Baja prep, and a 20% Baja parts discount!

One question I hear a lot from folks who ride Baja with me is: What should I bring?  There are several sets of answers to that question.   I’ll do my best to address all of them in a series of blogs, with each one addressing each of the following topics:

  • Spare parts.
  • Personal clothing and riding gear.
  • Camera(s).
  • Tools.
  • Bike preparation.
  • Legal stuff (insurance, passports, etc.).

This blog will address spare parts and maintenance items. Here’s what I recommend you bring with you:

  • Spare tubes, a tire repair kit, and a tire pump.   This is always a good idea and we sell all of these things.   I carry the electric pump that runs off the RX3’s battery.
  • An extra park plug.   I’ve never needed one, but I’ve always carried one.
  • A throttle cable and a clutch cable. I once read that it makes sense on an adventure ride to bring these with you, and I’ve done so ever since on all of my motorcycle rides.  I’ve never needed to replace either cable (knock wood), but if and when I do, I’m ready.   You can route the spare cables alongside the existing cables so that you know where they are and they are ready to go when (and if) you need them.
  • Oil. My RX3 doesn’t use much oil, but it does use some.  I’m bringing a quart with me to replenish the little bit it does use.  Hey, we’ll be covering about 2000 miles.
  • An extra headlight and tail light bulb. On our first Baja ride we had a few people lose their headlight and tail light bulbs.    It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, you’ll be glad you have spare bulbs with you.
  • Lucas fuel treatment. Sometimes the fuel in Mexico has a little water in it.  This stuff works wonders.  Bring a small bottle with you just in case.
  • A spare countershaft sprocket. I’ve never personally experienced this problem, but on our first Baja run with the RX3 my good buddy Justin lost his.   It’s happened to two other people (worldwide) that I know about.   Like I said, I’ve never needed one, but I’ll always carry one.
  • A collection of small bolts and nuts.  It’s a motorcycle ride, folks, and it’s a long one.   Things shake off.  If you want, we’ll make up a fastener care package and price it for you.  Better to not need it and have it than it would be to need it and not have it.

More good news, and this is only for the fortunate few riding Baja with us this year.   Steve is going to knock 20% off the price of any of the items listed above if you buy them for the Baja trip.  Order the above items now and we’ll have them ready for you when you arrive.  If you don’t order them now, we may be temporarily sold out when you arrive.

Oh, and that dirt road in the photo above?  Don’t worry about that.   Nearly all of our riding will be on asphalt, and the little bit we do off road will be optional.  That particular road is the route to the cave paintings, and like I said, that’s only if you’re up for it.

That’s it for now.  Watch for the next writeup in this series of Baja preparation blogs.  And if you think I’ve missed anything, shoot me an email and let me know!

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This Saturday: Crystal Lake!

Highway 39 headed up to Crystal Lake…it’s going to be a great ride!

Folks, we’re riding up to Crystal Lake in the San Gabriel Mountains this Saturday.   I’m so excited about the ride that I may just roll up there sometime this week to check out the route.   Hey, any excuse for a motorcycle ride (not that I need an excuse)!

We have something like 12 or 13 people who are riding with us and it will be awesome.  You may want to bring a camera (it’s beautiful up there).   You’ll want to arrive at the plant prior to 9:00 a.m. (a CSC ride waits for no man) with a full tank of fuel.  We’ll have coffee and donuts available at the plant.  If you want to have breakfast before we leave there’s a Starbucks right across the street (you know, in case you ride a GS).  You’ll want to be ready to roll at 9:00, because that’s when we’re leaving!

Chances are the weather will be brisk (so dress for it), but I can also guarantee you that it will be beautiful up there.  With all of the rain we’ve been having this winter, the hills are as green as I’ve ever seen them.  It’s going to be great and I’m looking forward to seeing you.

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Command Sergeant Major…

My good buddy Jerry sent this photo to me.  It’s not every day you see an RX3 parked in the brigade’s Command Sergeant Major spot, but then Jerry is not an every day kind of guy…


Jerry wears the absolute highest NCO rank in the US Army…the exalted Command Sergeant Major designation.  When I was in the Army the senior NCOs ran the show and the CSM ran the senior NCOs.  The senior NCOs in the US Army were and are amazing, and the brigade CSM is at the apex of the real leaders who make things happen.   I think the entire time I was in the Army, I met only one Command Sergeant Major.  I was a lowly lieutenant in awe of my platoon sergeant, and a Command Sergeant Major is about a zillion levels above a platoon sergeant.


