
Just a couple of teaser photos of our newest creation, folks…



Oh, this will be a good one….

Here’s a hint of things to come…what do senior noncommissioned officers, OD-green powder coating, and California Scooter Company have in common?  Stay tuned, and in another week or so we’ll show you the complete bike…

Hey, how about a free California Scooter T-shirt to the first person who posts a comment identifying the TV show that made Shazammm famous?

Not too much time to write today, guys and gals…I’m going for a ride on my California Scooter after my morning cup of coffee!

Posted in California Scooter Company | 7 Comments

Memorial Day

Just a very short post today, folks…I had a great Memorial Day and I hope you did, too.  I woke up this morning and realized it’s been 33 years to the day since I got out of the Army.  We had a nice family gathering yesterday, we put a few ribs on the barbeque, and we talked about the enormous sacrifices so many have made for the freedoms we all enjoy.   We sure are lucky living here in the United States.

Just two quick photos today, and then I’m gonna kick back and watch a movie with my bride.

Ribs on the barbeque  yesterday….they sure were good.


I snuck away for a little bit this afternoon on my California Scooter and took a ride in the foothills.  I grabbed this shot at the top of Amethyst Avenue…


I’m sure enjoying this bike.  The whole small bike thing is a new world for me and it’s wildly appealing, but you probably already know that if you’re reading this blog.   Keep watching, because we’ve got some great rides coming up.   I’m riding Glendora Ridge Road with a couple of friends on Friday; later next month I’m going to ride my Scooter all the way up to Laguna Seca (that’s about 300 miles), and at the end of the summer I’m gonna be blasting through Baja (I already have three or four people who want to take their Scooters on this ride, too)!

Posted in California Scooter Company | 2 Comments

Geezers, Beemers, Firefighters, and Me…

My favorite holiday has always been Memorial Day.   Can’t say why…maybe it’s because of the stellar folks I’ve known serving our nation, the three-day weekend, and the great riding weather.  Whatever the reason, I was feeling good yesterday in anticipation of this great weekend, and so was everyone else. 

Yesterday morning I grabbed my Nikon because I knew I’d grab some great shots at the plant.  And that would just be the start…we have three days of great weather coming up here in So Cal (no surprises there!).

My first stop was a visit to our impresario John, who was finishing a custom tank for lucky Neil in Texas.   Ah, yet more eye candy…


John is the most talented artist I know.  He did the paintwork on the Alvin bike, the In-N-Out bike, and now, the one above.   The guy is a gifted perfectionist.  I listened as he explained to me how he arrived at the colors for the pin striping and the handpainted Mustang name on this one.  John doesn’t just buy colors…he mixes and adjusts until he arrives at the image and the color combos he has in his head.   John puts incredible energy into everything he does, and the results are just the best I’ve ever seen.

After shooting the John’s latest creation, I wandered back into the Pro-One area and found Tony, busy as usual, working on one of the 124-cubic-inch big twins destined for Australia.  We’re putting together another six of these monsters for our friends down under.  If you ever want to hear energy, you have to listen to one of these V-twins speak.   They’re awesome.

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And speaking of awesome, Steve had his ’63 Plymouth out yesterday…what a car!  Two four-barrel carburetors, factory headers, a 426 Wedge Mopar engine poked out to a displacement that might be more at home in a locomotive, and what a sound!   Steve’s Mopar is nearly 50 years old, and it still looks brand new. 

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Twin carbs…cross manifold induction…a big block Wedge…this is the stuff dreams are made of…

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…and to get it all to the ground…M&H slicks on American Racing wheels…this is one sweet ride!

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So, Day 1 of my three-day weekend found me waking up early in anticipation of a great time.  I rode my new California Scooter over to Bob’s to meet my friends (the Geezers) for lunch.   It’s a tradition with my riding buddies.   Saturday morning will find us at Brown Motor Works (the premier BMW dealership in our area).  We sit around and solve the world’s problems (I’m being serious here) and then go for lunch.  I wanted to surprise the guys with my new Classic, and I thought it would be cool parking it around Beemers that cost five times as much!

