

Take a good look at that photo, folks….it’s our new super-stopping front disk brake!

Yep, we’ve listened…the front brake is one of the very few things folks said could be improved on the RX3, and that’s exactly what Steve and the wonder works boys have done!

The new front rotor is 11.5 inches in diameter (the same size rotor that stops a 900-lb Harley-Davidson) and 5mm thick (compared to the stock rotor at just 4mm).   The complete front brake upgrade includes the rotor, all mounting hardware (yes, you get new rotor bolts), DP sintered brake pads (wow!), a 6061-T6 aircraft-quality aluminum machined caliper mounting bracket, and tons of stopping power.  I rode that puppy yesterday (the one you see in the photo above), and it’s incredibly strong!

The whole enchilada goes for $299.95, and it will be available in about 30 days.  The disk configuration will be very slightly different than the prototype you see above, and if you want to pre-order to get anything after the very first one, my advice is to get your order in now (you can call us at 909 445 0900).    The very first one already has a home, and it’s on my RX3!

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Colombia, anyone?

My good buddy Juan Carlos and I traded photos before I flew back to California last week, and I’m enjoying viewing them in this cold California weather.   Juan grabbed a more than a few photos of me, and seeing them is an unusual experience.  I’m usually the guy on the other side of the camera.   It’s fun looking at photos of yourself.

Folks, it’s cold here in LaLa Land…colder even than where I grew up in New Jersey.  Weird weather, to be sure…it’s in the 70s back east and it’s been in the mid-30s out here in California.  It’s sure different than the weather I enjoyed during my adventure ride in Colombia…we were in the tropics there, and it was either hot and humid in the valleys or cold up above 13,000 feet.   What a ride that was!  It was one of the best rides of my life, and Juan’s photos are adding to my joyful recollection of it.  Allow me to share just a few with you.

This first photo is a personal favorite.  It was the end of our first day on the road when we rolled right up to the Caribbean (right on the beach…at one point we were actually riding through the sea water as the waves crashed on shore).   That’s Carlos (and no, we don’t share the same barber).


Here’s another two shots I particularly like…it’s me rolling onto (and then off of) the ferry that took us down the Magdalena River to Mompos.   Folks, that was a ride, and it was definitely not easy getting on and off that boat.   I was a little nervous about it (especially leaving the ferry, as the climb off was very steep), but it all went well.  Juan is a master at getting out in front and grabbing these great photos.   Most of the time I didn’t even know I was being photographed.



Another favorite…me playing Rowdy Yates on Rawhide (any of you remember that one?).   Yep, we actually rode about 100 miles on dirt, and at one point, we rode right through a herd of cattle…a very mooooving experience, to be sure…


And just one more…this is another one Juan grabbed of Carlos and me on one of the many dirt roads…


Like I said, it was the ride of a lifetime.   Juan Carlos is the guy who planned the entire thing and he did a magnificent job.  I’ve planned a few big rides in my day, and I know how much work goes into organizing these things.   It’s nice to have someone plan it all, including the routes, the restaurants, the rest stops, the hotels, the photo stops, etc.  I would have never attempted this ride on my own, and if I had, I never would have seen the things I saw during the Colombia adventure.   Juan knows the country, the roads, and the best spots.  It was an amazing adventure.

Many of you have written and expressed your admiration (and perhaps a bit of envy) regarding my 8-day adventure ride in Colombia, and that’s certainly understandable.   I’ll remember this ride as long as I live.   You might be wondering if you’ll ever have a chance to do something like this.

Well, the answer is yes.   Based on the success of this ride, my good buddy Juan Carlos is establishing a tour company to take a very small number of people on similar rides using RX3 motorcycles.   If you would like to know more, let me know, and I’ll get you set up with Juan.

Folks, this ride needs to be on your bucket list.  The RX3 motorcycle is the bike to do it, and (trust me on this) Juan Carlos is the guy you want to lead you around beautiful Colombia.  I’ll be posting more on the blog about Juan’s new touring company in the near future.  In the meantime, if you want to be one of the first to get in on these well-led and very exclusive rides, drop me a line and I’ll hook you up.

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Our latest press release…

…and it’s on the new RX3-P police motorcycle.   You can read it here.


Good stuff, folks.   I spent more time with this awesome new motorcycle today, and it’s a sweet ride.  I love the looks of it.   Keep an eye on our website and on the CSC blog…there will be much more information on this new motorcycle coming your way.

