One of the best…

If only all commercials were this good (and from a bank, no less…).

I had mixed emotions about posting this one, but it was so good, I thought I had to…please post a comment and tell us what you think.

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A real leader…

And we need more like her…check out this YouTube from Gabrielle Giffords my good friend Robyn just posted on Facebook…

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The Del Mar Good Guys show…

Steve and TK went to the Good Guys show in Del Mar this past weekend.  It looks like they had a ton of fun and, as always, the bikes were a big hit.   A lot of people fell in love with the new colors, and we sold a bunch of bikes through our Oceanside dealer, Continental Motors.  Steve grabbed a few photos for the blog, and here they are…

The CSC booth in Del Mar before the show opened...

TK chatting with a Good Guy...check out the burgundy bike in the foreground!

A very cool '57 Chevy...

Some very cool cars show up at the Good Guys show...this one is awesome!

A very interesting custom...we want to do a police CSC bike!

Our new vintage green looks great with wire wheels!

The new burgundy looks super, too!

A Willys...these make awesome rods!

A '59 Chevy with a very attractive young lady...

The Babydoll...these are selling well!

We have a lot of exciting things going on, folks, so keep an eye on the blog for new developments.  We’re going to be starting on our second In-N-Out bike for their charitable foundation (we donated one last year that brought over $8,000 at auction, all of which went the In-N-Out Foundation).   Steve’s designing it right now, and I can tell you it’s gonna really be something special.  It should be…In-N-Out is a very special company, and their Foundation does great things.  Wow, it happened again…I’m thinking about that iconic organization, and now I’m hungry for an animal style In-N-Out burger…the best burger on the planet!

My good friends Arlene, Desiree, and John are down in Baja, and they’re due back in the next couple of days.  I couldn’t go with them on this trip, but I sure wanted to.  I can’t wait to hear about it and see their photos, and you can be sure I’ll share them with you.

That’s it for now…I’m off for that In-N-Out burger!

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Bill’s North Dakota snowmobile!

TK received a nice note from Bill Brunton, who just took delivery of his new California Scooter in North Dakota…

Hey TK,

Here is a picture of my shiny new Scooter (aka “Mustang” reincarnation) with my front yard snow bank as a backdrop. The date of the photo is April 1, 2011, and it is NOT an April Fools gag; we still have this much snow on the ground here in Fargo, North Dakota. And there is a snow storm predicted to arrive in two days!

Even in this harsh environment, I could not resist taking a ride right after I shot this picture–albeit a short one. It was enjoyable and I look forward to that lull in winter we call summer up here when the days are long and warm and I will be able to putt around on the scooter, enjoying a green world lit by a golden evening sun. That’s a part of the good life!

I want to add that I am very impressed with the quality of the build on this bike and on the obvious concern and enthusiasm you guys have about your handiwork. Thank you for a very positive purchase experience.

Bill Brunton

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Trevor’s Travels Features CSC!

Trevor’s Travels is a very cool column written by a very cool guy.  We read Trevor Summons’ column for the first time a few months ago, and we’ve been hooked on it since.   We shot an email to Trevor the first time we read his work, and he visited us a few weeks ago.  One thing led to another, and Trevor’s story on your favorite motorcycle company appeared in five newspapers today (the Daily Bulletin, the San Bernardino Sun, the Pasadena Star News, the Whittier Daily News, and the San Gabriel Valley Tribune).   This is definitely cool stuff.   Here’s what Trevor wrote…

Zoom to La Verne, home of California Scooters

Trevor Summons, Correspondent

Posted: 04/02/2011 06:50:50 PM PDT

I was fortunate to spend the first 10 years of my working life visiting factories, where things were actually produced. I saw automobiles, glass bottles, cookies, wire and even perfume made. Mostly the places were noisy, dirty and sometimes dangerous. Then I changed course and went into the computer industry where the vista never changed. It was artificially lit, hummed with air-conditioning and the only surroundings were usually large, pale blue boxes.

I’ve often missed the days where people worked to make things, and so it was a pleasure going along to visit California Scooters where I could combine another love, that of motorcycles.

“Back in the days when motorcycles were really just beginning, they were always called `Scooters,”‘ said Joe Berk, in charge of PR for the firm. “Perhaps today we might call the company something different, as it can cause some confusion.”

Steve Seidner and a CSC Classic

Scooters in fact are now becoming popular and the two-wheeled machines this company produces are not to be confused with the step-through, sometimes automatic little commuter bikes that are coming into the country.

“But if you line up our machine with say a Vespa (one of Europe’s most popular scooter models) you will see that there is a similarity in size,” he said.

But that’s where the comparison ends, as these are very much motorcycles.

Granted they are small, and single-engined, but one glance will tell you immediately that these would grace any motorcycle enthusiast’s garage.

The factory is located at Brackett Airfield, La Verne, which is right opposite the Pomona Fairgrounds and everything is assembled there.

