CSC Mustangs, anyone?

Hey guys and gals…send us photos of your CSC-150s and CSC-250s!   We’d like to put more shots of our modern Mustangs on the blog, but we need inputs from you to do so!   Just send the photos to, tell us about your bike and the photos you send to us, and we’ll share them with the CSC world!

The Baja Blaster, my CSC-150, in Death Valley, California

We’re looking forward to seeing your photos!


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With an extra set of Cyclone saddlebags hanging around, I may have stumbled onto the next project…



The colors even match.   Let’s see…a set of brackets…a few bolts…and hey, all you KLRistas out there…don’t start calling us on this yet.   It’s just a thought…


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Tomorrow morning…

I’m firing up the KLR and riding over to the plant around 8:00 a.m., and I’ll be there until noon or so.  You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you this…and here’s the deal…


If you show up with your helmet, jacket, and motorcycle license, there’s a real good chance you’ll get to ride the RX-3!


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On the road again…

After three days of steady rain, the heavens relented today.  I love riding after a rainstorm, and I especially love doing so in the mountains.   I promised more photos, and here you go…

On the East Fork bridge, crossing the origins of the San Gabriel River

On the East Fork bridge, crossing the origins of the San Gabriel River…

All you folks who are putting your trust in us, we won't let you down...this is what it will be like for you, too!

All you folks who are putting your trust in us, we won’t let you down…this is what it will be like for you, too!

Driving while shooting...with the D200, a 24-120 at 24mm, and a polarizer...a glorious day indeed!

Driving while shooting…with the D200, a 24-120 at 24mm, and a polarizer…a glorious day indeed!

I'm ready to ride Baja right now!

I’m ready to ride Baja right now!

Another RX-3 beauty shot...the blue bike photographs really well!

Another RX-3 beauty shot…the blue bike photographs really well!

Climbing up Glendora Mountain Road at the East Fork end

Climbing up Glendora Mountain Road at the East Fork end…what a day, what a road, and what a motorcycle!

My favorite intersection with what has become my favorite motorcycle!

My favorite intersection with what has become my favorite motorcycle!

Looking out over the San Gabriel Valley from the cockpit...

Looking out over the San Gabriel Valley from the cockpit…

Your buddy Joe signing off...

Your buddy Joe signing off…

Yes, folks, they pay me to do this.   I’d do it for free, but don’t tell the Boss…


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Cool quotes…


The boss has this uncanny ability to find obscure threads that mention the new CSC Cyclone.   Recently, another such thread joined the mix, no doubt inspired by the recent articles in ADVPulse and ADVMoto magazines.   What’s intriguing is that this thread is from the Roam Africa forum.   Wow, talk about serious world travel!

Check out these excerpts from the folks on the other side of the world…

What I really like about the approach of CSC is that they put a lot of emphasis on equipping the Cyclone owner to look after bike himself.  As an after-market accessory you will be able to buy (or rent) a diagnostic computer to simplify maintenance and tuning and the full shop manual is shipped with the bike as standard. They’re also putting in quite bit of effort to ready tutorials that show how to do common maintenance tasks on the Cyclone.

– Mr. Big

My goodness – a motorcycle manufacturer that actually wants the owner of the bike to save money and effort on maintenance?  That is impressive.

– Eisbein

Yip, this “small engine touring” does indeed bring its own mindset.  Maybe we’re so accustomed to our “behemoths” because there weren’t any small ones with luggage carrying capability? And admittedly the looks, this bike looks awesome!

– OomD

It’s all good stuff…more of the Internet buzz surrounding the most exciting new motorcycle on the planet!

Stay tuned, folks…there’s lots more coming your way.


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The real experts…

We sure are having fun reading about ourselves and your next motorcycle in the recent ADVPulse and ADVMoto articles….


Great photography and great writing by Paul H. Smith of ADVMoto (he’s the guy carving Angeles Crest Highway canyons in the photo on the left) and Rob Dabney of ADVPulse (he’s the guy putting the Cyclone through its paces in Sheep Canyon in the photo on the right).    There will be many more articles on this fine motorcycle, and we’ll keep you posted on all of them right here!

We’ve got lots of rain here in So Cal.   It started on our Sunday ride and except for brief periods, it just hasn’t let up.  It’s been steady all day.   It gave me a chance to evaluate my new Tourmaster jacket, and I’m happy to report that it worked well.   I stayed dry and warm all day long on the Sunday excursion, even in a pretty serious downpour.

I’m in the shop today (had a great Mexican lunch with Steve a short while ago), and I’m headed out to  the University in a bit.   I only have one class today, but it’s a good one in the Manufacturing Engineering department.  I love that stuff.

I’m really looking forward to visiting Zongshen later this month.   Their manufacturing techniques and process management are among the best in the world, and I always pick up a few new practices I can share with my engineering students when I visit Chongqing.  It’s pretty funny reading some of the comments on the various Internet forums in which the armchair generals criticize Chinese quality…these guys just don’t know of what they speak.  If willingness to wax eloquent without knowledge could be converted to cash, some of the haters posting negative comments would be rich.

That’s it for now.   More stuff to do related to the RX-3.   Later, my friends…


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It just keeps getting better!

When knowledgeable experts who are paid to be critical tell you something is good, it feels good.   Really, really good!  Folks, behold the latest independent review of the critically-acclaimed CSC Cyclone!

