A promotion?

That’s what we’re hearing…and it involves jumping from being a Sergeant and making the leap all the way up to Captain!


Could it be true?

Keep an eye on the blog and we’ll see!


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The Jersey shore…

No, I’m not referring to the latest mindless reality TV show that made the rounds a while back (and yes, I know the phrase “mindless reality TV show” is redundant)…

I’m actually out here at the Jersey shore today…on another secret mission with Susie and we stopped to visit my sister Eileen (and no, I’m not referring to the play of the same name…I actually have a sister named Eileen)…


Cool stuff…the weather’s not too bad, but the pollen count is through the roof and anybody who ever had hayfever (and that’s me) is feeling its effects.   It’s okay, though.  I’m having good time…not the least of which was stopping in at a bookstore and finding our story with Wheelie Nelson in this month’s issue of Motorcycle Classics on the stands…


There’s something undeniably cool about seeing an article you wrote on your favorite subject and your favorite motorcycle company in your favorite motorcycle magazine actually on the stands…

That’s it for today, boys and girls…we’re going for out for a great Italian dinner tonight, and trust me on this, no one has better Italian food than New Jersey…not even Italy.   I know because I’ve been to both places.   Rome has all the statues.   New Jersey has all the great chefs.

I’ll be back in the saddle (that is to say, So Cal and my CSC motorcycle) tomorrow evening, so watch for more good stuff right here on the CSC blog.


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Here’s another one I wanted to sneak into the blog before heading out the door…it’s a photo that’s making the rounds on Facebook….


Can you spot the KLR 650 in this photo?

I don’t know if those are our boys (the vehicle doesn’t look familiar to me), but I know our Marines use a specially-modified version of the Kawasaki KLR as a recon vehicle.   There’s an outfit in Hesperia that makes the conversions (that’s not too far from us), and in the process they install a diesel 650 engine instead of the KLR’s gasoline engine.  Our military doesn’t like to use gasoline for anything.   From a logistical perspective it’s easier to run everything on diesel…even motorcycles.    And, gasoline catches fire too easily.   Our military likes using diesel fuel because it is tough to light off.   I used to work in the bomb business, and designing a munition that can start a fire when it hits diesel fuel requires adding zirconium to the explosive.    Interesting stuff.

Speaking of which, here’s a YouTube video on the Marine KLR…

From what I’ve read about that USMC diesel KLR, I understand it can climb walls even at idle (diesel engines have tons of torque).   We won’t be adding a diesel to the CSC line any time soon (as in probably never), but it’s cool stuff to think about.


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A family resemblance…

Two Mustangs and a CSC motorcycle…can you see the heritage?


Lots more coming up, folks…including more info on vintage Mustangs.   I’m “wheels in the well” tomorrow on another secret mission, so it may be a day or two before I can post again…or it may not be.   We’ll see what kind of Internet access I have!

Hey, did you know that we are coming up on our 1000th blog post?   We’ll probably hit that milestone this month or next, so stay tuned!


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Cool wheels, tight groups, and neat watches…

Steve and the crew have a couple of really cool Sarge P-51 bikes in production this week…one headed for Texas and the other for Colorado.   We’ll post photos when the bikes are done, but I wanted to share a sneak peak with you…the Colorado bike has the OD treatment applied to the wire wheels, too, and it really works…


Before I went out to the plant, I dropped by the rifle range early today.  I’m trying different loads in my old Russian rifle and I’m setting another one up for a friend.   One load really worked well…


You don’t get groups like that too often.   It’s especially cool when you can do it with an 84-year-old rifle manufactured in 1930!

My $37 Casio Dive Watch

My $37 Casio Dive Watch

And speaking of stuff made in 1930, my friend Jack was out at the rifle range this morning celebrating his 84th birthday!  Yep, he was made in 1930, too!

Jack’s buddy Ray was helping him a bit, and Ray asked if I wanted a brownie.  It wasn’t exactly a question I was expecting early in the morning on the rifle range, and while I was pondering it, Ray said, “Hey, I like your watch!”

Funny how things work out.   The watch is a Casio diver’s watch I’ve been considering for a long time, and when Amazon put it on sale for just $37, I pulled the trigger.  That was last week.   I’ve been wearing it ever since, and Ray noticed it this morning.

It turns out Ray’s a watch guy.  I am too, but I think Ray’s collection is a lot more advanced than mine.   Ray showed me his watch (a real unique thing made in Russia).   I should have probably grabbed a photo of it, but I didn’t think of it until now and I didn’t have my camera with me at the time.