Me, as photographed by my friend Dave, in the high rent district…

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A couple of the Geezers…Dennis (an Iron Butt rider) and my riding buddy Joseph.  See those mountains in the background?  In another hour, I’d be up there on my California Scooter!

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After lunch, I hung around Bob’s for awhile, and my good friend Ron and I talked cameras, motorcycles, riding in the high Sierras, and new BMWs.   Ron wants to sell me a BMW.

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One of these days, I may buy a Beemer.   If was going to pull the trigger today, I’d get one of these new green 1000cc roadburners…190 hp, traction control…it’s a real rocketship…

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The big Beemers are great bikes, but a funny thing is happening…I find I am having way more fun on smaller bikes than on the monsters.  I’ve had some real monsters, too…Harleys, a big Honda CBX, a 1200cc Triumph Daytona, my Triumph Tiger…you get the idea.   A few years ago I bought a KLR 650 just to see what all the excitement was about, and I found I really liked it.  The simplicity and the light weight made the bike feel like a more honest motorcycle to me, and I felt good riding it.  Now, riding the 150cc single-cylinder California Scooters, I’m finding I’m enjoying these even more.   There’s just something cool about a small bike.  I can’t really explain it.  It makes me feel good when I’m using 100% of what the engine can do.  It’s simply more fun.

So, after leaving Bob’s Beemer store, I pointed my red Classic toward Mt. Baldy.   Wow, the weather was great, the bike felt great…it just felt great to be alive.

I stopped on the way up to grab this shot in the Angeles National Forest…

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I don’t think I’m saying this just because it’s my bike…but I think this is a stunning motorcycle.  I thought about a custom paint job for my Scooter, but I knew I would be shooting lots of photos and putting them on this blog, and I want to show the world just what a showstopper a stock CSC bike  is.  The Rock Star vibe hasn’t worn off.  I stopped to take photos and people stopped to look at the bike.  It was cool.

These are the kind of roads I get to ride on.   I was only about 10 minutes from my house when I shot this photo.   We have the best roads and riding weather in the world.

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Another scooterist enjoying the day on the way up to Mt. Baldy…

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My little red Classic pulled real well on the haul up to Mt. Baldy Village.   These roads are a lot like most of the Transpeninsular Highway in Baja, and my ride today confirmed in my mind that this bike will make for a great ride down to Cabo San Lucas.

I stopped at the post office in Mt. Baldy Village to grab a shot…

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The Mt. Baldy Village post office shares a building with the fire department, and it didn’t take long for firefighters Graham and Jim to notice my California Scooter…

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I was having a tough time getting Jim to smile, so I used my secret weapon…I asked if he’d like to take my bike out for a spin…

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Jim hopped on and was gone.  Graham starting laughing.  He told me I’d probably never see Jim again…but Jim came back with my bike and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen.

Mt. Baldy Village is only about halfway up the mountain…the road climbs steeply and winds up to about 8000 feet to get the ski lifts.   Some of those grades are more than 30%!   The little 150cc motor just powered through it and took me all the way to the top!

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I followed the road as far as it went and grabbed another shot of my Classic…

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The ski lift winds up the last 700 feet or so to get to the ski lodge.   If you look at the notch in the photo below, you can just make it out…and yes, the sky up there really is that blue!

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My wife and I hike to the top every couple of years on New Year’s Day (it’s our tradition), and the view up there is something you have to experience.   On a clear day you can see the entire high desert, all the way to Edwards AFB, Victorville, and other areas.   You can see Bighorn sheep up there.   It’s only a few miles from my house.   We sure are lucky living out here.

On the way back down, I saw a couple of cruisers parked in front of the Snowcrest Lodge, so I stopped and grabbed a couple of photos.  I think this Kawasaki’s flames would look good on our black Classic…

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And then I saw this Harley with a Captain America helmet.  I used to actually wear one of these 40 years ago, right after Easy Riders hit the silver screen (don’t tell anyone I told you that, though…I wouldn’t want it to get back to the Geezers).

