A few quick photos and an update from Rumor Control…

Today was a good day…I spent the morning at the plant polishing up the TT250 Service Manual after riding my RX3 20 miles in a gentle rain.   It was a cold and invigorating ride.  Good times.

I bought my Rx3 in so Gerry could change the oil, do the valves, and generally check things over…


Gerry told me he’s seeing some good results using 20W-50 oil instead of 10W-40, and that’s what went in my bike today.   I’ll let you know how it’s working out after I put a few miles on the bike.

While I was at the plant this morning, it sure was busy.   A fellow stopped in on a KLR and it was a good opportunity to shoot the TT250 next to it to give you a sense of the two bikes’ size…


Oh, hey, something else is cool.  Steve has been working on the TT250 accessories and I watched him checking out a new rack that bolts right up to the existing TT250 platform.   I really like it…



You can place your pre-order for that new aluminum rack now.   They’re going to sell for $79.95, and they’ll also be available in a black anodized finish.   I don’t know if the guys have them up on the website yet, but you can call us at 909 445 0900 on Tuesday to place your order.   Steve told me we’re going to set them up so you can buy the standard RX3 topcase and directly attach it.  My guess is we’ll have more cases available, too.   Keep an eye on the CSC website.

I’m excited about the TT250s coming in.   I’ve probably already told you about a thousand times I’m getting a black TT250.  You can bet I’ll be reporting their arrival here on the blog.  I’m already thinking through the next Baja adventure, and it’s going to be on my new TT250.   It’s going to be fun.

Oh, and one more thing.  There’s been a lot of buzz on the Internet about the rumored Zongshen 450 single.   Guys, that bike is not going to happen any time soon.   My guess is 2018 at the earliest, and that’s if everything goes smoothly.   I’ve ridden the prototype 450, and there’s still a lot of work left to do in finishing it.   We’ll bring the 450 to you when it becomes available, but I’m here to tell you this:  Ignore all the idle speculation and predictions on the forums.   It’s going to be at least a couple of years before the 450 is available.

That’s all for now, folks.  Stay tuned.

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A nice note from Steven…

We received this nice note and several beautiful photos from our good buddy Steven up in northern California a day or so ago…

Hello Joe and Company,

Here are some photos I’d like to share with you. It is amazing the bewildered responses we get at rest stops from motorcycle enthusiasts  about our RX3. Common reactions are, “it’s a 250? And it’s made by whom?”  In all, the vibes I get from them are pretty positive. I’ve been happy so far with my RX3. Keep up with the great work and keep blogging away.







When I saw Steven’s photos, I recognized the area…it’s along the Pacific Coast Highway and the bridge you see is the historic Bixby Bridge.  It’s magnificent country and amazing riding.  The thing I noticed right away, though, were the decals on Steven’s fuel tank.  I sent a note asking for permission to use Steven’s photos on the CSC blog, and to learn more about the decals.   Here’s what Steven told me…

The decals on my fuel tank are stickers of my Local Union 230 San Jose Fire Fighter and the other sticker is in memory of our fallen brothers 343 Firefighters of New York City from 9/11. You may certainly use the photos I have sent to you on the blog.  Thank you.

Those are great photos, Steven.  We’re glad you are enjoying your RX3, thank you for sending the photos to us, and thank you for your service!

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12 cool wheels…

Well, I guess it would actually be 15 if you counted the spares.

I saw three super cool cars today, I had my Nikon with me, and I shot a few photos.   Without further ado, here we go…

I stopped for gasoline on the way into the plant, and this magnificent ’61 Lincoln Continental caught my eye.  All black, and it was a convertible.   Leather interior, a monster V8 (gas was about two bits a gallon in ’61), and suicide doors.  Back in 1961, this car probably sold new for around $4,500.  Today, after aging gracefully (like fine wine) for a cool 55 years, it’s easily worth 10 times that amount.   The guy at the gas station told me the owner was selling it.  It’s too rich for me to even consider, but it sure is pretty…








The next bit of automotive exotica is a very cool Alfa Romeo sports roadster.  Mike is a guy who designs accessories for us, and he rolled up in this Alfa earlier today when I was at the plant.   Mike told me it’s a ’73/’74 model, and it’s one of two he owns (he bought this one for parts, but he ended driving it more than the one he is restoring).   What’s cool about this car to me is, well, everything…but what I think is especially cool is it’s being driven.   It’s not driveway jewelry.  I like that.

