Motorcycle Classics and San Felipe

Every time I read the latest issue of Motorcycle Classics magazine, I wonder how they possibly can make the next one better….and then they do!

The Rumarosa Grade on the way to San Felipe.  Check out the car wrecks down in the rocks.

Folks, I’m not saying that just because I write many of the Motorcycle Classics “Destinations” pieces…I say it because of all the other articles and photographs this great mag features in every issue.   Landon Hall, Richard Backus, Margie Siegel, and all of the other great folks at MC really do an outstanding job.  If you’re not a subscriber, you should be.   And if you’re into CSC motorcycles and Mustangs (and hey, if you weren’t, why else would you be reading this blog?), make sure you see the stories Jim Cavanaugh and I did on both the original Mustangs and the California Scooter Company!

That photo above is the Rumarosa Grade, a series of nightmarishly fun twisties in Baja on the way to San Felipe.  It’s a great weekend getaway, and it’s the featured destination in the current issue of Motorcycle Classics.   I’d like to get a group together to do it on California Scooters sometime in the near future.   Anybody want to ride along?

I had a nice phone call from my good buddy Indiana James last night.   You’ll recall the custom CSC-150 Steve, Lupe, TK, and the rest of the crew put together for him…

The Indiana James custom CSC Greaser…a beautiful bike!

Nice chatting with you, Indy, and thanks for being a loyal CSC rider!

That’s it for now, boys and girls.   I’m going to wash my bike for the big ride tomorrow.   The old gal is a little funky and I want her to shine when I ride with the rest of the group!

The Baja Blaster…the old gal is getting a bath today!

Stay tuned, because I’ll have some great photos and video for you in another day or two!


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It’s going to be fun, folks…the forecast is for sunny and warm weather down here in the valley, and that means it’s going to be crisp and clear up in the San Gabriel Mountains!

You bet...this is where we're going to roll!

We’ll have a nice turnout, too, with more than a few folks coming from different parts of the CSC kingdom for this ride. Don’t be surprised at some of the folks you’ll see on the blog following the ride.

If you haven’t made plans and you’re free Friday, be sure to show up at the Azusa plant by 9:00 a.m. Friday morning.

Wow, this is going to be a great ride!


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…and one more…

This popped up in my search, too…it’s either a 400cc or 500cc/550cc Honda four engine in a Mustang.     Whoa!

We don’t get to hear the engine run in this puppy, but I’ll bet it is awesome.

More food for thought, folks!


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Another interesting Mustang project…

Yep, here’s another…this fellow put an old 250cc single-cylinder BSA engine in a Mustang…

Of course, today you could skip all of the above and simply pop for either a new 250cc P-51 California Scooter or the P-51 upgrade kit.    And if you did that, you wouldn’t have to cut up a vintage Mustang motorcycle and you’d have a fully street legal, electric start, modern motorcycle!

The bike in that video above is nicely done, though.   Our compliments to the guy who engineered it!


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Hmmm…who will be the first?

Saw this on YouTube and it got me to thinking….

Triumph engines are getting pretty hard to find, and when you do find them, the collectors are willing to pay a premium.   But I wonder…what about a Suzook GS500 engine?   500cc, twin carbs, air cooled, more power than the Triumph engine, and lots of those Suzukis are out there….

Hmmmm….it might be time to visit a salvage yard with a tape measure and a checkbook…


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A $218K VW….

Well, not exactly this particular one, but 23-window VW vans are the holy grail, and that’s what a 23-window recently sold for at the Barrett-Jackson auction.

When I pulled into the parking lot at the CSC plant the other day, I saw this one leaving…

Wow, was I ever disappointed…I missed something that rare by a minute.    

Steve told me the 23-window VW bus you see above belongs to our good buddy Ray, who lives not too far from the plant.   Ray buys parts from the VW accessories side of our Pro-One business line, and he’s a great customer.  

“But I missed getting photos,” I said.

“No problem, Joe,” said Steve.   “I grabbed a few and I’ll email them to you.”

These things are really cool, folks.    And Steve, thanks for grabbing the photos!


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Company ride this Friday!!!

I’m ready for  it!   It will be a great one, folks….and I was out scouting around today to check on the route…

We hope you’ll be able to ride with us.   We’ll be leaving the plant at 9:00 a.m. and heading for the hills through some of the most scenic riding in California.   Lunch will be at the Mt. Baldy Lodge.   Plan on being out for about 5 hours, and show up with a full tank of gas!

See you on Friday!