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Yep, we’re two days away from Memorial Day, but this sign is for real.  I saw snow on my ride today!

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I had a great day today (and I hope you did, too).   You know the best part?   There are two days left on this holiday weekend, and my California Scooter gas tank is still nearly full!

Posted in California Scooter Company | 2 Comments

The Cannonball is approaching…

I want to share a couple of quick photos with you guys and gals of a jacket we had embroidered with the California Scooter logo for our Cannonball Rally rider Bill….I think it looks great!  



Bill’s been racking up miles on his blue California Scooter Classic getting it ready for this legendary ride, and we’ll keep you posted on his preparations as they occur.  Bill, I wish I was going to be riding with you on this one…all the way from Vancouver to Portland, Maine!

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That’s What A Burger’s All About…

When I first moved to California back in the 1970s, one of the first things I heard about was In-N-Out.  I didn’t understand the excitement surrounding this legendary organization until I visited one.  Folks, trust me on this, you’ve never had hamburgers this good unless you’ve been to an In-N-Out.  They are simply the best burgers in the world.


In addition to running an immensely successful business with an incredible reputation, In-N-Out operates a foundation to help abused children.   In-N-Out held its 23rd Annual Children’s Benefit event last Thursday.   The event raises money for the Foundation by auctioning donated sports memorabilia, vacations, concert tickets, collectibles of all sorts, and for the first time ever, a super-collectible California Scooter.  Yep, I’m proud to be able to tell you that California Scooter Company donated a truly unique bike for this most worthwhile foundation.

The excitement in our company in the days leading up to this event was tangible…everyone was excited about your favorite motorcycle company’s latest project.  Things moved into high gear when we saw the first concept sketches, but our motorcycle maestro John is the real genius behind this bike’s unique look.   We’ve talked about John’s work before on this blog (he did the orange-and-white bike for Alvin with the hand-painted Mustang logo), and John’s work is as tasty as an In-N-Out burger.   Under a very tight schedule (and starting with a red California Scooter Classic), John’s genius emerged once again…

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That’s the In-N-Out logo on the side of this very special gas tank, but John wasn’t content with that.  He thought it would be a good idea to use the In-N-Out palm tree design on the chainguard, too, and it really made the bike come alive…

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Everybody had ideas, and many of them found their way into this very special Scooter.   The buzz in the plant was palpable.  The guys (that’s Tony, Carlos, and Tom in the photo below) were pumped about building this supercool Scooter.   The excitement bubbled up.  Everyone knows what a quality outfit In-N-Out is, and there was this overwhelming feeling of being part of something really special…

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A lot of ideas found their way into this bike.  We used the Greaser’s red wheels and wide whitewall tires.   Sandy suggested a red seat with white piping.   We found a pair of white handgrips.   While all of this was being coordinated with the good folks from In-N-Out, they gave us tokens for their great food.  Wow, In-N-Out burgers!  Sign me up!

Everyone showed up at the assembly area picnic table when the burgers arrived (how do they make them always taste sooooo good?)…and we were all having a great time.   Then, the guys in the shop came up with the perfect finishing touch… 

Why not put an In-N-Out meal on the Scooter’s rack!   Take a look at this, folks!

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You know, I’ve been getting excited about motorcycles for a lot longer than I care to admit, and I’ve photographed some beautiful machines.   None compare to the In-N-Out bike.  It’s that special.  Our guys and gals hit a home run with this one.

I knew the bike was going to be auctioned at the In-N-Out Children’s Benefit, but I sure didn’t know I’d be lucky enough to attend.   When Steve asked if I’d like to go, I just smiled.  He already knew the answer to that one…

The event was magnificent.  Lynda (our host) made me feel like a member of the family (a trait for which In-N-Out is famous).   The banquet was great.   Seeing how people reacted to the In-N-Out bike was a special treat.  The Scooter was a high-octane smile generator running flat out the entire evening.   Everyone wanted to get a closer look.  I can’t begin to tell you how good it felt to be associated with the company that built it.