Check out the classy features on this fuel-injected beauty…








And there’s one more classic car I photographed today.   Every day on my way into the plant for the last week or so, I’ve been eyeing this beautiful black Jag XJR.  It’s at a used car lot and I stopped to check it out.

I always wanted a Jaguar.

When Jaguar offered the XJR new in 2006, I test drove one and I wanted it so bad it kept me up at night.   It had a supercharged V8, and the one I drove had muscle-car oomph.  You know what I’m talking about…when I put my foot in it the thing slammed me into the seat like I was shot from a cannon.   It had the kind of acceleration that makes you worry about snapping the driveshaft.  Acceleration akin to the recoil from a high-powered rifle.  Exciting, exhilarating, and a more than a little scary.   Right on the ragged edge of control.   Fun.  You get it.  Carbon footprint?  Like Bigfoot’s, maybe…

Like I said, I wanted that Jag bad, but it was $70K new back then.  I was thinking through what I could sell to buy that XJR in 2006, and by my calcs I could raise about half the cash.   Then one day I stopped in at another Jag dealer and they had a used one-year-old XJR for which they were asking $35K.   They told me what a great deal it was.  All I heard was that everything I was getting ready to sell would basically cover the first year’s depreciation, and that was enough to let common sense overpower the “you’re-not-really-thinking-this-through” want I was feeling.

And then, this global-warming-be-damned beauty popped up.  Check this out…









That was then, and this is now.   This puppy’s already been depreciated.   It’s under $15K and it only has 73,000 miles.  Wood-grain dash and steering wheel (real walnut, too!).   Leather interior.  Nav system.   Supercharged!  Less than $15K!

What am I thinking?   A used Jag?  Nah, I need something reliable.

I’ll stick with my Zong…

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Almost there…

The ship carrying our new TT250 motorcycles (mine included; I’m getting a black one) is just outside the harbor.    It’s going to dock tomorrow, and then the bikes will start unloading this weekend and early next week.   I’m just as eager to get mine as you are to get yours.  We’ll keep you posted.


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Jury duty…

It happens to all of us, I guess.  I postponed it once for the recent Baja trip, but this time there was no getting out of it.  I’m sitting here in the jury assembly room hoping my juror group will get dismissed, but we’ll see what happens.  If I recall correctly, the last time I was here was perhaps 10 years ago.  The assembly room is the same, but now they have free Wi Fi available, so this blog is coming to you live from the courthouse.

Ah, let’s see…what’s new?   Lots, but not a lot I can talk about yet.   I’ve picked a color for my personal TT250 (it’s going to be a black one, at least initially), and I’ve decided I finally need to wash my RX3.  I’ve owned my RX3 for a year now, and I haven’t washed it the entire time.   I think the bike will be a lot lighter after I wash it.  It’s already the fastest color; after I wash it my Zong will be even faster…










There’s bits of Baja, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, and more on that motorcycle.   It’s time to wash them all away and start with a clean slate.  She’s going in for a service this weekend and I’ll be ready to start all over again.

That’s all for now, folks. Time to hang around and see if my jury group gets called or dismissed.  I’ll keep you posted.

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Cool deals on cool lightly-used wheels…

From time to time we take calls asking about used bikes, and from time to time we get used bikes.  We have three in super-clean condition right now!

The first is a low-mileage RX3 that is very tastefully accessorized…


The orange RX3 you see above has our black CSC handguards, Seat Concepts seats, our aluminum skid plate, the centerstand, heated grips, knobby tires, and our top-of-the-line spotlights.  It’s a sweet ride, and everybody knows orange is the fastest color.

How about this blue RX3?   It’s another super-clean lightly-used RX3…


The blue RX3 you see above has our dash-mounted 5V and 12V power outlets, handlebar risers, and our aluminum skidplate.

Oh, and there’s one more…my trusty 2006 KLR 650.   My KLR is completely stock except for Shinko tires and Kawasaki’s accessory softbags.   It doesn’t look like a KLR…it’s clean!   And all of the services have been kept up on it, including a recent complete service by Gerry right here at CSC (all new fluids, new chain, carb cleaning, valve adjustment, and more).