“We love people to come visit us, when we’re open during the week from eight to five,” said Steve Seidner, the CEO and founder. His original company, Pro One, built street bikes and accessories, but he turned his attention toward making a replacement for the famous Mustang motorcycle built in Glendale from 1947 until the 1960s.

One of these older bikes is in a corner of the showroom and you can see the similarity. However, Seidner has taken his newer machines to a much higher level. They have a kick start as well as an electric start. “People love to kick them over,” he said. “They mostly have no experience of that, so they like to do it.”

With big sprung saddles like the bikes of old, they are very comfortable and, of course, lightweight. Joe Berk led a group of riders on these adaptable little machines all the way down the Baja Peninsula to Cabo San Lucas and back last September; a distance of 2,200 miles completely without mechanical failure.

On display is a bright emerald green and black machine. “We call it the LSR bike,” Berk said. “That stands for land speed record.” The record was set for a 150 cc machine at 78 miles per hour. “But a lot of the course was uphill,” he added.

Privately the company would like to have another go and see if they could go as fast as 98 mph – ninety-eight being a rather special number in their minds. Berk explained: “It costs $98 a month to buy one, Geico insures them for $98 a year, and they will give you 98 miles to the gallon.”

Being small, the machines appeal very much to women, who find them a lot easier to move around, and they are a joy to make U-turns on. Perhaps the biggest surprise is the cost, as you can buy one of these great little rides for $4,295. I have to say I am very tempted.

To hear Trevor Summons discuss this and other columns visit Check out his blog at And visit his website,

Read more:

Thanks very much for a great story, Trevor!
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Del Mar!

Yep, it’s that time again.  The Good Guys show is in Del Mar (just north of San Diego) this weekend, and we’ll be there with a bunch of very cool CSC motorcycles for you to see! 

See our new colors at the Del Mar Good Guys Show!

We’ll have the new colors on display (Grabber Orange, Vintage Green, and Burgundy) along with several custom bikes.  You can see the new colors below, but you really need to see the bikes in person.   They’re gorgeous.  

Vintage rocks, especially with wire wheels!

A Burgundy CSC motorcycle...we got this color idea from a restored Mustang!

Grabber Orange, with billet wheels! Woo Hoo!!

The Del Mar show starts this Friday and it runs through Sunday.  Folks, the weather out here is awesome (it’s in the 90s here in So Cal today), and the Good Guys shows are always fun.   Stop by and see us!

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Our good Army buddy Dan Harrigan just returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan, and he’s zeroing in on buying a California Scooter in the near future.  Dan’s been a fan of your favorite motorcycle company since Day One, and we sent decals and T-shirts to him over there on the Far Side.   Dan just sent this very cool photo of himself on an upgraded Afghan bike (no, it’s not a CSC new model).   Great to know the CSC name is making the rounds over there!

Our friend Dan Harrigan sporting the CSC logo in Afghanistan!

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Steve’s toys…

The boss (that would be Steve) is a pretty cool guy.  Like everyone here at CSC motorcycles, he’s a gearhead, and there’s just no telling what’s going to appear around the factory next.   In the last few months, Steve has been picking up some very interesting small vintage bikes, and I snuck around a bit this morning to grab a few photos.

The first is a vintage Tote Gote Blazer (not to be confused with the Chevy SUV of the same name).  Tote Gote made bikes from 1958 to 1970.  A guy named Ralph Bonham founded the company.   Tote Gotes are essentially big mini bikes designed for off road use, and they have dual range drive systems (one for low speed, and one for really low speed).  Steve’s is from the early 1960s, and it is unrestored.   It’s  pretty cool.    These bikes were made in very small numbers…this is the first one I’ve ever seen!

An original, unrestored Tote Gote...this is a big mini bike designed for off road use

Tote Gote engine details...rope starter and a dead short ignition shut down feature...lawn-mower-like simplicity!

Check out the Tote Gote's dual range drive system!

Steve’s next vintage bike is a 1960 Cushman Iron Eagle.   This is a magnificent motorcycle.  You’ve heard us talk about Cushmans here in the blog before.   Back in the day, Cushman was a major competitor to the Mustang.   Mustangs were considered a bit more high end, and they were a bit more exclusive (there were a lot more Cushmans running around compared to the total Mustang production run of approximately 20,000 motorcycles).  In looking at this one, it’s easy to see why the Cushman sold in such large numbers.   It’s beautiful!

Steve's 1960 Cushman Iron Eagle...a very cool motorcycle!

Deep red paint...this is a sleek motorcycle!

Engine details on the Iron seat springs...kick all works!

The third bike in this trilogy is one Steve picked up just a couple of weeks ago, and it’s a very rare animal.  Honda only imported a small number of these 1968 125cc twins, and this is a very clean and original example.  Take a look at this one, folks!

A 1968 Honda Super Sport 125 cc!

Twin cylinders and a single carb...a very cool and well engineered product!

Yep, just 4015 original miles!