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The auction started.  All of the auction items were special (including that neon sign I included as the first photo above), but the In-N-Out bike was extra special.  It was the last item to go on the block, and when it did, you could feel the excitement as more than 500 people leaned forward to get a better look… 

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There were a lot of bids, the auctioneer put on quite a show, and then suddenly it was going once…going twice…and then… a very satisfying SOLD!   The crowd cheered, and that was it….the first of a numbered series of In-N-Out California Scooters had found its new home!

You know, just writing this blog entry about the In-N-Out bike is exciting, and it’s making me hungry.   Folks, I’m signing off…I’m gonna go for a late night chow run and grab a…you guessed it….Double-Double, fries, and a vanilla milkshake!

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Our Competitive Nature…

Competition improves the breed, and we sure have a lot of it going on in the scooter world.  Bill Murar is riding the Lake Erie Loop and the Cannonball Rally on a beautiful new powder blue California Scooter Classic.  Jim Petitti and his Raceway Services dealership are working on great things up in Salem, Oregon, and all those Alley Cats in Portland will soon see a California Scooter (or, I guess I should say, the rear end of a California Scooter!) in the mix.   And, as we mentioned here before, we have our very own motorcycle design competition for the next California Scooter model…it’s going to be a 125cc bike, but I can’t tell you much more beyond that (at least not yet!).   The local papers have picked up this exciting story, and here are excerpts from Rebecca Cho’s outstanding article…it’s running today in the Daily Bulletin and the San Bernardino Sun:

A group of Cal Poly Pomona engineering students face an opportunity usually reserved for working professionals – watching a design roar to life.   La Verne-based motorcycle maker California Scooter Co. opened up a design contest last week to the university. Company officials hope their next line of scooters will arise from the students. The task is to design a retro-style scooter, the company’s focus, that appeals to young buyers.

“I said, `You pick whatever you think is cool, you draw it and present it to us,”‘ said Steve Seidner, the motorcycle company’s president and chief executive officer. “I want some fresh ideas.”   Seidner said he conceived the idea for the contest in his desire to create a line of motorcycles that draws in a young demographic, or those from ages 18 to 35.  Contestants will be forced to think for the quickly growing green industry. California Scooter Co. says it makes bikes that can get more than 90 miles per gallon.  The company has sought to create a niche in the competitive motorcycle market with bikes that are retro in style, but modern in technology. The two-year-old company is a spin-off of Seidner’s Pro-One Performance Manufacturing Inc., which makes custom motorcycles for hard-core fans.

The scooter company’s first line involved bringing back the Mustang motorcycle, which hadn’t been produced in about 50 years. The Mustangs were a hit among bike enthusiasts 50 years old and older who could reminisce about the classic model’s heyday, Seidner said. But he he hopes to diversify his designs to include young people.   The winning design is planned to be revealed at a ceremony on July 16.

Steve Seidner and the Next Generation of Motorcycle Designers

Steve Seidner and the Next Generation of Motorcycle Designers

So stay tuned, California Scooter fans, and we’ll bring you more info on each of these exciting competitions!

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The Ride of Your Life…

I noticed two really interesting bikes in the factory today.   The first is a very cool one going to our friend Herb in Florida.  Herb is a Shriner, and he ordered a red Classic (but with a silver engine instead of the standard black one).   It’s a stunning bike, I think…take a look and tell me what you think…


We hold the Shrine organization and the charitable work they do in very high regard, and we are working on a special package for our Shriner friends (including paint schemes in white and purple).  If you have an interest in this, we’d sure like to hear about it.

The other interesting bike I saw today is a red Classic with the standard black engine.  It has the Greaser’s red wheels, and it’s very special because IT IS GOING TO BE MY MOTORCYCLE!!!