Jerry is in the same branch of the Army I was in way back when (that’s a photo of me with my platoon sergeant more than 40 years ago).   Jerry wrote to me a couple of years ago asking about the RX3 and we’ve had a number of great conversations about motorcycles, the RX3, and the US Army since then.   Jerry knows a good thing when he sees it, and he was one of the first guys to get an RX3.

Jerry, thanks for sending that photo to me.  It made my day.

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And another Josh video…

And hey, here’s Part II of our good buddy Josh’s video on his TT250! I sure am enjoying these videos!

Josh, great work, and thank you for sharing the adventure!

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A couple of Joe’s videos…

No, not me…but the other Joe.   I just came home and discovered these for the first time.   Enjoy, folks!

Great videography, Joe!

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A few weeks ago Sue and I took a run up the Pacific Coast Highway (California Highway 1) to grab a few photos for the latest Motorcycle Classics “Rides & Destinations” piece.


Well, that article is in the latest issue of Motorcycle Classics, and you can catch it online here:

The Pacific Coast Highway

That sure was a fun trip, and we got a lot of cool photos beyond the two that appear in the article above…

Want to know the best part? We’re going to ride along the Pacific Ocean on Mexico Highway 1 on our upcoming CSC Baja adventure ride, and the scenery south of the border is even better than what we have up here!

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Baja reading…and a new book!

I’m going to post some of the stuff we published last year prior to the 2016 Baja CSC ride because it’s still relevant as we prepare for the 2017 Baja adventure.   One of these blog retreads is a set of links to articles on Baja by two of the guys who will riding Baja on the 2017.

The first is an article my good buddy and fellow Bajaeno J Brandon wrote…


You can J’s article here.  J is riding with us on the upcoming 2017 Baja expedition.  He’s a great guy.

Here are two more articles on Baja, and these are ones that I wrote for Motorcycle Classics magazine: Baja by Motorcycle and San Felipe, Baja, Mexico.

And don’t forget…there’s a whole chapter on the first CSC RX3 Baja ride in 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM (you can order that book from the link on the right).

Hey, there’s more news on this topic…I’m writing a new book and it will be on riding Baja!  I’ve had more than a few of our blog readers and CSC riders suggest that I do this, and I’m going to do it!  I’ve been riding motorcycles in Mexico since the early 1990s and I’ve covered a lot of miles south of the border.   I have a cool collection of photos and stories about the various expeditions on my Harley, my KLR, my Suzuki TL1000S, my Triumph Tiger, the trip we did to Cabo and back on CSC 150 Mustangs (yep, we did length of Baja and back on those little scooters), my TT250, and the CSC trips we’ve done on the perfect bike for Baja – the CSC RX3!   The upcoming 2017 CSC Baja ride will be the last chapter of this new book (I like Riding Baja as the working title, although Moto Mexico has a nice ring to it, too).   I’ll be posting more about the new book in the near future, so watch for updates here.   Riding Baja (or Moto Mexico) will be published shortly after our return from the 2017 CSC ride.

Imagine that, all you CSC RX3 Baja riders: Your Baja adventure will be published in a new book!

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Coming up: Baja!

We’re at 16 folks riding with us on the 2017 Baja Run, and I’m sure looking forward to it. We’re less than a month away now, and I can’t wait.  These are always amazing trips.  Baja is an amazing place and we’ll see and enjoy the best parts of it – the missions, the small towns, the amazing scenery, the incredible food, the whales, the cave paintings, the whales, and more.

I’ll tell you something you already know if you read the CSC blog:  I love riding Baja.   For those of you adventurous enough to ride with us, you’re in for the ride of a lifetime.  Other folks can spend their time on the Internet.  If you’re riding Baja with us, you are the real deal.  You’ll be out there living the adventure.  When your buddies talk about riding to the corner burger joint or Starbucks, you’ll know that you’re participating in a real world international adventure ride.    It’s a good feeling.