And of course, this discussion would not be complete without mentioning Steve’s 1953 Mustang Pony.  This is the bike that started it all…Steve bought it on Ebay intending to restore it for his dad, Ed.   After seeing his Pro-One customers’ reactions to the original Mustang and looking at its design, Steve decided to start the California Scooter Company and build the bike Mustang would be making today if they were still in business.   It’s a great story about the start of a great company…the California Scooter Company!

My good buddy Sully checking out the '53 Pony

One of my favorite photos...a new CSC and our 1953 Mustang Pony!

With the nice weather on us, and the oil companies doing what they love to do, we’ve sure been busy lately.  While I was shooting the above photos, a nice young lady named Sandy and her brother Chris popped into the showroom to check out our new CSC motorcycles.  Like a lot of people, Sandy was immediately drawn to Josh’s custom Greaser (the one with the purple flames and apehangers), and she was happy to let me grab a photo…

Sandy on Josh's custom Greaser

Okay, guys, enough photography of pretty girls and motorcycles….back to work!

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Salton Sea TT Press Release!

Just received this press release from Alan Spears…we’ll keep you posted as more comes in!

Salton Sea T.T. 396-Mile Endurance Rally

Brawley, CA ~ Saturday, March 26th 2011

MSILSF riders departed the Brawley Inn and Convention Center at 8 a.m. to ride three laps around the Salton Sea. Linda Hurley, MSILSF Pro Rider #126 and 400cc Land-Speed Record Holder took an early and commanding lead, finishing 1st overall with an approximate average speed of 58.44 mph. Linda also won a 1st Place in the 400cc Class for her stunning performance. Linda rode her scooter to the venue from Orange County, CA, completed the event in adverse and some times dangerous conditions, and rode her Majesty home! Kudos to Linda!

Stanton Scott, another MSILSF Pro Rider finished second overall on his 250cc Honda Reflex, also winning the 250cc Class. Stan’s approximate average speed: 52 mph! Stan traveled to the venue from Arizona, but hauled his Reflex in a van.

Third Place overall went to newcomer Arlene Battishill, who also took first place in the 150cc Class riding her California Scooter Company custom Mustang replica. Arlene’s approximate average speed of nearly 48 miles-per-hour was nothing short of phenominal, considering the 40-mile-per-hour sustained headwinds on Highway #86 between Brawley and Mecca, and a bandaged/splinted finger on her throttle hand!

Freestyle Rider Ernie Vigil finished second in the 150cc Class on a Benelli 150, followed by Jeff “Robot” Corsaro on a new Genuine “Stella” riding for Motorsport Scooters, and Robert Pecher on an older Genuine “Stella” two-stroke riding for

Freestyle Rider Nick “Apex” Brocher won the 50cc Class riding a Yamaha Zuma, sponsored by Leo Vince Exhaust Systems.

Ryan Jeffries was in third place overall, and leading the 175cc Class, when the drive belt on his Genuine Buddy unwraveled sending him into a 180-foot slide. Miraculously he hidn’t bite the asphalt, or end up splattered in the grille of an oncoming big-rig! Ryan was less than 8 miles from the finish. In an extraordinary gesture of sportswomanship and camaradere, Arlene Battishill passed her 3rd Place Overall trophy to Ryan for his extraordinary performance.

Despite the treacherous winds on Highway #86, and the danger associated with big-rigs passing strings of cars (and scooters) on two-lane Highway #111, a great time was had by all.

Kudos to Event Executive Kathleen Hilz, Chief Tech Inspector Dennis Rowe, and MSILSF VP/Ops Officer Carl Hancock for their dedication and hard work facilitating this event.

Entries are now being accepted for the 2012 Lake Tahoe T.T. online at

Alan Spears, Scootermeister

So far, folks, the Salton Sea story has been picked up by Sports News Southwest, and I’m sure others will follow.  We’ll issue a press release about Arlene’s victory in the next couple of days.

Chasing Arlene on Glendora Ridge Road

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Arlene B & CSC – 3rd overall in the Salton Sea TT!!

Just received this note from Alan Spears, who organized the Salton Sea TT…check this out, boys and girls!


Arlene turned in a stunning performance. 375 miles in 7 hrs. 50 min. for an average speed of 47.87! 

3rd Place Overall! 

She’s an awesome competitor and a gracious lady, ceding her 3rd place overall trophy to Ryan Jeffries (Genuine Scooter Company).  Ryan was leading the 175cc class in 3rd place overall.  About 8 miles from the finish, he suffered a catastrophic belt failure and slid approximately 180′ without crashing or getting run over by a tractor/trailer rig.


Thanks for the note, Alan, and thanks for the great work you do in organizing these scooter events!  This is really fantastic stuff!

And Arlene…you are the real deal…a real Go Go rider!

Arlene Battishill, 3rd Place Overall in the 2011 Salton Sea TT!!!

Guys and gals, be sure to check out Go Go Gear’s line of motorcycle clothing…it’s Arlene’s company!

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