Keeping an eye on things…

…is just something you have to do on a motorcycle. I was reminded of that when my good buddy Dan the K posted that he discovered his countershaft sprocket nut was loosening during a routine maintenance check.  Good for you, Dan, and thanks for the “heads up.”

Bikes are not like cars where you just drive them until the wheels fall off.   A motorcycle is a high-performance machine subjected to more vibration and other adverse environments, and you need to check fittings, fasteners, tire pressure, oil level, chain lubrication, and other things on a regular basis.

If you’d like to see the recommended checks for RX3 chain and sprocket maintenance, here’s a blog we did on that topic a ways back.   And here’s a video with Gerry explaining things to check on your TT250 before each ride.   The concepts are the same for the RX3 and RC3.

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Pinnacles National Park, Highway 25, and Highway 198…

Sue and I were up in northern California last week, and instead of making the run back on Interstate 5 we opted to swing by Pinnacles National Park.   There were three reasons for that.  One was that we wanted to see Pinnacles, our newest National Park.  Another was that we wanted to explore Highways 25 and 198, two roads I had never taken before.  And the third was that the best deal ever is about to expire…that’s the $10 US National Park senior citizen lifetime pass.  I bought one of those lifetime passes a few years ago after seeing one of my geezer buddies use it on a motorcycle ride through Yosemite.   Sue is eligible now (but don’t tell her I told you), and we wanted to score one for her before the price goes up to $80 (still a hell of a deal, in my opinion).

Pinnacles National Park is on Highway 25, which cuts east off the 101 through Hollister and turns into a truly magnificent motorcycle road after you get past Hollister.   Highway 25 is kind of boring up to Hollister, but when you continue east, the road goes from humdrum to magnificent.

160716_2667-900-650160716_2672-2-900-650Pinnacles National Park, we learned, is mostly a place for hikers.  It has some dramatic geology formed by volcanic activity, but you have to be willing to hoof it to get there.

There are two entrances to the park (one from the east off of Highway 25, and the other from the west), and the road does not go through the park.

160716_2676-900-650160716_2678-900160716_2679-900-650It was already 95 degrees and the sun was brutal at 10:00 a.m. the day we were there.  We picked up Sue’s lifetime National Park pass, took a few photos, and then we were back on the road.  Highway 25 was simply magnificent.

We had only gone a few miles when Sue spotted these guys walking along in a field…

160716_2696-900-2-650They reminded me of the wild turkeys we saw on the TT250 Baja ride.   I actually got a video of those.  We sure do have magnificent roads in California.

And here’s one last shot along Highway 25.  I know it looks like it’s been tweaked in PhotoShop, but you’re seeing this one directly as it came from the camera.   The road had recently been repaved along this stretch, and its dark texture really jumps out in the picture.


Highway 25 runs into Highway 198, and it is another awesome California road.   It drops down into Coalinga, and from there it’s a straight shot down I-5 to So Cal.   Coalinga, incidentally, gets its name from its railroad heritage.  It used to be a coal stop (Coaling Station A, to be exact) and the name morphed into Coalinga.  Cool stuff.

This is another multi-day ride I’d like to do as a CSC ride.  If you’re interested, let me know.   We’d have to wait until a little later in the year, but it would be a great one.

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An oldie, but still funny…

On the off chance there’s someone out there who hasn’t seen this (and with no claims for fact-checking the numbers), here’s something that arrived in the mail from my good buddy Paul this morning….

We are in deep trouble.

The population of this country is 300 million.

160 million are retired, and that leaves 140 million to do the work.

There are 85 million in school, which leaves 55 million to do the work.

Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government, leaving 20 million to do the work.

2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with keeping us safe, and that leaves 17.2 million to do the work.

Take from that total the 15.8 million people who work for state and city governments, and that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.

At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals, leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.

There are 1,211,998 people in prisons.  That leaves just two people to do the work.  That’s you and me, and there you are, sitting on your butt, reading the CSC blog.

Nice.  Real nice. 


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Which way to the ZZ Top tryouts?

You gotta love my good buddy Duane…

170713_2500-650Duane and I have been riding together for maybe 4 or 5 years now, ever since the CSC Mustang days.  When the Rx3s came to the United States, Duane (like me) grabbed one from the very first shipment.   Duane makes just about every CSC company ride and event.  And, the guy is a shooter.  Duane is a regular at our milsurp matches (the ones you’ve read about here on the blog).