We’re riding Baja from the 19th through the 27th of March.   If you’re riding with us, you need to be in Azusa on Saturday, March 18th.  We’re having a mandatory pre-ride briefing and we’re having a group dinner at the CSC plant Saturday night.  We’ll be leaving for Baja early the next morning.  You’ll need to have your Mexican insurance (that’s mandatory) and your passport (you’ll need that to get into Mexico and to get back into the United States).   We use BajaBound insurance and it’s been good for us (you can get your Mexican insurance online at  You’ll want to make sure your RX3 is up for the trip (we’ll cover that in a future blog), and you’ll want to have the right spare parts and tools (watch for another blog on this in the near future, too).

Keep an eye on the blog, folks…we’ll be posting lots more right here on this upcoming grand adventure.

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An upside to all this rain…

My TT250 on Glendora Ridge Road last year…

And there is an upside or two, even though we’ve had flooding here in the Golden State, the rifle range has been closed due to the creek rising (really!), and the weather has not been conducive to riding.   Our reservoirs are being replenished (we’ve been in a severe drought condition for several years), and the flowers this Spring are going to be awesome.   That’s important to us for a couple of reasons:

  • You may not know this, but Glendora Ridge Road is one of the premier wildflower locations in the United States.  During March and April, the colors positively explode up there.  With all the rain we’ve had, this Spring will be spectacular.
  • Baja’s Vizcaino Desert will be awash in color during the CSC 3rd Annual Baja Run.   That ride is coming up (we are less than one month away).   Baja John is in Baja now, and he reports that the desert is very, very green.   It will be amazingly awash with desert flowers when we ride in March.  If you’re on the Baja ride and you don’t have a camera with a circular polarizer, you’ve still got time to fix that oversight!

I’m looking forward to the good times that are immediately ahead, folks!

It’s going to be a lot greener and there will an explosion of wildflowers when we’re in Baja next month!

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We always have a stream of pre-owned motorcycles moving through the shop, and my good buddy Matt created a page featuring them here.  I had my trusty Nikon D3300 with me a couple of days ago and I grabbed a few photos.  These are cool bikes.

The first is an ’05 Harley Softail Deluxe.   It’s awesome, and of all the Harley models, it is probably my favorite.   Say what you will about Harleys; there’s just no taking away from their incredible style.   Check this out…






I’ve owned a couple of Harleys, and I enjoyed both of them.  One was a ’79 Electra Glide Classic, and the other was a ’92 Heritage Softail.

There’s something about a Harley.   I miss the ones I’ve owned.  I’m tempted to buy the ’05 in that delicious deep root beer brown color you see above, but I have no room in the garage.  That Harley sure is beautiful.   Somebody is going to get a great motorcycle.

Okay, on to the next one, and that’s the ’07 BMW R1200RTP police bike Steve has on sale….


Those old police Beemers are way cool.   My friend Bob Brown rides these bikes exclusively, and they sure are fun.   Police Beemers are as tough as Zongshen motorcycles.   They even have a second battery (one was used for the bike, and the other was used for all of the police gear).   What was cool about riding the retired police Beemers is that when folks see one, they immediately and naturally assume you’re a police officer and they give you plenty of room.   I even made that immediate assumption.  I was riding with Bob in Mexico one time (me on my KLR 650, and Bob on a police bike).   I was running flat out on the KLR (just under a hundred miles an hour) and Bob tucked in two feet behind and to my right.  When I caught a glance of his bike in my right rear view mirror, I immediately thought I’d been busted!


And there’s one more, and that’s a ’15 RX3 in what is inarguably the fastest color…



That RX3 has a ton of options on it, including spots, the big front wheel and brake kit, knobbies, and lots more…





It’s stopped raining here in So Cal, but I think the break is temporary.  It’s overcast and dark out there and the weather folks say there’s more rain coming (the prediction is for 6 to 10 inches of rain this weekend).   I guess that’s a good thing (we’ve been living with a drought for the last several years), but it sure has crimped our riding and other outdoor activities.   If the break is long enough, I may fire up my TT250 and get out for a ride.  We’ll see.

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