tom Wheeler on that 49cc scooter.    But I’ll come back to that…

TK and Arlene in the cold California desert on one of our very few roadside stops...

So after rolling along on Interstate 15 for about 60 miles, we took a left at Baker and headed toward Death Valley.   The skies were clear, the riding was glorious, and we froze our tootsies off…

A 60-mph shot from the saddle...riding through the Mojave Desert!

Chasing Arlene and TK into Death Valley...check out the spare gas cans!

Beautiful blue skies along Highway 127...it was a glorious day to be out on a motorcycle!

We weren’t too sure about where we’d be able to buy gas, so we each carried a spare gallon or two.  Turns out we didn’t need the extra gas, but we stopped nearly every place we saw a gas station just to make sure.   When we rolled into Shoshone, I was blown away by the gas prices…

Believe it or not, these were not the highest gas prices we saw on this trip!

I was sure glad I was riding a California Scooter when I saw those prices.   Ah, the glory of price gouging.   Every time I see something like what the photo above shows, I want to confront the owner and ask him if his mother knows what he does for a living, but I know it would be a futile gesture.   And another 100 miles up the road, we paid prices that made what the photo above shows seem cheap.

While we were topping off in Shoshone, I saw a National Park Service HumVee that I thought was pretty cool.  I had never seen one of these in use by a law enforcement agency, so I snapped a quick photo of it while I was on my California Scooter.   I guess the NPS ranger who was in it didn’t like that.  As I kid, I always had a mental image of park rangers as pretty cool guys who took care of the bears and stuff like that.  This guy was decidedly unfriendly…there’s no nice way to say it.   Maybe it was a slow day for him and he wanted to harass some rough-looking bikers like me, Arlene, and TK.  He wanted to know about Alan, who rolled through Shoshone earlier on his two-stroke Kymco burning “exotic fuels.”  A park ranger.  I chalked it up to another instance of our tax dollars at work.  Go figure.

A National Park Service Hummer

After the fuel stop in Shoshone, we were on the road again.  Here are a few more shots from the saddle…

On the floor of Death Valley, about 100 feet below sea level...

After we climbed out of Death Valley's floor, it was a fast downill run west...you can see the flare from shooting into the sun

Heading west to Panamint on the western edge of Death Valley...

The bikes were running just great in the cold weather.  Here’s a quick shot of my speedometer as we rolled through Death Valley…

Smoking right along on the Baja Blaster!

Arlene’s California Scooter ticked over the 9,000-mile mark on this ride, and we stopped for a quick photo…

9000 miles, including great California Scooter rides up and down the California Coast, the Sierra Nevadas, the entire length of Baja, and Death Valley!

Arlene may well be our highest mileage California Scooter rider.  If you have a high-mileage CSC motorcycle, send us a photo and we’ll publish it here on the blog.

Our next stop was Panamint.  There’s a gas station and a convenience store out there (but not much else).   This place set a new record:  $5.79 per gallon!  It’s the most I’ve ever paid for gasoline in my life!

$5.79 a gallon....but what a cool photo op!

While we were stopped, I pulled out an extra T-shirt and added it to the several layers of clothing I already had on under my California Scooter motorcycle jacket.  To my surprise, that one extra layer did the trick.  I stayed relatively warm for the next 130 miles back to Barstow.

After our Panamint gas gouging, we turned the bikes east for a quick three miles back down the road to Wildrose Canyon.   That was our route out of Death Valley, and here’s a shot looking east across the valley floor…

Death Valley's floor, as seen from the saddle, looking east from Panamint

We negotiated Wildrose Canyon Road, fought the wind downhill, and then we rolled into Trona.  Trona is a mining town (they mine potash or some other such chemical), and there isn’t too much else out there.  And I gotta tell ya, when they built “no place” they must have centered it around Trona (because that town sure is in the middle of no place).  It’s an interesting place, though…a collection of white chemicals, brown hills in the distance, blue skies, and industrial processing equipment.   Some day, I’d like to ride out there just to take photos.

