More Cool Vintage Photos…

One of the cool things about running this site and the site is that I have wonderful folks send incredible photos to me, and that’s what I have to share with you this morning.   The photos you see here came to me via Gary in Australia… 

My name is Gary McDonnell.  I served my apprenticeship at TRIUMPH in Meriden in 1969 and have been working with TRIUMPH since then!

Here are few police pictures I have received during the course of my job in Australia as Dealer Manager.

I hope you enjoy them.

Gary, you can bet we are enjoying them!  Thank you so much for sending these awesome vintage photos to us!

And for all you Mustang aficionados out there…take a quick peek at Steve’s newest toy…

Yep, that’s an absolutely pristine 1956 Mustang Pony posing in front of a new California Scooter Classic. Both bikes are for sale, and we can ship that Mustang just like we would ship a California Scooter.

How much?

Well, at $10,850 it’s right in line with what original Mustangs are bringing these days, which is just about exactly 3 times the cost of a brand new CSC Classic.   And ours is completely street legal and CARB-compliant, with electric start, turn signals, and all the goodies you need to put a bike on the street these days. 


Steve said he’s gonna let me ride that Mustang.   Sounds like a comparo test is in order, boys and girls…so stay tuned!

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The Petersen, Pastrami, and Pain at the Pump…

Tony B, aka Scooter Boy!

Wow, what a week (and weekend) this has been!

In addition to our normal outstanding California weather, spiraling gasoline prices, and the normal good fun that goes with your favorite motorcycle company, we’ve got a lot of things going on!
For starters, Ol’ Blue Eyes (yep, our man Tony) is going in for some body and fender work not too different from what I did just about exactly one year ago. Tony’s deal starts tomorrow, so he’ll be out of pocket for a couple of weeks as he recovers. Tony is an absolutely outstanding human being…one of the nicest guys I know.  Those of you who know Tony know what I mean.

Our next deal…our good friends Carlos and Maria, our high level CSC advisors, are hitting the road and heading back to St. Louis tomorrow. We’ve had an outstanding time with them during this visit, including a great trip down to Baja to see the whales. You already know about that one…we wrote about it here in the blog a month or so ago. More about Carl and Mary in another paragraph or two…

Carlos and Maria checking out Baja's most famous visitors...

Susie (my CFO, COO, best friend, and wife of 28 years) read in the Daily Bulletin (our outstanding local paper) that Leslie Stahl was speaking in Claremont this week. We like Leslie Stahl…she’s the journalist you see on 60 Minutes each week. We couldn’t pass up an opportunity to hear her speak, and it was great.

Leslie Stahl, of 60 Minutes fame...captured by my Nikon

Ms. Stahl told some interesting stories, including how she got the break that really put her in the spotlight. Seems she was a brand new, junior reporter for a news show in Washington, D.C. As the lowest person on the totem pole back in those days, she drew a gig everyone else took a pass on…covering a low-level burglary at a place called the Watergate Hotel.  The rest, like they say, is history.

The next night Steve, Maureen, Carl, Mary, and Sue and I all got together for dim sum at Steve’s favorite local spot, and that, too, was great. I’d like to show you a photo or two from that night, but the truth is the food was so good I completely forgot about my camera. Next time, folks!

Then we got an email from Carl…seems the Petersen Museum in Los Angeles was having a salute to 80 years of the ’32 Ford. Yep, the Deuce. The all time classic American hot rod. Carl wanted to know if we wanted to go. I think he knew the answer when he asked the question…

A Classic of another sort...a '32 Ford hot rod at the Petersen Museum...more to follow in coming days, folks!

I’ll have a lot more Petersen photos on the blog in another few days, so keep an eye on us!

You know, in 32 years of living here in sunny California, it was the first time I’d ever been to the Petersen. It was awesome, and I’ll be back.  I like hot rods, but basically I’m a biker, and the Petersen visit was even more special to me for that reason.   The museum is running a special event with historic scooters on display, and I grabbed a few shots.  Check out this Airborne Cushman…

An Airborne Cushman!

Yep, the US Army actually had Cushmans that wore jump wings. That is very special to me (I proudly wore those same wings a half a lifetime ago).  I thought the Cushman was cool, but truth be told, I think our Sarge edges it out in the cool department…

The Sarge, by CSC (M1911 and original holster not included)!

Our original Go Go rider...Arlene B!

After the Petersen, we all meandered up the street a few blocks for a classic lunch at a classic restaurant…Canter’s on Fairfax in LA.  My daughter and her husband joined us, as did the original Scooter Girl, Arlene Battishill of Go Go Gear.

