Azusa Canyon Road on the Café Racer

Continuing the ride…

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So, what’s it like?

Well, I’m glad you asked…

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I had a lot of fun on the CSC 250 Café Racer prototype yesterday.   Here’s more info on this exciting new bike.

I shot a couple of hours of Café Racer video up in the mountains yesterday, and I’ll be posting more of that later this weekend.

Folks, this is a very cool bike.   We’ll be announcing the price and how to get on board with your order in a few more days.   You’ll love it!

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Matt’s whale-watching video…

My good buddy Matt was one of the guys who rode with us in Baja last month, and he just  posted his awesome whale-watching video.  Enjoy, my friends!

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A note from Willie G…

Well, not that Willie G, but a William G. nonetheless.

This was waiting in my email earlier today…


You don’t just drop a cafe racer on us and disappear to Baja and gun ranges for the next three weeks. Come on man!!! LOL 😉

William G

Harley's Café Racer

Harley’s Café Racer

Yeah, I guess that’s pretty much exactly what I did, although there was a quick trip to the east coast a few days ago thrown in there, too.   Okay, guilty as charged.

I’ll fix it, Willie.  I’ve got my GoPro charged up and I’m going for a ride in the mountains on the Café Racer tomorrow.  Our Café Racer, that is…the super light 125 motorcycle that we had Zongshen fit with the TT250’s engine.  It’s the motorcycle that’s posing with the BSA M21 in the photo below…

Say, wasn’t it Willie G who created the Harley Café Racer back in 1978?

As always, keep an eye on the blog…

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The mighty D810 and our motorcycle museum…

I had the big Nikon out this morning (the D810, which has about a zillion pixels and low light level capabilities that are beyond amazing) and I snapped a few photos in and around the shop featuring some of the interesting motorcycles in for service and for sale.   Take a look…

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We get all kinds of motorcycles in for service, including tons of BMWs (Gerry has quite a following in the BMW camp) and Harleys (Wade is the draw there), as well as vintage Japanese and European machinery.   We get a lot of bikes in as trades and on consignment, too, including several Harleys currently in stock.  We also see more than a few modern Japanese bikes for maintenance and as trades.  We’re busy now with the riding season in full tilt and the most recent shipment of RX3s, but our turnaround time for service is still very quick.   Stop by the next time you’re in Azusa; there are always cool bikes to see!

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David and his TT250 say hi!


That’s David in the photo above (along with Jerry).   David brought his TT in for service, and immediately after the above photo was taken, he was literally heading for the hills.   Those hills would, of course, be the San Gabriel Mountains.   David loves riding his TT250 along our favorite roads…Azusa Canyon, the East Fork Road, Glendora Mountain Road, and Glendora Ridge Road.  The weather out here today is perfect…slightly overcast and a comfortable 65 degrees.   I might get out there later today, too.

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Old habits…

…die hard, as they say, and I think I am probably living proof of that.   I am at a point in life that I could afford to buy factory ammo, but I just can’t leave brass laying around at the range.  I think it is actually cheaper to buy new factory-loaded 9mm ammo (at least when it goes on sale) than it is to reload it, but I still roll my own 9mm and I still pick up my brass when I’m finished shooting.  It’s what I learned as a kid, it’s what they trained us to do on the range when I was in the Army, and it’s what I still do when I get out to the range.   It’s a habit.


When I see brass laying around on the ground that other shooters don’t want, I scoop that up, too.  It’s just seems wasteful to leave it there.  The bottom line is that I probably have enough 9mm brass stashed in my reloading room to start a candelabra factory, but I’ll still keep picking it up.   I can’t buy 9mm ammo that is as accurate as the stuff I load (and in case you’re wondering, that’s a 125 gr cast roundnose bullet with 5.0 grains of Unique).  To me, the mark of a good day at the range is leaving with more brass than I had when I arrived, and I have a lot of good days at the range.