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The Von Dutch XAVW, Simon, and Doug…

This was one of those mornings when I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and knew I was wide awake.  No sense trying to roll over and continue sleeping when that happens, so I got up, made a cup of coffee, and fired up the old television.  The choices were watching the talking heads scream at each other on the political shows, cartoons, lions catching and eating stuff on the National Geographic channel, or DVR-recorded American Pickers reruns.   Hmmmm…no contest there.   So I clicked on Mike and Frank poking through other folks’ stuff and whoa….check this out!

The Von Dutch XAVW as seen on the American Pickers TV show

Yep, it was the show where the boys found Von Dutch’s old XAVW….a Volkswagen motor in a conjured-up motorcycle all topped off by an original Honda 450 black bomber gas tank!   And somehow, with the Von Dutch pin striping, it all just sort of melded together into something that just flat worked!  

There’s lots of stuff on the Internet about the XAVW, and one of the neatest things is that this bike now resides at the National Motorcycle Museum in Anamosa, Iowa.   That’s near and dear to me because I wrote an article about the National Motorcycle Museum for Motorcycle Classics magazine a couple of years ago.   Trust me on this….if you’re ever in that part of the country, you need to visit the National Motorcycle Museum.

Our good buddy Doug over at Starside Designs does our custom painting.   He’s today’s edition of Von Dutch, and his artistry is right there.   I rode over to Doug’s shop with Steve a couple of days ago.  

Doug Starbuck of Starside Designs

Doug is doing several custom paint jobs for us right now…a turquoise-and-white P-51, a custom Military Series bike, and another one in the green-and-yellow theme we call the farm bike (you know…nothing runs like a CSC).   All cool stuff, and when those are done, I’ll show you photos of them here on the blog.

More cool stuff…my dear friend Simon Gandolfi just recently completed his moto journey in India.   You can follow reports about his trip on Facebook or in the UK newspaper The Guardian.   Simon’s posted some great shots, and my favorite is this one…

Simon Gandolfi, somewhere in India, proudly wearing a California Scooter Company T-shirt

Very impressive riding, Simon, and thanks for the great ride reports.

That’s about it for this Sunday morning, folks.   I’m going to install the bolt and spacer I picked up from Steve yesterday on my CSC motorcycle and get out for a putt a little later.

Ride safe, everyone.



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Ah, a play on words…you really didn’t think I’d use foul language on the blog, did you? 

The real deal...or a dam fake?

I spotted this photo on our good buddy Cyril Huze’s motorcycle blog with my morning coffee earlier today.   Cyril’s blog is one of the best motorcycle blogs in the world, and if you’re not following it, you owe it to yourself to take a look.  

So, back to the photo…it shows a Chinese guy riding across the top of a dam, and because it’s a Chinese motorcycle photo, it’s the obligatory pose showing an entire family clinging on to the bike for dear life.  I don’t know if it’s real or if it’s been Photoshopped, but a few minutes of research shows that it’s all over the Internet. If it is a Photoshopped photo, a lot of folks bought into it.

But whether or not the photo was faked isn’t what grabbed my attention. Nope, that was something altogether different.  When I was a kid growing up back in New Jersey (a very rural New Jersey in those days), I did almost the same thing.  I didn’t ride a motorcycle across a dam, but it was a local challenge to take off your shoes and socks and walk across the dam at the “Old Mill” (there had been a mill there decades ago that burned to the ground, but the dam remained).

A couple of years ago, I stopped at the Old Mill and grabbed a photo…yep, it’s still there…

The scene of the crime...the Old Mill

Those were fun times.   The Old Mill was a few miles from my house, and the big adventure when we were kids was to ride our Schwinns to it (wow, I wish I still had that bike!) and generally fool around when we got there.    Walking across the top in your bare feet was exciting.  The water was only about 4 inches deep as it rushed over the top, but that top was coated in algae and it was slick!   And 4 inches of rushing water carried a lot of power.   Pauly, Zeb, Verny, my cousin Bobby, and me…those were grand times for youngsters back in the day, riding our bikes and pretending they were motorcycles.   My Schwinn had chrome fenders, and I used to imagine it was a BSA 650 Lightning.   Fun times, like I said.  Hard to imagine it was over a half century ago.

And speaking of my cousin Bobby…I looked around for a handy photo of him and the only thing I had quickly available was the coffee cup in front of me.   Bobby was out here about 18 years ago, I snapped a photo of us by my Harley, and I had one of those shopping mall kiosks put the thing on a coffee mug…

Bobby and yours truly on my favorite coffee cup

Sorry for the poor image quality…when you get one of those mugs made they tell you not to put it in the dishwasher.  I don’t do too well with rules.   I guess you can see that in the dishwasher-faded image above.