What a lunch!  (It’s an absolutely classic LA deli!)

What food!  (The pastrami sandwiches…wow!)

What conversation!  (Carl, Mary, Susie, Lauren, Jeremy, Arlene…all great folks!)

Arlene rode her custom CSC up on the sidewalk and parked right in front of Canter’s! 

As always, the bike drew a crowd. You guys and gals keep an eye on Go Go Gear and Arlene…she’s going to be on the TV show Shark Tank in another few weeks, and her company’s going to take off!

Unavoidable market factors, or legalized thievery?

On the way home, we stopped to top off Susie’s Teutonic tank, and…and…well, take a look at that photo to the right. I don’t know how our leaders can tolerate this sort of Tomfoolery, and it infuriates me every time I have to buy gas.

We’re bumping up against $5 a gallon out here. The last time that happened, it was immediately followed by the Great Recession.

We hear all the excuses about why this is occurring and why nobody can do anything about it, but I don’t believe any of it.  Mark my words:  In another month or two, we’ll hear about the oil companies reporting the largest profits in the history of the universe (just like last time). 

But the high pump prices are not their fault. 


Anyway, I’ve got a secret weapon against these gangsters…and it’s called my 98-mpg Baja Blaster. You’ve got the same weapon, or you could, and these days, it’s only gonna set you back $3,695.

Well, folks, I’ll get off the soapbox and get back to work this fine Sunday morning. Have a great day, get out and ride a bit (if your weather permits), and keep an eye on the blog for more Petersen photos!

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2 Extra Horsepower?

I’m used to seeing unusual things in the shop, but when I was out there a couple of days ago I spotted these guys…

What do you think?  Is Steve adding two extra horsepower to each Scooter?  A new model…our own Pony?  Or maybe the new Mustang?   Perhaps they’re Thoroughbreds?  Stay tuned…

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On being Smart…

With gas continuing its upward trend, small is definitely in.  As you know, we’re the guys with the 90+ mpg scooters, but even the car guys are picking up on the “smaller is better” concept.   In fact, my good buddy Pauly Berkuta sent in email showing me just what’s been happening in the automotive world.

You all know about the little Smart car, of course…

Those are actually pretty nice.   I came pretty close to buying one a couple of years ago, but I held off because I wanted to see what else was out there.    Good thing I did.   Check out the new Smorvette…

How about the mini-SUV Smaudi…

And then, of course, there’s the Smamborghini…

The Smorsche…

The Smerrari…

And of course, the Smustang…

Me, I’ll just stick with my California Scooter.  I’m gonna guess you will, too!


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Quality and quantity are up, prices are down!

Yep, you read that right.   We’re into our third year producing your favorite motorcycle, and our production quantities are up (and as quantities go up, costs come down).   We’ve worked very hard to go from good to great, and we think we’ve succeeded (read our story about the Baja trip, and you’ll get a feel for this).   As quality goes up, costs come down because you don’t have to do rework or fix things.  Both factors are working for you here, and we’re passing the savings on to you!

So, here’s the deal…the price on our best-selling bike (the Classic) is now only $3,695.   The Greaser is only $3,895 (it’s those Coker original Mustang diamond grip whitewalls!), and the Babydoll and Military Series bikes are only $3,995.  

Good stuff, guys and gals, and with gas going to $5 a gallon, that 150cc CSC engine is looking pretty smart!

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The Next Big Thing…

And that would be our next ride, of course. Rather than simply tell you good folks what we’re doing, we thought we’d ask for your inputs.  And we’d like to arrange it so that our good friends from all over the country could ride with us, rather than arranging it for just our local loyal riders.  If you wouldn’t mind, shoot an email to me at with your thoughts on the following…

One thing we’re thinking of doing is another quick afternoon ride, maybe on Glendora Ridge Road. This would be either on a Saturday or a Sunday, and it would be the ride you see us all bubbly about all the time on the blog.  We’d meet at the plant around noon or so, ride up into the mountains, have lunch at the Mt. Baldy Lodge, and come back to the plant. This is about a 50-mile ride, with no freeway riding, and just awesome riding up in our gorgeous California mountains.  We’d do this sometime in the next couple of weeks if we do it. We do these Glendora Ridge Road rides all the time anyway, but we thought we’d open it up for anyone who wants to ride with us.  Are you in?  Let me know.