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There’s a great article in Motorcycle Classics magazine this month about Yellowstone National Park, and you can read it here.   Yellowstone was one of the stops on our 5000-mile Western America Adventure Ride.    During our visit to Yellowstone, I caught a cool video of Old Faithful spouting off…and the two voices you hear in the background are yours truly and my good buddy Joe Gresh, who writes for Motorcyclist magazine.

Joe Gresh rode with us for the entire 5,000 miles, and his story on the ride will be in the Jan/Feb issue of Motorcyclist.  I can’t wait to see it.

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A special evening in La Playa de Belem…

During our recent Colombian adventure ride, we spent an evening in La Playa de Belem.  I had several videos from that evening I combined to provide a feel for that special night….one of the best parts that you’ll see about halfway through is a priest sprinkling Juan’s RX3 with holy water.   Enjoy, my friends…

We sure had a great time in Colombia.   It was an awesome adventure.

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The RX3-P

Cool stuff, folks!  These arrived while I was in Colombia, and they are magnificent!

And a few photos to give you an idea just how beautiful these new police motorcycles are…





If you’re an LEO and you think your department might have an interest in a fully-equipped police motorcycle that costs a fraction of the current offerings from BMW, Harley, and the other guys, shoot me an email at jberk@cscmotorcycles.com for more details.

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Back home from Colombia…

Wow, what an adventure!   Zipping around Colombia for 9 days on an RX3 motorcycle with my good buddies Juan and Carlos, a day in the AKT Moto plant, two easy flights (Medellin to Bogota, and Bogota to Los Angeles), and here I am, back in California!

First things first…it’s the 24th of December, and we at CSC want to wish all of you a very merry Christmas.   Enjoy the holidays, my friends.   It’s been a great year.

On my last day in Colombia, we spent the day touring the AKT Moto factory in Medellin.  It was impressive, and not just because of the fact that they make motorcycles there.  I’ve been in and around factories for most of my life.  There are good ones and there are bad ones.   I can tell the difference as soon as I walk in just by looking at the people who work there.   A good plant is one in which people can’t wait to get to work in the morning.  AKT Moto is a good one.  The vibes I felt were all good…AKT is a good place to work and the people there love what they do.   Just like CSC Motorcycles.

Let me start by showing you a quick peek at the AKT Moto assembly line…


151222_2908-650Juan Carlos grabbed the photo below of yours truly with Enrique Vargas, AKT Moto’s General Manager.   Enrique is a genuine nice guy and he’s the real deal.  He rides a different AKT Moto motorcycle to work every day (in Medellin traffic, that’s no small feat), and he races motocross on the weekends.   Enrique is the guy who invited me on this trip, and I had a wonderful time.   It was the ride of a lifetime.


So now I’m home, and I’m already missing the riding, the people, and the scenery in Colombia.   The hardest part of any adventure like this is getting off the bike and not wanting the ride to end.    But that’s okay…it’s less than 3 months until the Baja ride, and I can’t wait to get on the road again!

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Day 8: Sweet Home La Ceja!

Yesterday was our last day on the road.   It was yet another glorious day of adventure riding in Colombia.

The night we spent under the Volcan Nevado del Ruiz was freezing.   It was the coldest night we experienced on this trip.   I had on every layer of clothing I brought with me when we left.  Juan told me not to worry, it would warm up as we descended.   As always, his prediction was right on the money.

I had mixed emotions as we rolled out that morning.  This ride has been one of the great ones, and I am always a little sad on the last day of a major ride because I know it is drawing to a close.   But I am also eager to get home.   This was a magnificent ride, and it  was a physically demanding one.   We experienced temperature extremes, from the humid and sultry tropics to the frigid alpine environment we were leaving.  The riding was simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying.   We road magnificent winding mountain roads, but at times the traffic (especially when we were passing the big 22-wheeled tractor trailer trucks) was unnerving.   My neck was sore, most likely from the stress of this kind of riding.   But it was grand, and riding Colombia is one of life’s grand adventures.

Juan knows all the good spots in Colombia, and he took us to this one where we could grab a few photos with the volcano steaming in the background.


I had to get a shot of the three of us with the bikes, using the D3300’s self-timer.   If we look like three guys (the three amigos) who were having the ride of their lives, well, it’s because we were.


We rode on.   We went through towns, we went through the twisties, and we passed more trucks.  Another day in Colombia, another few hundred miles.  At one point, Juan took us on a very sharp 150-degree right turn and we climbed what appeared to be a paved goat trail.  Ah, another one of Juan’s short cuts, I thought.   And then we stopped.