Yep, yours truly pulled the trigger.  I opted for a standard red Classic.  I liked that Radio Flyer bike I posted here so much that I decided I had to have one of my own.   That color combo just reached out and grabbed me.   I plan on doing some very cool things with this bike (more on that in a minute). 

In anticipation of great things, I grabbed a pair of off-the-shelf saddlebags from my good friend Ryan at Cycle Rider in Montclair (those are great folks!).   The bags I selected are probably a little oversized for the Classic, but that’s okay…I’ll need the space for what I’m going to do.

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Carlos, Tony, and Tom were all over these bags as soon as I brought them into the shop, and Carlos worked up a muey bueno mounting approach with only a few minor mods to the bike’s turn signal mounts.  They’ll be a little higher than what you see in the above photo, but I think they’ll work out just fine.

So, you might be wondering…just what do I have in mind?

If you scroll back to my very first blog entry, I mentioned to you that I am a roadburner, and I like interesting road trips.  In the past, I’ve done these runs into Canada, Mexico, and all over the US on Harleys, Triumphs, Hondas, Suzukis, and other big bikes.  I especially love touring Baja.   It is the most beautiful place on the planet.  

Well, I believe things happen in sets, and just before I was fortunate enough to link up with the California Scooter Company, I read one of the most interesting blogs (later made into a book) I’ve ever come across.   Simon Gandolfi is, quite simply, the best writer I’ve ever read.  His writing is beyond awesome.  Here’s what Simon did…at the tender young age of 73, after writing several very successful novels, he decided it would be interesting to take a ride on a motorcycle.   Not just any ride, but a ride on a motorcycle from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego (the southernmost tip of South America).  And not just any motorcycle…Mr. Gandolfi took this ride on a 125cc Honda pizza delivery bike!   His descriptions and adventures made me wonder…what would it be like to cover big distances on small machines?  He turned the blog into an absolutely outstanding book (Old Man On a Bike), and if you enjoy a good read, folks, this is a must-buy book for you.  It’s that good.

So, here I am…a guy who loves to travel by motorcycle (especially in Baja), a guy who is lucky enough to be affiliated with the most innovative and most fun motorcycle manufacturer in the world, and a guy who thinks what Simon Gandolfi did was one heck of an adventure….

Can you guess where this is going?

Yep, I am planning a Baja trip. 

On my new California Scooter.

You wanna go?  

Hey, don’t answer just yet.    Let me tell you that I know the place really well, all the baloney you read about how unsafe it is down there is just that (a bunch of baloney), and it’s cheap.   I’m not leaving tomorrow, so you have some time to consider joining his grand adventure.  Think about it…a group of California Scooters on a tour through Baja…

So what’s like down there?  

Well, take a look…

The trip south through Baja is on Mexico’s Transpeninsular Highway, the only way down.   It winds through mountains, the Vizcaino Desert, and incredible scenery.  It’s a two-lane, well-maintained road that rolls along with almost no traffic for a cool thousand miles.   Yep, a thousand miles of this kind of riding, with lots of twisties thrown in…

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The food is way better than anything you’ve ever had in a Mexican restaurant here in the United States.  These are chicken burritos from Mama Espinoza’s in El Rosario, which is about 200 miles south of the border.  It’s where the real Baja begins…

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At the end of the agricultural region (in San Quintin), there’s a very cool little hotel called the Old Mill (it used to actually be a mill).   One night, while enjoying the Tecate below, a whale swam right up to us in Bahia San Quintin, just past that bottle of beer!

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Baja has many plant species that grow no place else on the planet.  This is the Cardon cactus, with my riding buddy Bob included in the photo to give a sense of scale to these magnificent plants.  This is not a particularly large one, either…some of them get up to 70 feet tall!