We stopped at a small country store in Trona, and to my great surprise, Steve’s brother Ron was there with a bunch of guys for an offroad trucking adventure.  Imagine that…bumping into somebody I knew in a place like Trona.   The world is indeed a small place.

A late-in-the-day, shot-from-the-saddle photo of Trona...

After Trona, we cranked the bikes wide open for the run home.  It was a burst out to the 395, a speed run down to Highway 58, and then a left turn for the last 32 miles back to Barstow.  We pulled in to the Motel 6 parking lot just after dark.   And it was even colder.   Did I mention earlier that it was cold?

Alan Spears, his friend Kathleen, and Dennis did a great job organizing this event.   When we returned to the Motel 6 rally headquarters, the good folks from MSILSF had good food and drinks waiting, and that was a good thing.  We hadn’t eaten all day, and I was hungry.  And cold.  It sure was nice to return to a warm welcome.  And it sure was interesting to learn about the winning bike and rider…that would be Tom Wheeler from Arkansas…

Tom Wheeler, a Kymco dealer from Arkansas, accepting one of his trophies for the Hell's Loop Endurance Rally

As I mentioned earlier, Tom won the event on a 49cc Kymco.  Good Lord!  A 49cc Kymco!  My first thought was that the bike had to have had a couple of superchargers and maybe it was running on nitro, but no, that wasn’t it at all.   Tom is obviously an experienced endurance rider, and he had the problem sorted.   When I asked Tom about the top speed on his 49cc sizzler, he told me that it might see 45 mph on a flat road under ideal conditions.  We sure didn’t have ideal conditions, and what that meant to me is that Tom ran a lot of the day’s 400 miles at something between 30 and 40 mph.  The trick is to not have to stop.   Tom had an auxiliary gas tank on his Kymco, and he only had to make one stop for gas.

Alan and crew sure did an outstanding job pulling this event together, which didn’t surprise me at all.  MSILSF is the same outfit that organized the November 2009 Land Speed Record trials and last year’s Salton Sea Endurance Rally, and both of those events were wonderful.

I am more than a little intrigued by all of this, and by MSILSF.  You might be, too, folks.  Think about it.   Motor competition.   Real competition.  Speed trials.   Endurance rallies.   All with scooters.  You can get into it, real motor competition, for peanuts.    And a California Scooter is a great way to do so.  We’d be happy to help you with everything.

Alan Spears and his friend Kathleen

After warming up a bit, I grabbed a few more photos of some of the bikes…

A few of the bikes in the Motel 6 Parking lot after the Hell's Loop Endurance Rally

Here’s a shot of Tom Wheeler’s winning 49cc scooter.  400 miles in one day on a 49cc motor scooter!  Can you imagine!

Tom Wheeler's winning 49cc Kymco scooter...check out the high-tech auxiliary tank!

And one last photo of Alan’s scooter.  Alan’s scooter is equipped with multiple fore-and-aft-looking cameras, GPS, running lights, and even a solar panel for extra electrical power.  It was an awesome technology display on a 70cc motor scooter, and it was beyond cool…

The Alan Spears scooter cockpit...lots of high tech goodies here, boys and girls!

So that was it, folks.   400 miles in one day, we won the 150cc class, and we had a great time.   Check into MSILSF…their next event is the second annual Salton Sea Endurance Rally, and we’ll be there!

Will you?


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On The Road – Hell’s Loop!

Another fun day, and the anticipation is growing for the Hell’s Loop Endurance Rally.  We’re going to have three CSC motorcycles entered in this event…that would be Arlene B of Go Go Gear, my good buddy TK, and yours truly.  It’s gonna be fun, and the riding is going to be great.  We’re going to roll out to Barstow tomorrow afternoon, enjoy Barstow’s night life (that was a joke, folks), and we’ll be on the road early Saturday morning to start our climb from Barstow into Baker.  From there it’s a left turn toward Death Valley and all the great views there, then we’ll be dirt tracking it a bit through Wildrose Canyon Road towards Trona, and then back to Barstow down the 395.  The forecast is for weather in the 70s, lots of sunshine, and good riding. Gonna be fun.