“This is Colombia’s major coffee-producing region, and we are on a coffee plantation,” he announced when we took our helmets off.  Wow.  I half expected Juan Valdez (you know, from the old coffee commercials) to appear, leading his burro laden with only the finest beans.   It was amazing.  I had never been on a coffee plantation (or even seen a coffee bean before it had been processed), and now here we were.  On a coffee plantation.  In Colombia.  This has been a truly amazing ride.


That big stand of lighter yellowish-green plants you see just left of center in the above photograph is a bamboo grove.   More amazing stuff.

These are coffee beans, folks.  Real coffee beans.


The beans are picked by hand, Juan explained.  It’s very labor-intensive, and these areas are struggling because the world-wide coffee commodities markets are down.

Juan picked a bean and showed me how to peel it open.   You can take the inner bean and put it in your mouth like a lozenge (you don’t chew it).   To my surprise, it was sweet.  It didn’t have even a vague hint of coffee flavor.

As we were taking all of this in, two of Colombia’s finest rolled by.


Juan told me that the police officers in Colombia often ride two up.  I had seen that a lot during the last 8 days.   Frequently, the guy in back was carrying a large HK 7.62 assault rifle or an Uzi.   Colombia is mostly safe today, but that is a fairly recent development.

Vintage cars a big thing in Colombia.   A little further down the road we saw this pristine US Army Jeep for sale.  I thought of my good buddy San Marino Bill, who owns a similar restored military Jeep.


Here’s one last shot of yesterday’s ride…it’s the Cauca River valley.


The Andes Mountains enter Colombia from the south, and then split into three Andean ranges running roughly south to north.  You can think of this as a fork with three tines.   There’s an eastern range of the Andes, a central range, and a western range.   The Cauca River (which we rode along for much of yesterday) runs between the western and central Andes.   The Magdalena River runs between the central and eastern ranges.

Okay, enough geography…we rolled on toward Medellin (or Medda-jeen, as they say over here) and dropped Carlos off at his home.   Juan and I rode on another 40 kilometers to La Ceja (or La Sayza, to pronounce it correctly) to Juan’s home, and folks, that was it.   Our Colombian ride was over.

Like I said above, I always have mixed emotions when these rides end.   It was indeed a grand adventure, and I don’t mind telling you that I mentally heard the theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark playing in my head more than a few times as we rode through this wonderful place.

In the next few days, I’ll post more impressions of the trip.   In a word, our AKT Moto RX3s performed magnificently.   The RX3 is a world-class motorcycle, and anyone who dismisses the bike as a serious adventure riding machine is just flat wrong.   I’ve been riding for over 50 years, and this is the best motorcycle for serious world travel I’ve ever ridden.  Zongshen hit a home run with the RX3.


I’ll write more about the minor technical distinctions between the AKT and CSC versions of this bike, my experiences with the Tourfella luggage (all good), and more in coming blogs.  I’ll tell you a bit about the camera gear I used on this trip, too (a preview…the Nikon D3300 did an awesome job).

Today I’m visiting with the good folks from AKT Moto to personally thank them for the use of their motorcycle and to see their factory.   It’s going to be fun.

More to come, my friends…stay tuned!

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Day 7: Volcan Nevado del Ruiz

A delightful hotel, sweltering heat, more mountain twisties, freezing cold, fog that cut visibility down to 30 feet, dirt roads, riding at 13,576 feet, hot sulfur baths, and a burbling volcano that killed 23,000 people in 1985…all in a day’s ride for us.

The hotel first…it was the Epoque, a great little boutique hotel in Honda that was one of the coolest places (in one of the hottest cities) I’ve ever parked a motorcycle.   It was arranged in a square around a small pool (which we enjoyed immensely the previous night).   Here are a few shots of the courtyard, Juan and Carlos having breakfast, and an antique record player in the dining room…





From there, it was another trials ride following the boys from Medellin as we twisted, turned, climbed, and descended cobbleboulder streets in Honda.   Juan took us to the first bridge to ever span the Magdalena River, where I grabbed this shot of a Colombian woman taking in the humid morning air of Honda…


Here’s the bridge.  It has planks across the bottom as the road surface.   It’s real Indiana Jones stuff….


We saw the Magdalena River museum, and stopped in to check it out.   Folks, it was hot.  I was soaking wet by now, drenched in sweat.

The museum was interesting and it had some bizarre art.   This guy reminds me of a boss I had a couple of decades ago…


The Colombians used steamships on the Magdalena, just like we did on the Mississippi River.


We left Honda and started to climb.  The temperatures dropped mercifully.   We stopped in Fresno.   Yep, Colombia has a Fresno, too.