Steve told me a few weeks ago that Duane was working on a ’55 Chevy, but it kind of went in one ear and out the other.  Today as I left the plant this absolutely drop-dead gorgeous blue ’55 was pulling in the parking lot, and without even looking at the driver I was blown away at how stunning the car was.  Visually arresting is the phrase that comes to mind.  It stopped me in my tracks.

When Duane stepped out, I remembered what Steve had told me about Duane’s ’55 Chevy project, and there it was, right in front of me.  Wow!

170713_2486-650170713_2509-650You need to see Duane’s ’55 in person; these photos just don’t do it justice.  The body is absolutely flawless.  I couldn’t see a wave or any imperfections in the sheet metal at all.   New cars don’t look this good!

170713_2489-650Check out the interior…that custom dash and the instrumentation are awesome!

170713_2495-650170713_2492-650Duane’s car has a 350 cubic inch small block Chevy engine (arguably the best V8 engine in the world) and an automatic transmission, along with air-conditioning, power steering, power disk brakes, power windows, new upholstery, and the list just goes on and on.    Wow again!

170713_2490-650You know, I’m old enough to have known ’55 Chevys when they were new (my uncle bought a new turquoise-and-white ’55 when I was a kid), and even though those cars were cool then, too, they were nowhere near this nice back in the day.   It kind of got me to thinking…wouldn’t it be cool if Chevy made a modern car that looked just like Duane’s ’55?  It’s something that could never happen with the regs the automakers have to meet today, but it sure would be awesome.  I’d buy one!


Well done, Duane! Your car is magnificent!

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The August CSC ride, vintage aircraft, and shots fired!

We’ve received several inputs in response to my query about the next company ride, and we’re going to go with my good buddy Marty’s suggestion:

Hi Joe,

I missd the Crystal Lake ride Saturday and would vote 1st for that one. That said I would join in on any of your part day rides. One thing you could do to spruce up a Flo’s ride is lead the group over Carbon Canyon into Orange County. Living in Chino Hills I use that route to go to my shooting range in Brea. Returning from there I will come home by using Brea Canyon road to come through Diamond Bar and back to Chino Hills. I can do it all without getting on the freeway. That loop starting and finishing at Flo’s would be about 40 miles. Not a huge ride but something that could make a Flo’s outing a bit more interesting.


Thanks very much, Marty.  The Carbon Canyon ride is a good one and it will be something new for us.  We’ll ride east on the 210 from the CSC plant, take the 57 south, and then we’ll pick up the Carbon Carbon pass to the Chino area.   It’s going to be fun, and there are a lot of cool airplanes to see at the Chino Airport.   August 5th, folks, so mark your calendars!

The Chino Airport is an amazing place.   Here are a few photos from one of my earlier Chino Airport visits…

SNS4SNS19SNS11SNS12SNS18SNS22You’ll definitely want to pack a camera on this ride.   The photo ops at the Chino Airport “Planes of Fame” Museum are awesome.

And speaking of shooting, my old geezer buddies and I sure had a good time at our informal Milsurp match this past Sunday.  I shot my ancient Mosin-Nagant rifle and a new snubbie 1911.  Our course of fire was 20 rounds with open sights at 100 yards for the rifle stage, and 20 rounds at 50 feet for the handgun stage.  We always have fun at these things and the lunch that follows.

It was super hot and humid on Sunday (just like the Saturday before when we had our bear encounter), but the heat didn’t slow us down at all.   We started on the rifle leg and after I shot my 100-yard rifle stage, I was one happy camper.  Only one round was outside the bullseye and I thought I had shot a 199, which it ain’t too shabby for this old boy at 100 yards with an 80-year-old rifle.


We next fired the handgun stage, and I used my snub-nosed 1911 with cheap .45 factory bulk ammo (which is not known for its accuracy).   Hey, another good stage, and I was happy again.  My 20 shots are the ones circled in yellow in the photo below.

160710_2459-800-650The other shots on the target above were from my friends trying my .45 and from me shooting at the little black emblem in the upper right corner.  Four of my 20 shots were in the 9 ring and the rest were in the 10 ring, so that was a 196 (if you’re keeping score).   All of my shots would have been in the 10 ring if I aimed a little higher (I held at 6:00 on the orange bullseye).

