So here we are this evening in beautiful downtown Ensenada, living the good life, riding our motorcycles in Baja, and having a grand time. It was a cool and foggy ride down here from Azusa, and I skipped out of dinner today after three awesome chicken tacos and a great draft Dos Equis Dark so I could get back to the room to post this blog. Wow, what a dinner we had tonight!
I didn’t get photos of everyone, but hey, this is Day 1 of the 2017 CSC Baja ride and we still have 7 days of glorious riding in front of us! Here are just some of the shots you’ll be seeing of what is shaping up to be a great ride…

Chuck and Barb, who bought two new RX3s last year in California and rode them home to Wisconsin. Yep, they are riding their RX3s with us in Mexico this year!

Tuan, who rides an RX3 (like everyone else on this trip), and who is a former student of mine at Cal Poly Pomona. Tuan is a mechanical engineer!

Colorado Dan, on his third CSC Baja ride. This guy is one of the most photogenic motorcycle riders I’ve ever known!

Good buddy Rob, who rode with us on the Western America Adventure Ride. Rob is an RX3 Iron Butt rider. You can read about Rob in 5000 Miles at 8000 RPM. Rob is one of three riders on this trip from Washington. We also have riders from Wisconsin, Texas, California, and other states on this adventure!

Matt, who owns both a TT250 and an RX3! Several of the guys on this run own both CSC bikes. You just can’t get enough of a good thing!

Good buddy Joe, who we call Joe 2. There’s a Joe 1 and a Joe 2 on this ride. Joe 2 tells a great story. I’m enjoying his company!
And that’s it for tonight, folks. Tomorrow we’re up with the roosters and we’ll be on the road early. It’s going to be a 400-mile ride on our 2nd day in Mexico as the CSC juggernaut dives deeper into Baja. We’re going to roll through the Vizcaino Desert and the Catavina boulder fields, and we’ll make Guerrero Negro tomorrow night. It’s going to be fun, and you can follow the adventure right here on the CSC blog!
Stay tuned! I’ll get photos of Patrick and James tomorrow (I didn’t get any of them today), and I’ll have more great shots on our awesome trek south.