What makes you an adventure biker…

I came across this earlier and had a good laugh or two while reading it:

What makes you an adventure biker





As I was reading that list, I repeatedly thought to myself “yep, done that.”    See what you think.

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Another cool campus bike…

I spotted this one while I was walking around the campus today…it’s a reclaimed KZ1000P Kawi police motorcycle…


You still see these old police Kawasaki motorcycles around, sometimes in private security services escorting funerals and sometimes converted to civilian use like the one above.

I always wanted one of those police Kawasakis.   I have no idea why, although I suspect maybe this show I used to watch a few years ago has something to do with it…

Even though Kawasaki is no longer in the KZ1000P business, you sometimes see these bikes still in police service.  Here’s one I photographed just a few years ago in Prescott (one of my all time favorite cities)…


You might be wondering…what has any of this to do with CSC and the RX3?   Well…


I saw the police version of the RX3 last December when I visited Zongshen.   I’m going over there again in a couple of weeks.


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RX3 Locator Map

One of the guys over on the China Riders board started a location map for RX3 owners.  It’s pretty cool, and you can even specify the color of your bike.   I just added my location, and you can find the map here.  You don’t want to give your exact location (no sense making it easy for the bad guys), but if you put your general location it will give all of you an idea where other RX3 riders are located in the United States.

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The Rock Store, BMW, Rob’s inputs, and more…

You know the feeling…you’ve got a motorcycle ride planned and you’re looking forward to it.  Gathering your gear, pushing the motorcycle out of the garage, suiting up, and riding to link up with your amigos.   I’ve got the feeling right now, and I’m looking forward to Sunday morning.   It’s going to be a grand ride to the Rock Store.  I love that place.

I’ve seen some pretty impressive bikes at the Rock Store, and some extremely impressive people, with none other than Jay Leno being at the top of that list.   What I especially like about Mr. Leno is that he is a nice guy and he is totally unpretentious.   He arrives on a motorcycle without an entourage, he’s always surrounded immediately by people wanting autographs and photos, he’s always accommodating when that occurs, and after 15 minutes of satisfying the demands of his admirers, he’s just one of the guys taking it all in.   I grabbed this photo of Jay and my buddy Dave Walker a few years ago, and he was joking with us the entire time.   He’s a cool guy.

I like the crowd at the Rock Store.   And I like the photo ops.   I’ll bring back some photos and put them on the blog.

I had dinner with the bosses last night, and the conversation turned to the profile of our typical CSC RX3 buyer.   We decided that there is no such thing as a typical buyer…you folks are as varied as they come.  Male, female, young, old, new rider, more experienced rider, affluent, not so affluent…we’re all over the map.  But one thing was extremely interesting…about half of our RX3 riders own other motorcycles, and most of those are BMWs.  It seems that a lot of folks who are buying the RX3 are BMW riders.

Part of it, I think, is that the RX3 is not an intimidating motorcycle.   I read an online comment by a guy who owns a GS1200A the other day seeking inputs on the RX3, and the gist of it was this:  He owns a GS1200 that he is making payments on, but everything is so expensive and the bike is so big, tall, and heavy that he is afraid to take it off road.   We understand that, and we hear it a lot.  It’s interesting and in a way, sad…folks drop $25K+ on an adventure bike, and then for a variety of reasons they don’t want to take it off road.   Some folks do, but a lot don’t.   The standard joke is that the most likely place you’ll find a GS is parked in front of a Starbucks.


Don’t get me wrong…BMW is a first rate outfit and they make a world class motorcycle.   But the comparisons and the connections with the RX3 keep coming.

  • We’ve been told that the cost of a set of aluminum bags for the GS costs about the same as our entire RX3.
  • I mentioned what the guy at Overland Expo told me a couple of weekends ago…the headlight for a GS costs about $1500.   Buy a couple of those and you’re within spitting distance of what an entire RX3 costs.
  • I know from when I wrote my book about police and military motorcycles that a clutch replacement on BMW police bikes is north of $1200 (and for the police bikes, that’s not covered on the warranty).   Due to the demands the boys in blue put on their bikes, clutch replacements are frequent.   Three clutch replacements on a BMW and you could have a new RX3 with a hundred bucks left over.