I bought both of these guns from Turner’s, a local gunstore chain here in So Cal.  The service and the prices at Turner’s are always outstanding…they are kind of like the CSC of the gun world.  I bought the Mosin-Nagant rifle at Turner’s about 3 years ago for a paltry $139 (I’ve posted about the Mosin here on the blog before).   The real deal, though, was my new mini .45 auto.   It’s the Rock Island “Compact Service” model, and I’m really enjoying it.  Get this:  The 1911 was only $429!  It recoils a bit more fiercely than a full-sized 1911, but I like the feel of it and the no-nonsense Parkerized finish.   It is accurate enough.   Good enough, as they say, for government work.

At the lunch that followed our range session we scored our targets.  I was surprised to see 21 holes on my rifle target (I knew I had only fired 20 rounds).  One of my buddies whose target was right next to mine only had 15 shots on paper (he was in the classic “spray and pray” mode with his SKS).  We looked at my flyer in the 9 ring (the one to the right of the orange 10-ring bullseye) and its hole was slightly elongated.  It matched the holes on my SKS buddy’s target (his rounds were just starting to tumble at 100 yards).  The bottom line is that I had all 20 shots in the 10 ring, and that’s a good thing (yeah, I’m bragging a little bit).  So, for Marty and any of our other blog readers out there:  If you want to join us on the next milsurp get together, drop me an email!

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Our next company ride…

…will be on Saturday, August 5th.  Steve and I were talking about where we might go on this one, and we decided to ask for your input.   Please send an email to us (, and only if you’re going to ride with us) telling us which of these ideas you like best:

  • Our Glendora Ridge Road ride (this is a half-day ride).
  • Our Crystal Lake Ride (this is a half-day ride).
  • Angeles Crest Highway (this is about a 5-6 hour ride).
  • Flo’s Cafe for breakfast at the Chino Airport (the ride is kind of boring as it’s all surface streets, but the breakfasts are great).
  • Top of Mt. Baldy (up and down, lunch at the Mt. Baldy Lodge, lots of tight switchbacks, could possibly combine with a Glendora Ridge Road ride).
  • The grand circle around the San Gabriels (Angeles Crest Highway, Angeles Forest Road, Mt. Emma Road, ride along northern edge of the San Gabriels, Wrightwood, return home on I-15 and Hwy 210; this is an all-day ride).
  • Big Bear (this is an all-day ride).
  • The Doffo Winery and MotoDoffo Collection in Temecula (this is an all-day ride).
  • Joshua Tree National Monument (this is all-day, 400-mile, very warm ride).

Let us know what you’re thinking, and we’ll make a decision in the next couple of days!

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Some days you get the bear…

…and some days the bear gets you (or so the saying goes).  More on that later, folks…

We had a great ride on Saturday up to Crystal Lake.  It’s one of our favorite destinations because, well, it’s just a great ride.  It’s an easy one for us, too.   We just grab Azusa Canyon Road (that’s Highway 39) and follow it all the way to Crystal Lake.

On the ride up, as we leaned left and leaned right through the San Gabriel’s magnificent twisties, I spotted a gorgeous C5 Corvette parked by the side of the road and there was a guy taking photos of us as we rode by.  It was good buddy Bill, who owns a couple of CSC 150 Mustangs.   Bill’s ridden with us before, and a fascination with CSC motorcycles is an activity he shares in common with his grandson (more on that in a second, too).   Bill shared a few of his photos with us…this first one is Bill’s shot of me on my TT250.

Bill1-650Here’s one of Steve on his Triumph…

Bill3-650And here’s one of Terry on his KTM…it has cool LED headlights…

Bill6-650So, about Bill’s family-fascination-with-CSC thing:  Two years ago while we were on the 5000-mile Western America Adventure Ride with our friends from China, we had been on the road about 18 days when something really wild happened.  We were on the 101 heading back to Azusa after riding through California, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.   It was early in the morning and I was the guy in front when a pickup pulled up alongside and a young guy started waving enthusiastically at me.   I had no idea who he was.  I thought he was either somebody who just liked seeing a group of 10 or 12 RX3s out enjoying a great ride, or maybe he was somebody who had been following our grand adventure on the blog.   The pickup fell back and I forgot about it, and then it caught up with me again.   This time, the young fellow held up a message he had scribbled on a McDonald’s bag…

IMG_2344-(2)-HiJoe300I didn’t have a clue who the youngster was, but I was fascinated by the encounter and I posted a blog about it that night.  Bill emailed me within the hour to tell me it was his grandson!

