Good stuff!

I saw one of these videos on the site, and it made me seek out the others.  I’ve captured all four here, folks, and they are great.  Grab another cup of coffee, kick back for a bit, and enjoy…this is good stuff!

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A low key, super deal!

Free shipping for 15!

Whoa, what a deal!   We’ve recently changed shipping companies to bring better prices to you, and as part of that new arrangement, we can ship our next 15 RX3s for free anywhere in the lower 48!   This does not include Canada, Hawaii, or Alaska, but if you are in any of the other 48 states, our next 15 motorcycles are shipping for free!    We could have pocketed the savings ourselves, but we’re passing it on to you.

It’s for 15 bikes only, folks.  I’m anticipating the length of this offer is going to be measured on a wristwatch, not a calendar, so if you want to jump in, now’s the time!

If you’re in the lower 48, and if you want an RX3, act now!

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Newcomb’s Ranch this Saturday!

That’s our Dual Sports and Donuts ride this Saturday, folks!  We’re headed up to the Angeles Crest Highway and Newcomb’s Ranch!   For those of you who may not know anything about the Crest and Newcomb’s, here’s an article I wrote a few years ago on this moto destination…

It’s great riding and it will be under a hundred miles for the entire run.  We’ll leave the plant around 9:00 a.m., pick up the 210 west, and follow it to Glendale, where we’ll pick up the Angeles Crest Highway.  The riding along the Crest is awesome, as is the scenery.   We’ll have a late breakfast/early lunch at Newcomb’s, take in the sights in the parking lot, and then head back to Azusa.   Bring a camera.    We’ll see lots of exotic bikes, and lots of cool license plates.




Drop us a line ( if you’re planning to ride with us on Saturday.  I look forward to seeing you!

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A note from Coleman…

I received this nice note from our good buddy Coleman in Fort Worth last night….

I am Coleman from Fort Worth, Texas.  I’m a musician and longtime landscaper who is now semi-retired.  I sold my last motorcycle – a Honda cruiser — four years ago.  Your 2014 announcement caught my eye, and gave me hope of owning a motorcycle once again.  Since placing an early order for an RX3, I have come through a rough time, but I’m doing better now and I’ve been riding my new RX3.  My motorcycle is still in the break-in period — and love it.  I am getting to know the motorcycle.  I had a great ride today, going the speed limits (without getting into fifth or sixth gears yet, hah-hah).  Today, I posted pictures on Facebook, expecting the haters to start in about “Chinese crap,” but instead found some 60 likes and quite a few positive comments.  Your blog inspires me.


Thanks, Coleman.   We’re glad you’re enjoying your new RX3.   I used to live in Fort Worth and I love the area.   Angelo’s Barbeque, the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, and some of the friendliest people on the planet!   Ride safe and one of these days we’ll get together for a ride!

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The TT Special is moving right along…

We’re 2500 kilometers into the 9000-kilometer EPA US certification test of our latest new motorcycle, and all indications are positive, folks!   I am going to get out on one of our test bikes a bit more this week, I’ll run it through Sheep Canyon, and we’ll keep you posted as this exciting new development moves along.    It’s what I’m spending most of my time on these days!

There will be much more info coming your way when we’re ready to share it, and that won’t be too far down the road.   If you think we generated some buzz with the RX3, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Stay tuned…

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A note from Justin….

I received a note from my good buddy Justin earlier today with a suggestion for a product improvement…

Hey Joe,

I just wanted to share one of my latest mods with you. One of my few annoyances on the bike has been riding at night, the headlight lights up the windscreen like a fiber optic and the whole thing glows.  It’s not critical, but is slightly distracting. You can see my fix in the picture. I masked off the headlight and windscreen and surrounding area and used some Krylon for plastic spray paint to black out the top area of the headlight. No more lighting up at night, it works like a charm, and unless you knew what you were looking for, you would never notice it.

Hope all is well!


I know what you mean, Justin.   The fiber optic effect doesn’t bother me, although I can see how it might.  It’s funny you mention it; I captured the effect on video when we rode up to Yellowstone at 5:00 a.m. on that very cold morning…

Your fix is clever. Folks, note the black edge along the top of the headlight on Justin’s RX3…


Thanks much for sending your headlight mod to us, Justin!

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Tech Days & Ride Days….

Okay, it’s official:  Our Tech Days will be the first Saturday of every month.  We’re starting in November. We’re leaving our ride days loosely defined for now, but our next ride will be this coming Saturday and it will be a great one.