You get the idea.

Another connection to the BMW world…in the very near future we’ll be announcing our new CSC service manager, and he comes to us from a career spent managing BMW service organizations.  Stay tuned for more info on that.

More good stuff…our good buddy Rob sent us some great shots of his recent RX3 ride.  First, the video…

And a few shots of Rob’s RX3 up on Rowher Flats…




Rob, thanks for the great camera work!

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you Sunday morning.  We’ll arrive at the Rock Store about 8:00 a.m., and if you want to ride out there with us, be at the CSC plant no later than 7:00 a.m.

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This Sunday morning: The Rock Store


That’s where we’re headed, leaving from the CSC plant in Azusa at 7:00 a.m. and arriving at the Rock Store in the hills above Malibu around 8:00.    Show up on your RX-3 and Steve’s buying breakfast!   We’ll hang out for a while, shoot some photos and maybe a video, and then we’ll ride down to the Pacific Coast Highway for a short run up to Neptune’s Net for a light seafood lunch and a few more photos.

The Rock Store is So Cal’s iconic Sunday morning moto hangout….you can read more about it by clicking here.   It’s going to be a great ride and we’re looking forward to seeing you there!

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Happy birthday, young man…

And that young man would be Clint Eastwood.   Mr. Eastwood’s birthday is today, and he’s 85.   I always liked that guy, starting with his appearances in the weekly western, Rawhide, as Rowdy Yates, through all of the Dirty Harry movies (the first one got me hooked on the Smith and Wesson Model 29, and I’ve owned one ever since), and all of his later work (which just kept getting better and better).

Mr. Eastwood is no stranger to motorcycles, and he seems particularly partial to British vertical twins.   Check out these Nortons…


That first photo above was shot during a break in Where Eagles Dare, an all time favorite World War II movie.   That’s a Norton P-11 750cc “Scrambler” with low pipes…in its day, it was the hardest accelerating motorcycle in the world.




Triumphs were a favorite, too, as these shots from Coogan’s Bluff and elsewhere show…





Here’s Mr. Eastwood on another Triumph, done up in the San Francisco PD livery.   It was used during  the filming of Magnum Force, and if you were really paying attention, you noticed that the motor officers were using Moto Guzzis until the aircraft carrier scene, where the more nimble Triumph was necessary.


Mr. Eastwood even shot a scene or two on a Harley, including one in another great movie, The Eiger Sanction.   I don’t think the shot below is from that movie, but you get the idea…


And of course, Any Which Way But Loose


So the question is:  At 85, does he still ride?   I don’t know.   But I’m going to send Mr. Eastwood an email this week.   Seems there’s an RX3 here he might look pretty good on…

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Ever feel like going for a longer ride?

You know, maybe something longer than just a run into the mountains?   Maybe even longer than a weekend?

Hubert Kriegel did.   He’s been on the road for 10 years now.   You gotta check this out…


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A glorious ride home…

Just a few photos from the D3300 showing my commute home today through the San Gabriel Mountains…






My next big ride is going to be to Laughlin, probably through Amboy.   There are lots of photo ops out that way.

My RX3 is running great.   I am loving that bike more and more every day.

Tough duty, I know…

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Peter and Sasi…

One of our very first CSC RX3 buyers was my good friend Peter, who knows a good deal (and a great motorcycle) when he sees one.   Peter is a high-level aerospace industry exec, and he and his beautiful wife Sasi have been doing a lot of traveling lately, so it wasn’t until today that they picked up their new RX3.    The bike looks great, and so do they!


Peter doesn’t live too far from me, so it’s a safe bet you’ll be seeing more of him here on the blog.   I can guess we’ll be riding the San Gabriels and more.

Like we always say…stay tuned!

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Don’t try this at home, kids…

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