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From January through April, the California gray whale population hangs out in a couple of lagoons in Baja.   This is the only place in the world where you can actually get close enough to touch one.   It is one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had.  This is about 500 miles south of the border, in Laguna Ojo de Liebre.  That dark spot just to the left of the boat is another whale swimming beneath us…

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After visiting with the whales, I always stop on my way out of Guerrero Negro to grab a few fish tacos off Antonio’s truck.   There are none finer.

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Another 70 miles down the road and we’ll be in San Ignacio.  This is San Ignacio’s church, built hundreds of years ago and still in service…

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San Ignacio is an oasis in the desert.  I’m not being flowery in my writing here, folks…it’s an actual oasis.   An oasis is usually formed as the result of a volcanic eruption.  That’s the volcano in the background.

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The Transpeninsular Highway cuts diagonally across the Baja peninsula, and comes out on the other side on the Sea of Cortez in a little town called Santa Rosalia.   This is the Frances Hotel in Santa Rosalia, a very classy all wooden palace that serves the best breakfast in all of Baja.

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The  next town heading south along the Sea of Cortez is Mulege (it’s pronounced Mool-a-hay).   Mulege is another oasis in the Vizcaino desert, and this is the Rio de Mulege cutting through the date palm groves introduced here by the Jesuits in the 1700s.

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Well, I could go on, and on, and on, but you get the idea.   If you want to find out more about riding in Baja, check out, where I’ve posted a bunch of other trips and a lot more photos.

So, like I said, you wanna go?  Are you up for the ride of your life on your California Scooter?

Let me know, because I’m in!

Posted in California Scooter Company | 2 Comments

Huze, Hacks, and Hot Rods!

Another interesting weekend with interesting events…boy oh boy, things are popping!

Cyril Huze, the Numero Uno motorcycle industry blogger, has a real nice piece about us on his Cyril Huze Custom Motorcycle blog.   Mr. Huze is a real fan of the California Scooter Company, and he had good things to say about your favorite motorcycle company (if you have a chance, please visit his blog and leave a comment or two).  Cyril believes we’re way in front of other folks, and California Scooter is redefining the small motorcycle market here in the U.S.   I couldn’t agree more.   Cyril mentioned our blog and our social networking approach, and come to think of it, if you’re on Facebook, you might drop by our page and become a fan, too.

On the home front, Steve mentioned some ideas he has for new products, and wow, is this one going to be interesting!   The next thing I knew, we were talking with none other than Doug Bingham.   You may not have heard of Doug Bingham, but you’ve sure seen him.  Doug is known throughout the industry as Mr. Sidecar.   I wrote a story for Motorcycle Classics magazine a couple of years ago on the annual Griffith Park Sidecar Rally, and Mr. Bingham featured prominently in that article.   He’s an amazing guy, and when it comes to sidecars, you’re not going to find anyone as knowledgeable as Doug.


If you’ve ever seen a movie with a sidecar, it’s a certainty Mr. Bingham was the guy piloting the rig (think Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, The Great Escape, and…well, you get the idea).  You can guess where this is all going…nothing’s for sure yet, but we sure aren’t talking to Doug about making potato salad.   Stay tuned, folks, because we’re going places with this one…

California Scooter Company visited the Good Guys Rod and Custom Show this weekend in Orange County, and the photo ops were as cool as the folks checking out our bikes.    Here’s a shot of Kelly on a lightly-customized Greaser…he makes this bike look good, doesn’t he?  


If any of you guys and gals were there and you didn’t see me at our booth, it’s because I was out having fun grabbing shots of some really incredible machines.  I’ll let the photos do most of the talking…

A very cool Chevy truck…I think this color combo would look great on a California Scooter… 


An old Caddy, with the first appearance of fins on these great old cars… 


These colors work, don’t they? 


This is either a ’58 or a ’59 Thunderbird, one of the best looking cars ever made… 


I thought I’d better get back to the California Scooter booth and grab a shot or two…


But there was just too much going on…check out this cherry ’55…this guy needs a matching red Classic! 