Okay, back to the Saturday ride…

I rode my TT250 on this one.   I’ve been giving a lot of seat time to the TT250 lately.  Yeah, my RX3 is a lot faster, but the TT250 is super light and I love riding it in the mountains. It’s my “go to” bike most of the time.

On the way to the plant early that morning I stopped for gas at the Shell station and I did a quick fuel economy calculation…

170708_2433-650Not quite as good as the RX3 (the RX3 typically gets over 70 mpg), but good enough.   The RX3 is fuel injected, and the TT250 has a carburetor.   That alone explains the fuel economy difference.

After that it was coffee and donuts at CSC, and meeting the guys who would be joining us on this ride.

It sure was hot on Saturday.  We’ve been having horrendous heat here in So Cal (which is typical this time of year) and the humidity was high (which is unusual for us).   Once we were on the move, though, the heat didn’t bother me.  That reminded me a lot of what it was like riding in China:  Oppressive heat and humidity, and blessed relief once we started rolling.

The ride up was amazing, as it always is.  I wasn’t wearing my camera because I had photographed the road so many times before, but I captured photos of the guys who rode with us once we arrived at my good buddy Adam’s Crystal Lake Cafe…

This is Terry, who rides a brand new KTM 1290.  It’s a beautiful bike.

170708_2441-650I did a double take when I first met Terry.   I thought he could be my good buddy Pete’s twin.   You’ll remember Pete from the first CSC Baja ride (see the Baja photo below)…and you tell me:  Do these two guys look like brothers?

Here’s Eric, who rides a 300cc Kawasaki Ninja…

170708_2435-650You guys know Roland, our factory WERA rider who is tearing up the track on his CSC RC3 racebike…Roland is leading the field in points with his CSC right now.  He rides a Yamaha R3 on the street…

170708_2447-650My good buddies Duane and Dan rode with us.   Duane rides an RX3, and Dan rides a TT250.

170708_2446-60170708_2448-650170708_2450-650Good buddy Steve rides a Triumph Bonneville.  He’s been with us on several of our monthly CSC rides…

170708_2443-650As  you can probably tell from the above photos, it was brutally hot Saturday morning.   It’s a challenge photographing things on these hot and bright days because the lighting is so harsh.  Hey, I did my best!

Ordinarily, I would wear my Nikon around my neck while riding, but it was so hot I didn’t do that on our Saturday ride.  That was a mistake, because what happened next was absolutely amazing (give me a second and I’ll get to it).   We were at the Crystal Lake Cafe for maybe half an hour (where I enjoyed the world’s best hamburger with a cold drink) and then we geared up for the ride down.   ATGATT, and all that.  Wow, the heat was oppressive, and wearing a jacket, gloves, boots, and a helmet intensified the sauna that was our Saturday ride.

I knew the road glare in this kind of heat and brilliant sunshine would make for poor photos, and I was lazy.   Like I said above, I left the Nikon in its case and the camera in my TT250’s Wolfman luggage (which I love), and then we started the easy (but twisty) run back down from Crystal Lake.   Ah, the self-induced breeze kicked in as we picked up speed, and I immediately felt cooler.

We hadn’t ridden down through the twisties two miles when I came around a corner, and there, right in front of me, was an enormous bear!  My first thought was:  Am I imagining this?

Nope, it was real.

My second thought was:   Damn, no camera!  What a shot that would have made…an over-the-TT250-handlebars photo of a bear!

I passed within just a few feet of the bear, who looked at me with what I took to be an admiring glance.   He was either sizing me up as a meal, or taking in my beautiful black TT250 (and maybe wishing he could ride one, too, in this intense heat).  It was an amazing encounter.  I’ve never been that close to a bear in the wild.  In fact,  I’ve never seen a bear in California on any of my rides.  What an experience!

My third thought was to turn around, get the camera out, and go back for a bear photo.   I quickly ruled that out.  For starters, sudden stops in the twisties when you’re leading a group of fellow riders is not a good idea.  For all I knew, by the time I got back up there, the bear would have probably run back into the woods to do what bears do in the woods.   And then if the bear was still there, was it really a good idea to get close to it?