There were a bunch of us geezers on the range this morning, and that’s kind of a cool thing.  On a Tuesday morning, the folks who are out there are mostly retirees, and some of those old boys have some pretty nice guns and some pretty good stories.   I like hanging around those old guys and hearing their stories.   They’re good people.

Anyway, Ray, Jack, and yours truly celebrated Jack’s 84 years on this planet this morning with brownies and coffee, and it was great.

That’s it for now, folks.   Stayed tuned…we’ll have more coming at you!


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Social climbers…

That might be one title…another might be When Roll Bars Matter. Folks, this is a second video my good buddy Marty forwarded to me, and I immediately thought you might like seeing it, too…

Wow. Cool stuff to watch, but no way I would ever attempt something like this.

Keep the shiny side up, my friends.


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A steaming video….

Happy May, boys and girls.    We’ve been hearing about the horrible weather in the Southeast and we hope all of our friends out there are safe.   It’s been hot here (as in 95 degrees), and our fire season has already started with the big fire out in Cucamonga (the next town over).   When we get these mega forest fires, you can smell it miles away.   Hopefully our firefighters will get it under control in the next day or so.

So, about the steaming video…it’s actually a video about the world’s first steam-powered motorcycle…

No, we’re not coming out with a steam-powered Mustang any time soon.    It’s an interesting video, and my thanks to my good buddy Marty for sending it to me.

Ride safe, folks!


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Baja Blast, the Book of Mormon, and more…

Imagine my surprise at seeing this drink at Taco Bell….


Who knew?    Those Mountain Dew folks copied the name I’ve given to my very own super scooter, the Baja Blaster…

I christened my bike with that name after running with the crew all the way down to Cabo and back.   What a trip that one was!   And that marker above?   It marks the Tropic of Cancer, just north of La Paz.   In case you missed the story about our Baja run, you can read about it right here.

So, the rest of today’s blog title…the Book of Mormon.   Allow me a moment to go into my Siskel and Ebert mode.   I ordinarily wouldn’t do this here on the blog, but this play was such an abomination I believe warning folks about it amounts to a public service announcement.   It’s a play that’s been getting rave reviews, and after having seen it yesterday, I’m convinced that the reviewers are demented sheep following the lead of other even more demented and depraved sheep.   If you have any thoughts of seeing it at all, please take a hard look at what’s in this thing before shelling over your hard-earned cash.   The bottom line?   It’s the worst play I’ve ever seen.  It’s an insult to Mormons and anyone else with any brains at all.   Pure filth, and not worthy of anyone’s time.   How something like this passes for entertainment is beyond me.   If you’re tempted to see this bit of garbage, flush your ticket money down the toilet and save the cost of the gasoline you’d use getting there.  Okay, rant over…

Back to the good stuff….more riding and writing coming up…so keep an eye on the blog!


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Check out this nice note TK received from our good buddy Carol…

Hi TK.

I just want to thank you again for going above and beyond for me.  My experience ordering a bike from you was excellent.

Attached is a picture of “Ruby” next to my Mazda “half cage” : ). I am so happy with Ruby. We fit each other perfectly.


Ruby is my first motorcycle. My husband and I recently took the MSF course and got our licenses.   Motorcycling is our newest adventure together.  Richard (my husband) has two bikes, a 1982 Honda Silverwing that he wants to restore, and a 2009 Honda Shadow Aero (pictures attached).



I started out practicing on the Shadow but found it  to be too much bike for me. Ruby is perfect. Light, not at all intimidating and very easy to ride.  Not to mention way cool : ).  We’re going to enjoy all sorts of riding adventures now.

Thanks again and you’ll probably be hearing from me very soon. Ruby needs some accessories.


Thanks for sending your kind words and photos to us, Carol.

Ride safe and enjoy your new motorcycle!


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Motorcycle Classics

So I’m relaxing here at home watching American Pickers.   Mike and Frank are digging up a buried Indian motorcycle in Springfield, Massachusetts, and it’s one of the best episodes I’ve seen so far.   As I’m watching this, I’m thinking to myself…this is good stuff.   How could life possibly get any better?

Well, I have an answer for that….the postman just dropped off my new edition of Motorcycle Classics magazine!   And every time I get a new one, I wonder:  How could they possibly make this issue better than the last one?    I think that every time I get a new issue, and every time, Landon and the boys in Kansas out do themselves.   Well done, guys!   And you know what….check out what’s on the last page as their “Parting Shots” story!



This is good stuff, folks….

If you want to see vintage Mustangs, CSC is the place to be.  And if you want the 21st century version of these iconic bikes, CSC is the right ride.   And if you want to receive the world’s best motorcycle magazine written by and for guys and gals like us, Motorcycle Classics is your magazine (and you can subscribe right here)!

Ride safe, my friends….and no wheelies!


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