On November 7th, our first Tech Day will be devoted to chain replacement.  It’s going to be more like a moto party than a garage session…good company, good eats, and good times.  If you want to upgrade the chain on your RX3, let us know and we’ll have one in stock for you.  We’re not restricting this to just the RX3…we’ll guide you through how to do it on any bike, and we’d love it if you joined us on the 7th (whatever you’re riding).


Chain replacement…the focus of our first Tech Day!

Just let us know in advance so that if you want us to sell you the chain, we’ll have it for you when you arrive (you can RSVP to us at  We need to know how much lunch to bring in, too, so let us know if you’re going to join us.

Our ace service department manager, Gerry Edwards, will guide you through the process of cutting the old chain off, cutting your new chain to the right length, installing the new chain, and adjusting chain slack and aligning your rear wheel.  We’re going to beam it live, too, if I can teach myself how to use Periscope prior to the event.   Yep, you heard that right…even if you can’t make it to the plant, you can tune in and work along with us to replace your chain at home.  But we’ll have the tools you’ll need to do so and we’ll be here to help you if you visit with us.   One more thing…we’ll have lunch for every one who attends!   Whoa!  Donuts, dual sports, and a free lunch!

Our next company ride will be on October 24th (that’s next Saturday), and it’s going to be to Newcomb’s up on Angeles Crest Highway.   This will be a great ride with lots of twisties along what is arguably the most famous motorcycle road in the world.   We’ll see lots of cool motorcycles and have a great lunch at Newcomb’s!

One thing about Newcomb’s on the Angeles Crest Highway…the place always attracts exotic motorcycles.

I’ll post more details later this week.

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And a nice note from Chase…

Here’s another nice note that just arrived a few minutes ago…

Dear Joe,

My name is Chase. I wanted to talk to you about the RX3 a little. I found the RX3 earlier this year. I thought it was such a nice bike, but just like many others, the Chinese part scared me off and I pretty much just forgot about it. Just recently I have been looking into getting an adventure touring bike. I was originally going to sell my current bike and get one of the big brand big bore adventure bikes. After a while of looking, I just didn’t like the thought of selling my bike when I could just get a cheaper 650cc adventure bike for much less and keep my current bike.

Well apparently Facebook decided to use my search history and a CSC RX3 ad popped up on my Facebook page.  I decided to click on it and look at it once again. Then I stumbled onto the forums and saw that pretty much everyone who had one was extremely happy with it, and most had at least one of the many bikes I was interested in.  I asked them if I they would all pitch in about the adventure bikes they have and see if they had any recommendations.  The few that replied recommended the RX3.  One of the RX3 owners that lives a few hours away from me in Texas offered to ride over to meet me so I could take their RX3 for a spin! I couldn’t believe this! I haven’t taken them up on their offer yet because I am so busy at the moment, but I thought it very generous of them. I figured if they loved the RX3 that much and were pushing it that hard, it must be a good bike. So at this point I was about 70% sure I wanted to get one for myself.

After this I decided to buy your book about the bike. I read through it and now I’m 100% sure that I want the bike. I would almost go as far as saying I need it. Haha! I plan to get one next March. I would get one sooner, but I work as an Instrumentation and Electrical Technician in the oilfield and as you probably know, oil prices aren’t doing so well. I’m hoping the job stability will look a little better by March and then I’ll be ok with spending the money.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how you helped influence my decision to get an RX3, and also let you know I really enjoyed your book. I was also glad to hear that you’re an avid shooter and reloader. Those are both big hobbies of mine as well.



Glad you enjoyed 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM, Chase, and we’ll look forward to seeing you on the road on your RX3.   I hope you’ll be able to join us on one of our CSC adventure rides, too!  Thanks so much for taking the time to write to us.

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A nice note from Schuyler…

I received a nice note from one of our RX3 riders, Schuyler, this morning.  Schuyler rode his RX3 across the US after picking it up in California.

Hi Folks,

4610 miles on L’il Sparky, and a bucket list item checked off. Riding from California to New Hampshire on this amazing little bike. This picture is from one of the “side trips” to the Tail of the Dragon, in Deal’s Gap, NC.

Thanks to all for the help and support,



That’s an awesome photo, Schuyler! Thanks for the note and the photo, and thanks for sharing your adventure with us! We’re glad you are enjoying your RX3.

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Cool videos…

Every once in a while I’ll come across an RX3 video I haven’t seen before.   That happened to me today.   Here you go, folks…this first one was shot mostly in Beijing…

And here’s another that was shot in Chongqing, with a lot of it in the Zongshen factory and their manufacturing campus. I’ve ridden Zong motos in these same areas!

Here’s one from, I believe, Belarus…

And another from Belarus…

And finally, this one, which shows one of our friends in South America putting an RX3 through its paces riding the stuff I hate…soft sand!

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