Paul H. Smith, Editor of ADVMoto magazine, wringing out the CSC Cyclone on world-famous Angeles Crest Highway!

Paul H. Smith, editor of ADVMoto Magazine, wringing out the CSC Cyclone on world-famous Angeles Crest Highway!

Great times and great fun!    And it’s just getting started!


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Give us a call!

Hey, if you’re on our Cyclone pre-order list and you’re waiting for a call from us, why wait?   Just give us a call at 909 445 0900 to make a deposit and confirm your order.   We have a huge number of pre-orders on this bike and we’re calling everyone on the list, but if you don’t want to wait, just give us a call during the week.


Tom, Steve, and J…the Tourmaster Triplets

We had an interesting ride this morning.   The weather, in a word, was bad.    Tom, Steve, J, and I rode Sheep Canyon again, running the RX-3 through its paces in the rough stuff, and then we rolled into Wrightwood for a great breakfast at the Grizzly Café.   Sheep Canyon was great…it was overcast and cold, and it almost seemed like we were in another state on a hunting expedition.   It was desolate, we were way out in the boonies, and I half expected to have a close encounter with a bear.   The closest we came to seeing a bear, though, was the wooden one at the Grizzly Café (where we had a super breakfast).

It started raining while we were having breakfast.   We thought maybe it would stop, so we headed deeper into the mountains on Angeles Crest Highway.   That was a bad move.   It just got colder and it started raining harder, so we turned around and headed back to the ranch.   We stopped at my place for coffee and to warm up a bit, and then we rolled the rest of the way in the rain back to the shop.

The good news is we did about 100 miles in heavy rain, and the bags and the trunk on the RX-3 were bone dry.  Well, almost.   The left saddlebag had just a little water at the bottom in one of the corners, but I couldn’t tell if that had leaked in or if it fell in when I opened the bag.   They worked well enough, I think.   The factory bags on my Triumph Tiger leaked like a sieve, as did the bags on my old Honda CBX.

To me, it’s all moot.  I never depended on the saddlebags to keep stuff dry on any of my other bikes.  I always put all of the stuff going into the saddlebags into a Hefty trash bag, and then I folded that over to keep everything dry.     The Cyclone bags are as good as or better than the bags on any other bike I’ve ever ridden in the rain, and that’s good enough for me.

J, Steve, and I rolled J’s KLR back into his Dodge Power Wagon, and I picked up my KLR from last week to ride it home (as you remember from our ride last week, the rear caliper bolts fell out of the KLR).   The ride home in the rain on the KLR was dicey.   J was following me in his big Dodge.   I felt the KLR sashaying around in the rain and I thought it was my imagination, but J told me he saw the bike moving around a bit.   Say what you will, but I rode the Cyclone and the KLR back to back in the rain, and the Cyclone was much better behaved in the wet stuff.

And those bolts that I had ordered from the Kawasaki dealer…you know, the ones that fell off my KLR and were supposed to be delivered the next day?  Well, they didn’t make it the next day, or the next day after that, or the Friday after Thanksgiving.   I called the dealer on Saturday morning to find out what was going on, and the bolts never made it at all.   The dealer just forgot to ship them.   Just as well, I guess.   30 cents for the bolt at a hardware store versus $4.00 at the Kawi dealer…it’s a no brainer.

As it worked out, J and I bopped around So Cal in the Vette yesterday, and we actually stopped at the dealer mentioned above just to look at their new bikes.   Here’s something that’s real interesting…check out the freight and setup these guys are charging on a new KLR…


That’s some mighty fancy setting up and freighting, I guess.    You’ll see none of that kind of nonsense on a CSC Cyclone.

On to December, friends.   Ride safe and stay dry…


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We have a winner…

And it’s our good buddy James!  Take a look…


I think the record you mention breaking might be the number of blog entries in a month. I check for new entries almost daily, find them interesting, and hope you continue doing them.

Re: Your upcoming trip to Chongqing next month: Did you know that the famous Flying Tigers flew out of an airstrip there during WWII? There is a museum in the city which documents their accomplishments.

My cousin, in San Angelo, TX had a Mustang and I was looking for information about them when I found your site.

The last time I did any riding was in high school.  My brother came home from a hitch in the navy during the Korean War riding a Matchless and let me ride it to school some.

I doubt that I shall ever become an active rider, however, for I am to celebrate my eightieth birthday in January, but I still have the itch.

I wish CSC success in their endeavors.



Check out the number under “Archives”

Yep, you got it, James!   Thanks very much for sending your entry to us and for your kind words. And thanks for the heads up about the Flying Tigers museum…we’ll definitely visit it while we are there.  Oh, and one more thing…about that 80-years-old business.   Congrats to you, but you might consider our exploits with good buddy Simon Gandolfi…who is now 80 and he’s still out there putting around…

James, send us your address and shirt size and we’ll send your prize to you!

You can bet I’ll keep writing for the blog, folks.   It’s a lot of fun.   Keep an eye on us…we’re going riding tomorrow and I’ll probably get one or two more entries in here before the end of the month.

Changing gears, let me move on to a new topic.   I saw this photo on Facebook earlier this morning…


I don’t know, Leo…ya think?



This is Power Ranger Joe signing off…


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A new record…

We set a record yesterday.    Can anybody tell us what it was?


We’re at if you think you know the record we broke.

Beautiful day today here in So Cal.   I’m going riding.


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