Bobby’s about 5 years younger than me, and we were thick as thieves when we were kids.  So how does all of this figure into that photo Cyril published with a dam?   Well, here goes…

When we were kids, my Dad had one cardinal rule I probably heard the first day I was born and at least weekly from that day forward.   It was simple:  Never mess with firecrackers.  

Dad lost two fingers when he was a kid fooling around with firecrackers cutting them up to pour the contents into a pipe to make a bigger firecracker.   You know the nutty things kids do.   The result was a spontaneous ignition and when it was all over, my Dad had two fewer fingers.   Hence, the constant drumbeat:   Don’t mess with firecrackers.

Well, you can guess where this story is going.  I couldn’t wait to mess with firecrackers.   One day, Bobby, my friend Verny, and I rode our bikes to the Old Mill, and what do you know, Verny had a whole bunch of firecrackers in his saddlebag.  Wow.  The forbidden fruit.   He even bought matches.   Boy oh boy, was that fun…lighting the things and throwing them out over the water.   Bam!    Bang!  Pow!  It was like being in a Batman TV show.   Awesome fun.

Boys will be boys, and Bobby was the youngest.   It wasn’t too long before Verny and I were lighting the things and throwing them at Bobby.    We were all laughing and having a good old time.   Even Bobby.   He thought it was fun, too.  Right up until the time one of the firecrackers landed in his collar, right behind the back of his head.  To this day, I can still see it.   It seemed to happen in slow motion…the little inch-and-a-half Black Cat slowly tumbling through the air, its fuse sparkling, and then lodging for a second in Bobby’s collar.  And then…BOOM!

All laughter stopped at that point.   Bobby froze, not making a sound after the detonation.   The firecracker literally blew all the hair off the back of his head.   It looked like an orangutan’s butt…bright red and bald.

Bobby came through it okay.   Me, not so much.  I knew what would happen when my Dad saw this.   It was a death sentence.   Verny knew, too.   Wow, were we ever in trouble.

So after we all calmed down, we came up with a plan.   Maybe if we gave Bobby a haircut, it wouldn’t look so bad.  Yeah, that’s the ticket.   A quick trim and no one would notice.   Ah, if stupidity were only money…I’d be the richest man in the world.

We rode our bikes over to Verny’s house, found a couple of scissors, and went to work.   After a few minutes, we realized what a sorry state we were in.   Instead of just looking like a kid who had all the hair blown off the back of his head by a firecracker, Bobby now looked like…well, a kid who had all the hair blown off the back of his head by a firecracker who had a really bad haircut.   We were cooked.

All three of us rode to Bobby’s house, where my Uncle Herman (my Dad’s brother) took all of this in.  Herman had been there when Dad had the accident that cost him his fingers (which, when I think about it, would have been about 80 years ago now).   Uncle Herman knew what the outcome would be if my father ever found out about what we had done…I wouldn’t have made it to adulthood, and you wouldn’t be reading this blog.   Herman did me a whale of a favor…he and Bobby stayed away from our house until Bobby’s hair grew back.   Herman, you’ve been gone for decades now, but trust me on this…I’m still grateful!

So, that’s my dam story (with, as you’ll notice, no “n”), and it was set in motion by Cyril’s blog.

I’m headed over to the Scooter plant this morning, folks.   After more than 3 years of hard riding on my CSC 150 (the old Baja Blaster), a bolt finally vibrated off the bike.   I’ll be picking up a new bolt and Loctiting it in place later this afternoon, and then I’ll have my knees in the breeze again.  That ain’t too bad…one bolt in 3+ years of hard riding all over California and Mexico.   On my Kawi, stuff falls off a lot more often than that, and when I had that old Harley (the one you see on the coffee mug above), bolts and other stuff fell off on nearly every ride.

The Baja great running and long riding CSC 150!

Later, my friends…ride safe and stay tuned…and don’t mess with firecrackers!


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The B-36 – gearhead heaven!

Wowee!   My good friend Jerry just sent this link to me shot from the flight engineer’s seat on a B-36…

I knew all of my gearhead friends would enjoy this…

This is a 360 panorama of the flight engineers station on a B-36: Six reciprocating R-4360s and four J-47 jets to keep an eye on, plus fuel, pressurization, hydraulics, electrical, and other systems.  Steam gauge heaven……. 


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