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Another cool Joe Gresh video…

You guys will remember Joe Gresh as Mr. Cool, the “magazine guy” who rode with us on the 5000-mile Western America Adventure Ride and our trek across China.   Joe did great videos on both of those rides, and just in case you haven’t seen them, here they are…

Joe wrote the foreword for both 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM and Riding China.   Like I always tell people…don’t wait for the movies.  Buy the books!

Anyway, Motorcyclist magazine had Joe in Daytona recently and he scored a big Indian for a few days.    I enjoyed watching his video on that bike, too, so I thought I would share it with you here on the CSC blog…

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2017s and more!

MikeW1Super, super busy, and running full bore….that’s how I would describe the Zongshen plant these days.   The fact is that worldwide demand is putting a heavy load on our good friends in Chongqing, but they are doing a fantastic job in keeping up.   Our latest shipment of new RX3s just cleared Customs and the new bikes will be in the plant next week.   Based on popular demand, we’ve brought the blue RX3 that you all love back, and we’re keeping our signature orange, pearlescent white, and silver colors.   It’s all good, and if you are thinking about buying an RX3, there’s no time like the present if you’re ready to pull the trigger.  Why not get your oar in the water now, and ride with us in Baja next year!  The Baja ride slots fill up quickly, and it’s first come, first served.

gunsSpeaking of pulling the trigger, I had a good visit with my custom gunsmith buddy TJ yesterday.   TJ tightened up the sights on my hardball .45 auto and we had a good conversation touching on many topics.  I’m a big fan of the 1911 handgun (I have a .45 and a 9mm 1911), and I’m going to get out to the range later today to put TJ’s handiwork through its paces.   TJ is a world-class custom gun builder (you can see some of his work here).  I’ve been around guns my entire life, and I can tell you that as custom gunsmiths go, there are none better.

I’ve been hitting the range more often in the last few weeks than I usually do and I think I’m getting better with my .22 rifle.   My good buddy Greg and I shot in a metallic silhouette match last Sunday.  You may recall that I shot in a silhouette match a month ago (the first time I had done so in 40 years) and I finished dead last in the scoped rifle class.   Last Sunday I finished second in that same class.  Don’t be too impressed, though.   My score only went from an 11 to a 14 (and that’s out of 60 targets).   While that lifted me into second place, the guy who finished first (Tony T, who also happens to be the California state metallic silhouette champ) scored a lofty 44.  That’s mighty sweet shooting and I know I’ll never be that good, but it’s fun to shoot alongside guys like Tony.

140722_6603DTYou know, this motorcycling thing of ours is an interesting hobby that attracts interesting people.   It’s always amazed me how closely our interests align, and that was brought out once again on the recent Baja ride.   Talk to a rider, and it’s likely you’re also talking to a shooter, a photographer, a person who’s interested in watches, and a person who just likes to get out and live life.   You get guys on both sides of the aisle politically (there’s no unanimity of opinion there), but on common interests (the fun stuff), it’s startling how much our interests have in common.

I’ve got some travel coming up…I’ll be on the east coast for a bit next week, and then I’m headed up to the Columbia River Gorge for an article I’m doing for Motorcycle Classics later this month.  And speaking of Motorcycle Classics, hey, you’ll want to pick up the latest issue of that fine magazine.  They have my story and photos on Devils Tower, Wyoming (you’ll recall we rode there on our RX3s during the 5000-mile Western America Adventure Ride), and they have another absolutely outstanding article on the ’60’s Triumph TT Special motorcycles.   The Triumph TT Specials were as cool a motorcycle as ever existed, and I thought the MC story was absolutely outstanding.

We sure have had a lot of interesting things happen recently.  Being named as one of the world’s top 100 motorcycle blogs was cool, as was seeing the RX3 being named as one of the top 10 values in all of motorcycling.   Our company rides are continuing to grow in popularity.  The market’s response to the RX3 and the TT250 has surprised all of us…and our compliments go to you for that (you know a good thing when you see it).  We’ve got much more coming up in 2017, too…the RZ3, the Café Racer, more interesting rides, and hey, who knows?  Well, we do…but we’re spilling the beans on everything just yet!   Keep an eye on the CSC blog and you’ll see it here first!

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