Wow.  Another awesome color combination… 


This is a ’66 Buick Riviera.  I take back what I said earlier about that ’59 T-Bird.   This Riviera is the world’s most beautiful car.


A ’56 Chevy wagon.  I don’t think this color combination was a factory option…


My Nikon’s polarizer really makes these colors pop… 


A little Nash Metro…Beep Beep!


I think this is a ’49 Mercury.   If any of you guys know better, let me know.


A brand new Hurst Camaro.   My friend Josh has a new Camaro, and they are cool cars.


One more stop back at the California Scooter booth.  Everyone wanted to sit on the Greaser with red apehangers…it fit into this crowd perfectly…


So, hang in there, loyal readers, and I’ll keep you posted on what’s happening next…there are good things happening, and you’ll hear about them here first!

Posted in California Scooter Company | 1 Comment

Firefighters, the Future, and a few Photos…

This is my hero and good friend Chuck, a firefighter/paramedic on the Huey medevac helicopter based right here at Brackett Airfield.   I grabbed this shot of Chuck yesterday on a red California Scooter.   The bike is awesome.   It has our Greaser model’s red wheels, and it’s amazing how just that one change can make such a dramatic difference in the bike’s appearance.  

I had a lot of fun shooting this photo, because I used an ultra-wide 12mm lens, and its tendency to exaggerate things makes the bike’s front end really reach out. 


Yesterday wasn’t the first time I met Chuck.   Well, maybe I should more accurately say it wasn’t the first time he met me.  The first time our paths crossed I was actually one of Chuck’s customers, and I was unconscious during the experience.  Yep, these guys airlifted yours truly to a Level 1 Trauma Center as the result of pretty serious traffic accident (I was not on a California Scooter when it happened, though).  You are looking at one of the guys who literally saved my life, but that’s another story for another time.   Chuck, a heartfelt thanks from me to you and the rest of your team!

On to other topics, and this one’s a Duesy…California Scooter is doing something completely unique in the motorcycle industry, and completely unique in the marketing and engineering world.   (Come to think of it, this company is so innovative the words “completely unique” could be our motto.)   Rather than rely on marketing surveys, focus groups, and a bunch of other hit-or-miss techniques, the owners of your favorite motorcycle company decided to go right to the source for one of its next new products.   California Scooter is sponsoring a design competition for a new motorcycle.   Rather than try to guess at what today’s younger crowd wants, we are asking them to design it themselves.  Wow, is this ever going to be fun! 

Take a look at these next two photos, showing Steve answering motorcycle design questions from a group of Cal Poly Pomona engineering students.   This group of great young folks will be the designers of one of our next bikes.   We’re not guessing at what the next generation of new riders wants…we’re letting them design it!

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Back to my friend Chuck…California Scooter Company is donating that red Classic you saw in the first photo to the LA County Firefighter’s Cancer Support Network.  This great group is going to have a raffle for the bike, and we hope they raise a ton of money in the process.

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While I was grabbing a few photos of the Firefighters’ red Classic, Michael stopped in to get a Pro-One rear-view mirror for his sleek-and-slammed Harley Softail Deuce.   Michael’s Deuce is an ’05, the last year Harley made these beautiful motorcycles.  After I took this photo, Michael wandered over to the red Classic raffle bike in the background, and I grabbed another shot. 

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I could tell Michael loves his Harley, but I think there may be a California Scooter in his future, too!

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And while we’re on the subject of future California Scooter riders, take a look at this shot of Chuck and his son, Nathan…you don’t have to be clairvoyant to know what Nathan is thinking…

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Well, guys, I have a cool day in front of me.   Steve and the boys are down in Costa Mesa at a Good Guys Rod and Custom Association show, and he gave a couple of free passes to me.  My Nikon’s battery is fully charged, and so am I.   I’ll get a few photos and have a report for you in the next day or so!