That’s me in the town square.  I’m the guy on the right.


Two young ladies in a small store in Fresno.


As we were sipping energy drinks, Juan pointed out our destination for that evening, the Volcan Nevado del Ruiz.  It was showing a little steam, and I stuck an arrow in this picture so you could see it.


We continued our climb.  The roads were magnificent.


The photo below shows my front tire, with chicken strips that are about as small as I’ve ever been able to make them.   I was getting better at keeping up with the Colombian motorcycle community.


Our riding positions are Juan, me, and Carlos.   Juan is amazing.  I’m struggling to keep up in the twisties, and I know he’s dialed it back for me.  He’ll ride through the corners (and the roads are all corners, folks) standing on the pegs.   At one point, we were taking a set of curves at speeds way above those at which I would normally ride, with the bikes leaned over at an unimaginable angle, when I looked ahead and saw Juan.   He was standing on the pegs, similarly leaned over, and while all this was going on, he was reaching back to check the latch on one of his saddlebags as if it was the most normal thing in the world to do.   The guy is an incredible rider.

As we continued to climb, we entered the clouds.  Literally.   We left the pavement and got on a dirt road headed up to the volcano.


4,138 meters!  That’s 13,576 feet, and it’s as high as you can go on a motorcycle anywhere in Colombia.   Juan told me he once did this ride on a Yamaha DT100, carrying a passenger on the back!


That’s not dirt on my RX3, folks.  It’s volcanic ash.  This was not your typical motorcycle ride.


Yours truly, posing with Carlos, on the top of the world, on top of a volcano with indigestion.   Wow.   This volcano is the very same one that blew in 1985 and wiped out an entire community.  It was like Pompeii, as the guys explained it to me.   23,000 people lost their lives in that event.  And here we were, riding in conditions where I could barely see Juan’s tail light in front of me, on dirt roads, in bitter cold.  Wow.


Here are a couple of shots showing my helmet and my jacket, dusted with Volcan Nevado del Ruiz ash.



We left the volcano, rode another 20 kilometers on this dirt road, and found our hotel in the middle of nowhere.


The hotel had hot springs, and they were awesome.  I had a good soak, we had dinner, and that was the end of Day 7 on this epic journey.

Today is our last day.  We’re finishing our great circumnavigation and headed back to Medellin.   Much of our ride today will be on dirt.   I’ll take a few shots and post about it tomorrow.

Later, my friends.

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Day 6: Honda

Let me see if I can get this right:   I’m a guy from California riding a Chinese motorcycle in Colombia headed to a town called Honda.   Yep, that was yesterday’s ticket.

We left Villa de Leyva early in the morning, climbed higher into the Andes, and wow, was it ever cold.   Juan Carlos stopped so we could grab a few photos..

151219_2551-650As I was taking in the scenery, this Colombian SUV rolled into the scene…


We next stopped at the point where Colombia was born.  The last battle of the Colombian war of independence (against Spain) occurred right here at this bridge in Boyaga…



The Colombian rebels defeated the Spanish regulars here, and at that point, Colombia was born.   There are a lot of parallels between how Colombia came into being and our Revolutionary War.

Boyaga is actually pronounced “boy-jogga.”   In Colombian Spanish, a y is pronounced  like a j.  So is a double l (as in ll).   A montallanta (a tire repair place) is called a “monta-jonta.”   Interesting.


Following Juan through these small towns was fascinating and taxing.  We’re up in the Andes, and everything is steep.   Juan is incredible…we climb these steep cobblestone streets, cut across some guy’s front lawn, grab a dirt road, pick up a new street, every once in a while (while still riding) he pulls up alongside a guy on horse or a tractor to confirm directions (Juan’s GPS, as he calls it), and we cut across the Colombian countryside.  It’s amazing.  Here’s a sampling of what it looks like, both in the dirt (and there is a lot of dirt riding) and through the small towns…

We hit a last stretch of twisties (a 50-mile stretch) and then we pulled over for a photo of the Magdalena River valley.  Our destination (the town of Honda) is down there somewhere…


Honda is a another steep town.  This street (that’s our hotel, the Epoque, on the left) is a typical super steep Colombian town road.   The road is a one way road…I tried parking the bike facing down hill, but it was too steep.   I thought I could just leave the bike in first gear and kill the ignition, but the street was so steep it pulled the bike through the compression stroke.  That’s why the bikes are facing uphill.   These are unusual riding conditions for me, but totally normal to the Colombians.


Today we’re headed to Santa Rosa de Cabal.   You can read all about it tomorrow morning, right here on the CSC blog!

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