If you’re interested in any of these bikes, give us a call at 909 445 090o and ask for Ryan.

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Another cool TT250 feature…

I’m sure most of you already know this, but on the off chance that you did not, here’s another cool standard feature on the TT250…an integral frame-mounted helmet lock…



It’s a nice feature.

I’m putting the final touches on the TT250 Owners and Service Manual, and as I am doing so, I continue to be amazed at just how much comes with this bike.   I’m really looking forward to the bikes arriving here.   I know you are, too.

Hang in there, guys and gals…

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A cool TT250 feature…


The CSC TT250 has a cool ignition lock feature I’ve never encountered before.    It has a locking cover to protect to the ignition switch.

The ignition switch operates conventionally.  You insert the key into the ignition and turn it clockwise to turn on the motorcycle.


When you want to turn off the motorcycle, you turn the ignition switch counterclockwise.  If you wish to lock the forks, you turn the forks to the left, push the ignition key deeper into the switch, and turn it further counterclockwise to lock the forks.

After removing the key, you can manually operate the OPEN/SHUT lever.  Pushing the OPEN/SHUT lever from the OPEN to the SHUT position will mechanically actuate a door that closes, preventing access to the switch.


Note the cover that slid into place over the ignition switch.


You can use the motorcycle key to open the OPEN/SHUT mechanism to allow access to the switch.   The motorcycle key has a shape molded into the plastic fob.


Insert the molded key fob shape into the receptacle between the ignition switch and the OPEN/SHUT lever and turn it counterclockwise.   This will slide the ignition switch cover away from the switch opening, providing access to the switch.




Like I said, it’s a cool feature. It’s not a technological breakthrough and there’s no rocket science here; it’s just simple, and cool, and it provides a bit of added protection from the elements and the bad guys. I like it.

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Out and about…

Even though it looks like rain is rolling in, I wanted to ride my motorcycle this afternoon….and I have an app for that…





I rode one of my favorite roads this afternoon…Glendora Ridge Road.  I had not been up there for a while and it felt good to ride it again.

There were some cool bikes up there today, including a white Triumph Speed Triple….


I’ve always thought the Speed Triple to be a beautiful motorcycle.  That white one above is a 2008; my lime green S-3 was a 2007.   Here’s a photo of it…

When I owned the Speed Triple, I was amazed at the power it had, but I always felt it wasn’t really usable power in the twisties.  I like a light and responsive bike, and that describes my RX3 perfectly.

Well, today, after stopping and chatting with the Triumph guy for a bit at the intersection of Glendora Ridge Road and Glendora Mountain Road, the white Triumph headed east and I followed.   He was hitting the corners pretty aggressively.   Hmmm, I thought.   I knew he would walk away from me on the straights, but I wondered…

The bottom line?  I’m not wondering now.   If there was any kind of a straight, that Triumph was gone.   But in the corners, he couldn’t shake me, and in fact, when the road stayed twisty, I gained.   That felt good.

That’s all for now, folks.   Stay tuned.   As always, more to follow…

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Mt. Ranier Mark

Our good buddy Mt. Ranier Mark sent this nice note to Ryan with great photos of his RX3, and we thought we would share them with you:

Hello Ryan:

I just placed an order for a few parts and I then remembered the link to purchase Moto Colombia on the CSC blog.  I was wondering if you had copies of Joe’s book in your shop?  If you do could you please include one with my order and adjust the charge on my CC.  I really enjoyed 5K at 8K and look forward to reading Moto Colombia as the weather is changing and riding trips are in the works (the books are an inspiration).

I have included a few pictures of a fun little ride we took last weekend.  Mt Rainier is a short 150+ miles from my house and I have made that ride on every bike I have owned over the years.





Those are great photos, Mark, and we sure appreciate you sending them to us!  The area around Mt. Ranier is beautiful.  Sue and I did that drive in a rental car more than 20 years ago.  I’ve never ridden it on a motorcycle…but one of these days I will.   Thanks again for your kind words and for sharing your experiences with us.   You’ll enjoy Moto Colombia!  I had a lot of fun on the Colombia adventure and I had a lot of fun remembering it as I wrote the book.

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