Dubai bound, the caption contest, and more…

When I stopped by the factory earlier, I saw this awesome P-51 Greaser being crated for its ride to Dubai. It’s a stock 250cc Greaser, but it’s still special. The Greaser is one of our best selling models, and they are just flat cool…

We sure had a lot of inputs on our caption contest for this photo I picked up a few days ago…

I think we need to move the Mensa meeting to next Friday.

All of the suggested captions were great, but my personal favorite is one that came in via email from our good buddy Tom, and it’s the one in the photo above.    Tom, call Steve for your first place prize!

It’s cold out here, boys and girls.  I made it out to the range earlier today for some trigger time, and my Subie thermometer said it was a cool 44 degrees (for southern California, that’s cold).   I called my Mom back in New Jersey and it’s actually warmer at her place than it is here!

The cold weather notwithstanding, it was still good for the old 1911, and I had a lot of fun punching holes in paper with it and my .45 ammo reloads…

I get to the range about once a week, and the last time I was out there, I was really surprised.   I would have thought these guys were done looking for love this late in the year, but this fellow was out and about…

He was a fast mover, and no, I didn’t shoot at him (other than with my camera, that is).   This spider was a man on a mission…he was moving along briskly and apparently had no desire to pose so I could get a good photo.   I tried to make him stop for a better shot.   My approach?   I  put my foot in front of him.   That was not a particularly bright idea, which I kind of realized when he climbed right over my shoe!   After I stopped screaming I set the camera at a high ISO to speed up the shutter and rattled off a bunch of shots, and that one above is the best of the bunch.   You gotta love our California tarantulas!

That’s it for now, my friends.   As always, ride safe!


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