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Big Kids and Little Kids…

What can I say, folks…we had another gorgeous day here in sunny So Cal…and what better way to spend it than hanging around the California Scooter Company, meeting some really interesting people, and making chicken strips disappear up on Glendora Ridge Road…  

Yep, we took a couple of bikes out for the same ride as we did last week….hey, why not?

I knew that Jim Petitti, the owner of Raceway Services up in Salem, Oregon, was in town to pick up seven new California Scooters, and I was I was really looking forward to meeting him.  I had chatted with Jim a bit on the phone, hearing about his shop and the awesome restoration work he does, and his enthusiasm is infectious.   I knew I wanted to meet Jim in person.  After that initial phone call, I learned that Jim actually wrote a book on camshafts and optimizing small engine performance.  

My morning started out great, with Jim giving me a signed copy of his book.  It takes a lot (a whole lot) of work to write a book, and Jim’s is a great one.   Jim is the “go-to” guy in the high performance small engine field.  Jim’s working very closely with us and I can’t wait to get some of the parts he’s  developing into a California Scooter.   Here’s a shot of Steve listening carefully to Jim’s ideas…


Jim drove down from Salem with his young friend TJ.   TJ’s a great guy, too, and I grabbed this shot of him securing Raceway Services’ new California Scooters in the back of Jim’s truck.   TJ just got back from serving a tour of duty in Iraq.    TJ, we salute your service!

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Our good friend Robert is doing some very important work with us, and Robert knows motorcycles.   Steve told Robert and me to grab a couple of bikes and go out for lunch and a ride.   With the weather we had today that could only mean a return to Glendora Ridge Road…so off we went!

Here’s a shot of my ride, a black California Scooter Classic, up in the San Gabriel Mountains…

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And here’s one of Robert, who was piloting the Van Halen bike…

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Sandy’s design on the Van Halen bike sure looks good…but so does a stock California Scooter…

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We hardly ever see cars on Glendora Ridge Road, and because of the surrounding mountains and the road’s serpentine nature, you can hear things coming for a long time before you see them.   We heard what we thought was a motorcycle and Robert and I were trying to guess what it was when this cool little Beetle rolled into view…

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When we reached the western end of Glendora Ridge Road, as is usually the case we found a few guys on sports bikes taking a break.  This is always a cool scene.  Picture this…ultra-exotic, ultra-high-performance motorcycles (today’s take was two RC-51 Honda L-twin roadburners, and a 998 Ducati), with young guys in full leathers suddenly losing all interest in their bikes as they check out the California Scooters.   I love it!

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One of the sport bike riders hamming it up for my Nikon while checking out the lean angle on a California Scooter…

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And speaking of lean angles…I’ve written before in this blog about how the California Scooter’s 12-inch wheels and short wheel base make for a great-handling bike.   You can really crank these little puppies through the twisties…and we’ve got the chicken strips to prove it!  Chicken strips are the unused edges of a motorcycle tire’s tread area.  The harder you push a bike through the twisties, the more you lean it, and this means you use more tread at the tire’s extreme edges.  Serious riders don’t waste any time listening to war stories…they just look at a bike’s chicken strips.  Check out how narrow they are on the bikes Robert and I rode today…

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Back at the plant after our afternoon ride, I met three great guys in our factory showroom.   Allow me to introduce Ed, Andrew, and Will…

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That’s Ed on Steve’s ’53 Mustang Pony, with his grandsons Andrew and Will taking a photo.  Ed saw our recent ad in Popular Mechanics, and the ad’s tag line (“inspired by the legendary Mustang”) caught his eye.   Ed used to own a Mustang, so he and his two grandsons decided to swing by for a visit.   I asked Ed if he wanted to take one of our California Scooters out for a ride, and he was suddenly as excited as his grandkids.  He sure didn’t need to be talked into it!

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These three kids were having such a great time I had to get one more photo…

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Tomorrow’s going to be fun, too…we’re having a bunch of young engineers from Cal Poly Pomona visit the California Scooter Company to participate in an exciting new design competition…but that’s a story for another blog entry, so like I always say….stay tuned!

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