Another use for Amal carbs…

My riding buddy Marty sent this to me…and as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to share it with you on the CSC blog…

That looks to be a place in which I’d like to have a beer…not while I’m riding, mind you, but maybe at the end of a long day…

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Police Motors…

You guys may recall that we offer the CSC-150 in a police version, and we’ve had a lot of fun with that project…

I see my good buddy Jim (the officer above) around town occasionally, most recently when Susie and I stopped in for breakfast at the Red Hill Cafe here in town.

Well, yesterday I had a great conversation with my good buddy Carl (one of our trusted CSC advisors and a great rider).   You remember Carl from the many times I’ve mentioned him here on the blog, and from our photos up on Glendora Ridge Road…

We like Carl a lot, and he feels the same about CSC.   When we spoke yesterday, Carl mentioned how much he enjoys reading the blog and other stuff we’ve written (don’t forget about our Mustang and CSC articles in this month’s Motorcycle Classics magazine), and Carl’s comments prompted me to put another article on the blog…one I wrote just before I crashed my Triumph back in November 2009.  It’s about police motorcycles, and I thought I’d include here in the blog for you to read, too…

These two officers on the cover page are two fellows from the City of San Fernando, and let me tell you, they sure loved their Harleys…

The guys from San Fernando were fun guys to interview, and after the article, they suggested we go outside for a few photos.

In that photo above, I used my wide-angle 12-24 Tokina lens with a polarizer, and it did a good job.   The lens magnifies the motorcycles and the officers, the polarizer really makes the blue sky pop.

Okay, on to the article…

The two officers on BMWs above are from La Verne (CSC’s home town), and they were fun, too.   And the motor officer on the Honda above is my good buddy Jim, who works right here in Upland.  That’s Jim you see on the CSC-150 in this blog’s first photo.

The photo in the upper left corner above?  Well, that one is in San Fernando, and we faked a traffic stop.   I was the fake bad guy.  That’s me on my old Triumph Tiger. 

You know, it’s a funny thing…when we were inside doing the interview, the motor officers were relaxed and casual, and we had a fun conversation.  When they put their helmets on outside, though, they were transformed.  They became Robo Cop.  It was an amazing transformation.  Even though we faked the traffic stop, I felt my heart rate go up. One asked for my registration, and I didn’t know if I had it with me.  Shoot, would I end up with a citation as a result of doing the interview?  I couldn’t find it in my wallet and I went to open my saddlebag, and the other officer already had his holster unbuckled and his hand on his .45 automatic.   “Step away from the bike!” he said.  Wow.  He even sounded like Robo Cop.  I was shaken.   It was pretty wild.   The good news is I found my registration, I didn’t get a ticket, and when they took their helmets off, they were regular guys again.  Wow, again.

Oh, one more thing…the guy in the middle of the above page (the one holding the radar gun) is another La Verne motor officer, and he’s actually the guy who responded to my crash a few weeks later.  I don’t remember anything of the accident (event amnesia, they call it), but I saw his name on the report months later.  Small world.  I wondered if he knew it was me when he watched the first aid guys load me onto the helicopter.

As it turns out, that article struck a nerve.  Motor officers around the country seemed to think I did a good job telling the story, as the following letters to the editor in the next issue state…

I’ve been tempted to get those pages above laminated so that I could carry them around with me just in case I get stopped for a traffic infraction…but I just haven’t gotten around to it, and I don’t know if they would help or hurt my case.

Anyway, that’s it for now. Ride safe, my friends!

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CSC in Toronto

Our folks up in Canada (Clem Ryan and crew) are doing quite well selling CSC motorcycles, and they recently posted a bunch of photos from the Toronto moto show.   Take a look!

Clem, thanks very much for sending these photos our way.   Stay warm and ride safe up there!

The 50%-off sale we announced earlier on CSC accessories is still running, and we are shipping a lot of cool equipment out the door right now.  It ends at the end of this month, so if you want to take advantage of it, you need to act now!

Later, boys and girls…we finally got a bit of nice weather here in So Cal, and I’m going riding!

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Movie Stars…

You gotta just love this photo…Steve McQueen, James Garner, and James Coburn.   I’m guessing it’s from the set of The Great Escape.   What do you think?

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The Long Beach Moto Show – Part 4

More from the Long Beach moto foto series, folks…it’s only been a week since the show, but somehow for me it seems longer. 

