Whoa, what a day! We rolled the 60 freeway miles out to the Rock Store at 75 mph this morning and we had a blast. Not too many words today, folks, but lots of photos, so without further ado, here we go….

Breakfast at the Rock Store, with Duane, Peter, Twin Peaks Steve, and Steve…I’m in the background!

Lots of Ducatis at the Rock Store…this is an earlier one and it photographs well

An older “bumble bee” BMW GS…an RX3 might look good in this color scheme

We saw quite a few six-cylinder CBX Hondas today…more photos to follow

Somebody needs to call Frank and Mike on “American Pickers”

A Moto Guzzi Griso…an incredibly beautiful motorcycle!

Another view of the Griso

…and one more. My big bike days are over…maybe.

You gotta love it!

A cool old Shovelhead

Another beautiful motorcycle…a 1200 Honda VFR

The VFR again

Not terribly creative, but still cool

An early ’70s CB750

A GS saddlebag…where’s the Baja sticker?

A hot rod BMW boxer carbon fiber valve cover…it hurts to even think what they cost!

The crowd…it was awesome!

More big bucks accessories

The RX3s at the Rock Store
Okay, so a break from the photos and a few words….as you know, a couple of folks from the Tender Tushy contingent have voiced complaints about the RX3’s seat. Seems that the CSC’s seat seams aren’t delicate enough for their derrieres.
We’re actually having a couple of options developed for us by Seat Concepts down in San Diego County, but in the meantime, Steve told us to scout the bikes at the Rock Store for new seat ideas. We were successful…we found some ideas for our next version of the RX3 saddle…

Design Alternative No. 1 – for those who think the RX3 seat is uncomfortable. You ride this for 10 minutes, and the RX3’s saddle starts looking real good…

Design Alternative No. 2 – the quick detach model

Design Alternative No. 3 – for those who really miss the 1970s
Okay, enough of the seat business. I’ve already sent these photos on to Seat Concepts. I haven’t heard back from them yet (but then, it’s Sunday…so maybe they’ll consider these inputs when they get in to work tomorrow).
More cool photos from the Rock Store…the D3300 was working overtime today, folks. That little camera is phenomenal, and the battery life is off the charts. But I digress…

A yellow Duck

Let’s see…we’ve got the stock resin RX3 saddlebags, the optional aluminum Tourfellas, and…well…hey, why not?

A Triumph Bonneville…the real one, from the 70s…the second most beautiful motorcycle ever made!

An XS650, Yamaha’s answer to the Triumph Bonneville…both Twin Peaks Steve and yours truly owned these back in the day

An R90S BMW…900cc’s of pure class

I liked it so much I grabbed another photo

As promised, another Honda CBX photo

Another one I would like to own someday…a 1200cc Buell with translucent bodywork

The Buell’s front flyscreen

Yet another classy bike…a very early CB750 Honda Four

Our good buddy Rob…RX3 rider extraordinaire!

An Enfield, from India, with tons of British influence…these are good-looking motorcycles

The boys….Rob, Steve, and Peter

I went back for another shot of the CBX engine

One more shot in front of the Rock Store
We hung out for close to 4 hours at the Rock Store, enjoying a great breakfast, looking at and photographing the bikes, talking to the other folks who were doing the same thing we were, and answering questions about the RX3. Folks, there was a lot of interest in these motorcycles.
We split for the Pacific Coast Highway just before noon, and the ride through the mountains on Mulholland and Kanan down to the Pacific Ocean was awesome. Here are a few shots from the cockpit down to and along the PCH…

Through the tunnel down to the Pacific Ocean

A couple of the boys behind me on the PCH…that’s Peter waving to me

Great weather and tough duty along the Pacific Coast Highway

Very tough duty….but somebody’s gotta do it

Whoa, here’s an idea…how about an RX3 run on the PCH all the way up to San Francisco?

Just one great view after another…we’re headed north in these photos

The iconic big rock on the left
We stopped for a stretch break (hey, we put 200 miles on the RX3s today) right under that big rock, and I grabbed a few more photos…

The bikes…

The boys…

A very cool old Datsun 240Z

Twin Peaks Steve

Good buddy Peter, whom I’ve known for over 30 years

Reverend Duane, preaching to his flock
And folks, that’s about it. Sorry to have bogged your computer down with all these photos, but it was that kind of day. Just grand fun, and I can’t wait to get out for the next one.
I know you guys and gals are doing the same in your neck of the woods, so send a few photos our way and we’ll put them on the blog.
Ride safe, my friends!