Nope, my bear encounter was grand experience, but a photo was not to be.  It just wasn’t in the cards that day.  Tough luck for you (I’ll try to do my best describing it with mere words), but a great experience for me.   I’ve got the image in my mind and it will last forever.  The bear seemed enormous, it looked to me like he was smiling, he was light brown with a blond tint to his back, his claws were black and looked to be about 2 inches long, and he had a yellow tag on his right ear (apparently this bear liked getting close to people and our encounter was not his first rodeo).

All of the guys behind me saw the bear, too, and they were as excited about it as I was.  It all happened so fast that as was the case with me, none of them got a photo, either.   But here’s the best part:  With each re-telling of our story, the bear keeps getting bigger.  He’s up to about 1200 pounds now!

I’d like to be able to tell you this is our bear, but he’s not (it’s just a photo I found on the Internet).  It sure captures the spirit of our close encounter, though!

TheBearSo that’s it for now, folks.  Another day, another grand CSC adventure.   You could be part of it.  Give us a call on Tuesday.  There’s a bike here at the plant with your name on it…

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Steve’s ’53 Special…

You may not know this, but our very own Steve has one of the finest vintage Mustang collections on the planet…so much so, that Motorcycle Classics magazine ran a story about it a few years ago.  When I was in the plant yesterday, Steve’s ’53 Special was on display and I had my Nikon with me (along with a couple of wide angle lenses).   So….


I love those old Mustangs.  There were a lot of US companies making small motorcycles in the 1950s, and Mustang was the one everyone wanted.  Mustangs were the hot rods of the day, and the Special was the high performance model in the very elite line of Mustang motorcycles.  The Special was indeed special, with a high performance engine that made it the fastest of the fastest.

I’m really looking forward to tomorrow.  It’s when we’ll have our monthly company ride, and we’re heading up to Crystal Lake.  It’s been incredibly hot here and we’re expecting more of the same tomorrow, but we’re leaving and returning early enough that the heat should not be a problem.  I’ll have photos for you right here on the CSC blog!

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Good buddy Paul…

…and he’s a CSC fan all the way.  Paul owns both a TT250 and an RC3.  I met Paul today when he was picking up his TT250 after having it serviced.

170706_2402-650Paul told me he loves his CSC bikes.  He’s a new motorcyclist and he bought the TT250 because he thought it would make a good first bike.   My TT250 is something like No. 39 or 40.  Yep, they’re great first bikes.  They are a lot of fun if you’ve been riding a while, too!

Paul and I talked about the TT250’s light weight and easy maneuverability, and how well they handle off road and on.  I’m riding mine on the company ride up to Crystal Lake this Saturday.   It’s going to be hot, and it’s going to be fun.

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A few cool cars…

Ah, the 4th of July: Fireworks, BBQs, and of course, classic car shows.  Yep, I’m enjoying all three today.   We’re leaving for the fireworks show in a bit, but before I do, I’m taking a few minutes to post a few classic car photos I grabbed this morning.

How about this…a very classy ’63 split window ’63 Vette!

160704_2303-650160704_2306-650And perhaps the ultimate classic American automobile, the ’55 Chevy….check this one out…it’s a convertible and it’s awesome!

160704_2305-650160704_2339-650160704_2340-650Here’s a Buick Riviera…I’m guessing it’s a ’65…

160704_2328-650Here’s a very cool ’48 Ford pickup…

160704_2326-650 A rat fink…this is who I see when I read negative posts on Internet forums!

160704_2322-650Wow, here’s a ’61 Chevy coupe…

160704_2319-650160704_2318-650The more-or-less standard Model T with a small block Chevy…no car show would be complete without a Model T hot rod.   I guess they’re interesting, but I find them to be kind of boring.  I think the ’50s and ’60s GM cars are much more exciting.

160704_2334-650Another very cool car…a ’69 Pontiac Judge…

160704_2309-650160704_2310-650A ’59 Caddy Eldorado…one of the most beautiful cars ever!

160704_2316-650There were more than a few Cadillacs at the car show this morning.   Here’s a ’58…

160704_2308-650…and here’s a ’61…

160704_2346-650160704_2347-650The cars I saw today, I think, are some of the best-looking automobiles ever made anywhere.

Enjoy our 4th of July holiday, my friends.   I sure am!

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