The MSILSF Hell's Loop Trophies

Our good buddy Alan Spears sent a photo of the trophies to me. Alan is the MSILSF Scootermeister (he organized this event).  TK and I have already decided there’s no way we’re gonna beat Arlene, so we’re just in it for the ride and the photo ops.  Keep your eyes on the blog, and we’ll have an update in a few days on this great event.

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Hell’s Loop!

Boy oh boy, from freezing weather to getting baked again…all in a few days!   Sorry I’ve been away from the blog for a bit, boys and girls, but I had another secret mission requiring mixing it up in colder climes.   My exact destination was, shall we say, a deep dark secret…but I’ll let you see what I read with my breakfast the last few days…

A cup of warm coffee made it seem a tiny bit warmer...

Next weekend is the big event…our good buddy Alan Spears and the Motor Scooter International Land Speed Federation are running the Hell’s Loop Endurance Rally!   Arlene B and yours truly are riding in it.  It’s gonna be a hoot…a 375-mile trip riding our Scooters through California’s magnificent interior.   We’ll be rolling through the mighty Mojave Desert, old Route 66, and even Death Valley.

I love the roads we’ll ride, and I’m hoping it won’t be too hot.  It’s a heady 90 degrees here in So Cal as I write this, so there’s no telling what it’s gonna be like in the desert next weekend.  Might be hot, and then again, it might be cold!  We’ll see…

I’ve ridden these roads before, and they make for a heck of a motorcycle ride.   Take a look at this shot of my trusty KLR-650 on old Route 66 somewhere east of Barstow…

Old Route 66...I'll grab a shot just like this next weekend with my CSC motorcycle!

And if we get a chance (we may not, as we’re gonna be pressed for time…it is, after all, a “rally”) we’ll make a stop at the Mad Greek in Baker, California.   It’s got the world’s largest thermometer (you’ve seen it if you’ve ever driven to Vegas), and there’s a great Greek restaurant.  Great food, and I sure hope we get to eat there…

The Mad Greek in Baker, California...great food!

From there it’s a run to the northwest straight into Death Valley.   It’s gonna be super scenic.  I love riding through the desert, and I’m especially looking forward to doing it on Ol’ Red…

Yes, the sky actually is that blue out there in the California desert!

After entering Death Valley, it’s on to the low lands…this area is about 250 feet below sea level!

Death Valley, looking north...keep an eye on the blog...I'll have a shot of my CSC moto right here next week!

The views in this area are stunning, including an area known as Artist’s Palette.  The mineral deposits are so rich and so varied…well, I can’t really put it into words…take a look!

Death Valley's aptly-named "Artist's Palette" area...

And here’s the classic Death Valley photo…I’ll get this same photo with our California Scooters in the frame next weekend!

A classic Death Valley photo...

There’s a lot going on this week, so keep an eye on the blog.   I’m gonna have the boys in the shop give my CSC motorcycle a good inspection, but I think the only thing I’ll need is an oil change.  I know from the Baja ride that these bikes are built to go the distance, and that’s exactly what I plan to do next weekend!


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2012 Colors!

