
Wow, 70 degrees, no humidity, and I’m right on the Caribbean.   All I need is an Aston Martin and the theme from James Bond playing in the background.   As far as secret missions go it just doesn’t get much better than this.

Biking is big in Barbados, with the emphasis on small bikes.   The roads are perfect for bikes in the 150 to 250cc range.  Here’s a shot of Neville, a Barbadian KLR 250 rider…he was pretty excited when I showed him photos of my CSC.

Tough duty, folks, but somebody has to….ah, you know what I’m going to say.   I’m glad it’s me!

Here are some miscellanous shots I grabbed with my iPhone in Christchurch Parrish, my home base for the next few days…

Barbados is an interesting place.   They drive on the wrong side of the road here (the British influence is heavy), and I have to tell you that makes every ride an extreme adventure.    It’s okay if you’re in traffic because the other cars kind of remind you where you’re supposed to be, but when there are no cars around it gets pretty confusing.  The roads are awesome, though, and this is a perfect place for a California Scooter.   Good times.

That’s it for now, boys and girls.   I’ve got to check in with M.  

Ride safe.


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