I was out of town all last week and I guess staying in a hotel will do that to you.   There sure were some pretty bikes at that show.   Here…take a look…

Those old Indians sure are beautiful.

There were a bunch of classic Japanese bikes…check out the ’79 Honda CBX in the foreground in this next photo…

Take close look at the Vincent in the photo below…it’s a single cylinder!  I didn’t know Vincent made a single…

And how about this Duckster? Ever seen one with all aluminum bodywork like this?

This Ural with a sidecar and its satin orange paint was cool. I think that color would work well on a CSC motorcycle!

This one made me think of our good buddy J…he just picked up his next project – a Honda CX500 needing lots of TLC.  This would be a good role model…it is the most tricked-out CX500 I’ve ever seen!

And how about another shot or two of folks enjoying the CSC booth? 

Well, here you go…my good buddy Spencer is already making plans for when he gets his driver’s license…

And more than a few others had similar ideas…

We’re actually having a cold snap here in So Cal…when I went out to my car yesterday morning, it had ice on it!  Whoa!  We don’t see that around here too often!

Keep an eye on the blog, boys and girls.  Good things are happening in Canada…and I’ve got the photos to prove it!  Stay tuned…

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The Magnificent Mustang Motorcycles!

Here you go, folks…

The Magnificent Mustang Motorcycles

Don’t forget to pick up the print edition, too!

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The Long Beach Moto Show – Part 3

Good stuff today, boys and girls!  I’ll post more photos on the Long Beach moto show below, but first, you gotta check out this link in Motorcycle Classics magazine…

Mustang Reborn:  California Scooter Company

The article Jimbo Cavanaugh and I wrote is going to be in the next issue, so pick up a copy at your local newstand if you’re not a subscriber.  The article will feature a lot of the great Mustangs owned by our good buddy Al Simmons over at Mustang Seats, too, and the photography (if I do say so myself) is great!

The topic from the Long Beach Show today is tank and body art…and without further ado, here are some of those photos…

And here’s one more, showing the kinds of reactions we saw all weekend from the folks who visited the CSC booth…

That’s it for now…stay tuned!

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The Long Beach Moto Show – Part 2

The focus here is on helmet art…just a few quick shots showing some of the interesting brain buckets on display this weekend in Long Beach…

Walking around and taking photos of this stuff was fun…but being in the CSC booth was even more fun.   Take a look at some of our visitors’ reactions!

Gotta scoot right now, folks, but check in a day or two and I’ll have a few more Long Beach photos posted!

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The Long Beach Moto Show – Part 1

Just a quick note today, folks, before I’m back on the road again.  I spent yesterday with Steve and TK at the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show and it was great!  All of our bikes received a lot of attention, but two stood out…the BabyDoll and Steve’s original ’53 Mustang Pony!

The BabyDoll grabbed a lot of attention!

Everyone wanted a shot of themselves on the BabyDoll, and everyone was in awe of Steve’s original ’53 Pony, the bike that ultimately led to the California Scooter Company!

Check out the next issue of Motorcycle Classics magazine for a great story about Mustangs and California Scooter Company!

One of the great things about these shows is that you get to see old friends, make new friends, and you can check out the latest from other manufacturers.    It’s a two-way street with regard to that last comment…the other manufacturers had a fun time checking out our bikes, too!

The smile is real...and it's coming from the folks who know how to let the good times roll!

There were a lot of really cool things to see there, including the star of one of the best movies I’ve ever seen!

The World's Fastest Indian, brought to you by Bert Munro!

And one of the best parts?  Seeing the excitement generated by everyone who visited with us yesterday!

Another generation captivated by the Mustang mystique!

That’s it for now, folks! Keep an eye on the blog…there’s lots more coming from the Long Beach moto show!

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More Secret Mission Stuff…

Well, maybe not that secret, but for sure lots of fun.  Can you tell where this is?

That’s me and my sweetheart in the lower left of the photo above (I’m the guy holding the camera)…and we’re sure having a ball…that photo was taken in front of a monstrous polished stainless steel sculpture.  It was very cool.

I saw an unrestored, original, completely stock Hydra-Glide Harley today and I couldn’t grab a photo of it…I just couldn’t get far enough way to get the bike into the frame. But it sure looked good…

Check out this next location hint…a collection of vintage sewing machines…I shot this photo almost directly across the street from the one above…

That’s it for now…I’m just eager to get back to the world in time for the Long Beach moto show next weekend. If you’re in town, be sure to stop by the CSC booth at the Long Beach Convention Center!

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