The 2012 CSC motorcycles are rolling off the line, boys and girls, and wow, what a color palette we’ve got this year!  The photo below shows a few of our selections, and here’s a complete list:

•  Orange Copper Metallic (think of the new Chevy Corvette copper; this color is awesome)
•  Red (hey, that’s my color)
•  Gloss Black (a perennial favorite, and one of our best selling colors)
•  Rattle Can Black (that’s our Greaser)
•  Blue Sapphire Metallic (a beautiful color that really works on these bikes)
•  Lemon Yellow (that’s the bike I rode last week, and it sure gets a lot of attention)
•  Ruby Red Metallic (this is a deep red, and it’s gorgeous)
•  Medium Charcoal Metallic (it’s a dark gun metal gray, and it looks great)
•  BabyDoll Pink and White (another all time favorite)
•  Military OD Green (the Sarge, Steve’s personal colors)
•  Military Camo Tan (this bike stops traffic, boys and girls)
•  Military Camo Green (think jungle camo…and don’t park this puppy in the bush)

We don’t have all of the colors in the collage below, but we’ve got most of ‘em!  Check these out, folks!

And we’re still offering custom paint jobs, too!  Give us a call and we’ll tell you all about our new bikes, our new colors, and our super extensive line of accessories!

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Tacos, Tecate, and two wheels…

And that pretty much sums up a great Sunday afternoon…starting with a ride for a few photos at the fire station, followed by a great dinner with our friends and neighbors at Martha and Ed’s.  I rode my Scooter over to our local San Bernardino County fire station, grabbed a few photos, rode home, parked the bike, and then I had a couple of homemade tacos and an ice cold Tecate with a bit of fresh lime juice squeezed in…life is good!   (Just so you know, I always do it in that order, too…I’ll never get on a bike after I’ve had a beer!)

The Baja Blaster with a San Bernardino County engine...

My red Classic, and my very own gecko (he rides with me wherever I go)...

Tacos and Tecate on the patio at Martha and Ed's...it just doesn't get any better than this!

Tomorrow starts another week…more good times at the Scooter factory…more cool CSC motorcycles coming off the line…and maybe we’ll even squeeze in a ride or two!

Later, boys and girls!


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Hell’s Loop and Scoot Beirut!

We’re just a couple of weeks away from the Hell’s Loop Endurance Rally today, boys and girls, and I’m starting to get excited.  It’s gonna be a 375-mile slog through California’s Mojave Desert and Death Valley.   Should be fun, and I should be able to grab some great photos.  Arlene’s riding it, too.   I’m gonna have a challenge keeping up with her!

And the boys from Beirut sent us a few photos yesterday…the CSC bikes are settling into their new home well at Kool Bikes in Lebanon, with a celebratory party about to begin…

California Scooters in Beirut

If you wanna scoot in Beirut, Kool Bikes is the place to be!

That’s it for now…it’s a nice day out there today and I want to get some seat time on Ol’ Red, so I’m outta here…watch for more photos in the next day or so…


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Having fun!

As you may remember, Genevieve Schmitt of Women Riders Now visited with us last week. She’s already mentioned us on her online magazine, and there’s going to be a more in depth review a little later. It was a real hoot meeting Genevieve, and we sure had a good visit. Genevieve is, well, just a lot of fun to be around. Vivacious, effervescent, and bubbly are appropriate adjectives. Like it said, it was a fun visit.

On the road with Genevieve and Steve!

More cool stuff….Tris is our computer guru, and while on vacation in Minnesota a couple of weeks ago, he spotted a BabyDoll. Tris grabbed a quick photo and emailed it to us. Very cool spot, Tris, and thanks for the photo!

Tris spotted this BabyDoll in Afton, Minnesota!

And more…Andy Meadors is our website wizard, and that guy just scored my dream car…a 1963 Lincoln Continental. Wow, I remember just breaking into my teens and dreaming about owning this car. Those old Lincolns with their impressive style and suicide doors were just beyond cool. Andy, thanks for sending this great photo to us, but you gotta know that I’m jealous!

Andy Meador's 1963 Lincoln Continental. Wow!

And yet one more….Your Villa Magazine, an online and print magazine in the Palm Springs area, ran a feature on your favorite motorcycle company in their October-November 2011 issue. You can read it online here, and here’s a quick screen capture of the online article…

It's too small to read in this screen grab, but click on the link above to see this article in Your Villa magazine!

