Motorhead mayhem and more…

Steve and TK are out in Texas selling CSC motorcycles at the Mecum event (you can see us at the Reliant Center in Houston right now), and we’re back here in the plant answering phones, building bikes, and having fun.   TK just sent me this photo of Officer Manny Kin on one of our bikes, along with a comment that this guy looks an awful lot like our own Tony B!

And back here at the plant, check out this Greaser with a shaded California Deuce windshield…it’s going to its new owner later today…

Our Greaser, with that flat black paint and the Deuce windshield, reminded me of the great time we had with Carl and Mary when they were out here in January…

We had great rides up in the San Gabriel Mountains, a super trip down through Baja to see the whales, several great dinners (my personal favorite was Di Pilla’s in Rosemead), and an absolutely super trip to the ’32 Duece car show at the Petersen Museum in downtown Los Angeles.  When I shot that photo of our Deuce windshield on the Greaser, I thought of the show, and I remembered that I promised to put a few more photos from that great event here on the blog.   And since we’re all motorheads…well, here you go…

Bear in mind that each of those engines you see in the above photos resides in a 1932 Ford Deuce…flatheads, small and big block Chevys, Chrysler Hemis, and even the Porsche and V-12 Jag engines!

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See us at Mecum in Houston

Yep, we’re there now, in the Reliant Center lobby this week!  If you’re in the Houston area, please stop in to see us!

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Fitting music for the guys and the bikes enroute to Houston, Texas!

Check us out at the Mecum Auction!

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The Mecum Bikes…

You’ve seen the flyer below in our last blog entry, and Steve and the boys have the Texas bikes ready to roll!  We’ll be in the Reliant lobby in Houston starting on 11 April, so if you want the deal of a lifetime, please stop by to see TK and Steve.   Those boys are going to be in a dealing frame of mind…and as a reminder, it you pick your bike up while we’re in the great state of Texas, there’s no freight charge!  Wow…no freight charges (that’s a savings of several hundred dollars right there), and with our new financing program, you can get on a new CSC motorcycle for right around $100 a month!  Hey, enough blabbing by me…take a look at some of the Texas-bound bikes I photographed this morning before they went on the truck!

Here’s one last shot of me and the Boss…

All you Texans…stop by and see us next week in Houston!

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A photo from Carl…

My good buddies Carlos and Maria just sent this photo to me, of me, doing what I love to do…touring Baja and taking pictures… 

Yep, that’s me, in my Sunday best (note the In-N-Out Burger T-shirt) taking photos in the San Ignacio Mission.   The church is magnificent…it was built in the 1700s and it’s been in use ever since.   We were about 600 miles south of the border when Carl grabbed this photo, and we sure had a good time on that trip.

Stay tuned, boys and girls…I’ll have more info on the Mecum’s event in Texas posted for you here on the blog tomorrow or the next day.  And Carl and Mary, thanks very much for sending that shot to me!

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O Down!

Yep, you read that right!  We’re happy to announce that we now have retail financing available!  The interest rates and all that financial mumbo jumbo will vary a bit based on your credit rating, but on a new Classic (with an MSRP of $3695), you’d be looking at something in the range of around a hundred bucks a month for four years.   That’s a pretty good deal, folks!

To put this in perspective, the last time I filled up my little Subaru, it was about $60, and I do that about once  a week.   Take a look at the last time these guys took me to the cleaners…

I’m going to guess you’re spending something north of $200 each month supporting Big Oil, too.   Wouldn’t you rather be putting half that amount into a new California Scooter, a bike that gets over 90 miles per gallon?

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Tonight, Folks…Shark Tank!

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Ever see a shark ride a motorcycle?

Bump bump.  Da dum.  Da dum.  

Recognize that?

It’s the theme song from Jaws.

Bump bump.

So, why are the sharks smiling?

Hey, you already know the answer to that…they’re smiling for the same reason you do every time you look at your CSC motorcycle!

Yep, that’s your favorite motorcycle in a few shots appearing this Friday night on the hit ABC television show, Shark Tank!   And those are our good friends Arlene and Desiree, the CEO and the CFO of GoGo Gear!    And just look at this one!

That’s Robert Herjavec (one of the sharks), a man who obviously knows a good thing when he sees it!   Ol’ Robert sold his first company for a cool $100 million!    Take a good look at Mr. Herjavac, folks…he’s wearing a GoGo Gear jacket!   Are we smelling a deal here, perhaps?

Friday night.  ABC.  8:00 p.m. (in all time zones).   Hey, I’m in, and you can bet we’ll be watching!


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Riding the booster…

Not much more I can add to this one, boys and girls!  Check this out!

You know, the highest speed they show in the above video is around 2900 miles per hour, which is about 2000 miles an hour faster than a .357 magnum bullet!    Wow!

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