It’s sure been lots of fun around here, folks. I’ve been riding a lot lately, and I even rode my red Classic to Cal Poly Pomona yesterday.  I teach a few classes in Cal Poly’s Engineering school, and the CSC motorcycle made quite an impression on campus.  The kids in my class see me as an old guy who’s a tough grader.   When they saw me roll in on the California Scooter with my fluorescent jacket and WWII-themed helmet, it might have given some of them pause.  Maybe the old guy’s not such a fuddy-duddy after all…

If they only knew…

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Hell’s Loop…I’m In!

Alan Spears and the Motor Scooter International Land Speed Federation are at it again, and I’m in…this time it’s the Hell’s Loop Endurance Rally, and 5 November 2011 is the magic date. I am really looking forward to it. This route is gonna take us through Death Valley, and that is some pretty fine riding.

I’ve ridden Death Valley just once before.  Even though it’s only about 150 miles from where I live, it took me 30 years to get around to doing it. I wrote a story about that ride through Death Valley for my favorite magazine (Motorcycle Classics).  It’s a grand area.

I’ve got another story in MC this month, and this one’s about riding the Five Passes area in California’s northern Sierra Nevada Mountains. Check it out when you get a chance…it’s the area Arlene Battishill of Go Go Gear rode through just a few months ago, and it’s ideal for a California Scooter putt. It’s a great area and it’s great riding.

I’m going to start putting on some serious Scooter miles today…I will spin the odometer swiftly. Steve and the boys cooked up some new accessories, and I’m the designated mile-racker-upper to check them out. It’s gonna be fun…and it will be good practice for the Hell’s Loop route.

That beautiful dark metallic blue Classic that Genevieve Schmitt rode on our Wednesday lunch ride? Well, within hours of our returning to the plant, TK sold it! It’s a stunning bike (you can see the photos in the blog entry below), and with the billet wheels contrasting with that deep dark blue, I knew it was going to go quickly. And it did!

That’s it for now, boys and girls. I’ll try to grab a few photos this weekend. I picked up a new smart phone a few days ago, but I think it’s smarter than me. I haven’t broken the code on everything it can do yet.  This phone has a built-in camera, and I’m going to try my luck with it.  If I can master all of its newfangled technology, I’ll post a few photos right here.

Ride safe, and stay tuned!

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A Genevieve Visit, and Arcadia Cushman’s Super Deals!

Genevieve Schmitt (motorcyclist extraordinaire and editor of Women Riders Now) visited us yesterday and we had a great time!  Genevieve is one of the world’s pre-eminent motorcyclists, and we felt privileged to have her stop by to learn more about CSC.   We rode and had lunch together and it was fun!  The So Cal weather was just magnificent yesterday, and so was our ride!

Genevieve Schmitt and lots of attention at lunch yesterday! That's Genevieve on her ride for the day, a metallic blue Classic. The folks who gathered to check out our bikes included La Verne's finest, and the top left photos show what it's like to chase Genevieve and Steve on a beautiful So Cal motorcycle ride!

We told Genevieve about the attention we always get when we ride our California Scooters, and yesterday was no exception.  We ate at the Habit, a great restaurant in La Verne, and while we were there we had an unending stream of folks stopping by.  Everybody wanted to know about the bikes.  It was a lot of fun.  We always enjoy the attention, and having Genevieve Schmitt there to see it was a special treat.

And speaking of special treats, check this out…Steve Lorenz at Arcadia Cushman is getting ready for the 2012 CSC motorcycle lineup, and he is blowing out his remaining inventory (including a couple of demo bikes with less than 25 miles on them)!   Take a look at these beautiful motorcycles, folks…

Give Steve Lorenz at Arcadia Cushman a call...he's running some super deals right now!

Arcadia Cushman is one of our favorite spots, and Steve Lorenz is one of our favorite guys.  He’s a real enthusiast, and if you are in the midwest, you for sure want to stop in to say hi!

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