The next thing we’re talking about doing is a weekend gathering starting here at the plant. Our preliminary thinking goes like this:

  • We’d start at the plant meeting either Friday night or early Saturday morning.  Any preferences?
  • We’d include a factory tour narrated by none other than the Boss himself (yep, your tour guide would be Steve Seidner, our CSC founder and CEO). Would you be interested in this?
  • Saturday morning would include a great breakfast at Merendero’s almost directly across the street from us. You’ve seen us write about it on the blog a lot.
  • We ‘re thinking either an all day ride across Angeles Crest Highway, or a shorter ride through the San Gabriels. Which would you prefer?
  • We’d provide a barbeque dinner at the plant, with Steve doing the cooking. What works best for you, Friday or Saturday?
  • You could stay at a nearby KOA if you want to camp, or the Sheraton, if you are coming in from out of town (this would be at your expense).
  • We might include an evening run into Bert and Rocky’s ice cream parlor in nearby Claremont. Anybody interested in this?
  • We’re thinking early to mid-April for this event. Does that work for you?

If you think you’re interested in the above, let us know. And tell me your thoughts on what you’d like best. Whatever we do, like always, it’s gonna be fun and it’s gonna be memorable.  And you’re gonna make the blog.  So, are you in?

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Time Lapse Assembly Videos

I have a Facebook account, which has been described by none other than Betty White (I just love her) as the greatest time suck of all time. I do waste a lot of time reading mostly meaningless Facebook musings (including some of my own), but every once in a while I see something that’s really cool. I drive a Subie WRX (as does my good buddy TK). Somehow Facebook glommed on to that fact, so I get a lot of targeted Subaru ads on my Facebook account. This one popped up a short while ago…

If you liked that one, take a look at ours…it’s the YouTube video that shows Tony and Lupe assembling the In-N-Out bike that went to Melanie Troxel, In-N-Out’s funny car driver…

We had a lot of fun making that video, which is exactly 4 minutes and 6 seconds long. Tony and Lupe especially liked it, at least until we told them that we might just make 4 minutes and 6 seconds the labor standard for assembling a new California Scooter…

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So who’s riding today?

I am.  I’ve got some work to do in the morning, but later today I’m firing up the Baja Blaster and heading into the mountains.   Looks like it’s a great day for it, too, and I hope to see you out there!

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Happy Birthday, Mr. Fonda!

Yep, it may be hard to believe, but Captain America is 72 years young today!

Do you remember the first time you saw Easy Riders, the movie that popularized the chopper concept, led to a whole raft of extended front ends, became an instant counter-culture classic, and inspired what ultimately become the largest-circulation motorcycle magazine in the world?  (Yep, that would be Easy Riders magazine.)  The movie was a phenomenal success.  It hit the theatres in 1969. 

The color scheme on the Captain America motorcycle and Peter Fonda’s helmet became instant classics, inspiring a bunch of imitations.   A company called Grant actually made a helmet back in the day with the same color scheme (I know, because I wore one riding around in New Jersey on my 750 Honda…I was Peter Fonda back in those days).   I think Bell Helmet still offers the Captain America helmet.    Wow, talk about classic design! 

One of these days, we’ve got to get around to doing a CSC Classic in the Captain America scheme…hey, why don’t one of you guys order one like that so I can get some great photos of it!

I was 18 years old when I first saw Easy Riders (the movie), and like most of you, I was already heavily into motorcycles.  I didn’t think the movie was that informative about riding or about motorcycles, but it’s what probably planted the bug in me for extended motorcycle road trips.  I’ve done a lot of long range riding since seeing that movie (none involved drug smuggling or even drug use, a central Easy Riders tenet), but the appeal of living on the road and rolling cross country was irresistable to me, as I’m sure it is for you.

When Easy Riders magazine was launched (the first issue was in 1971), it was a pretty interesting publication.   To my knowledge, it was the very first chopper magazine.  Unlike other magazines, it didn’t feature new motorcycles, motorcycle specifications, or road test results…Easy Riders magazine’s focus was custom Harleys and girls, with racy photos of both.   Pretty heady stuff 40+ years ago. 

Wanna know a secret?   Easy Riders magazine was the first place I was ever published.  Yep, I wrote short stories for that publication for a few years under the pen name Jack Starbuck.  It sounds funny now, but I got my start writing under the Easy Riders banner.

So, back to Peter Fonda.  I actually saw him in person a few years ago one day when I stopped by Oliver Shokouh’s Glendale Harley shop to pick up some parts for my old Softail.  I was walking around the side of the store when I saw Mr. Fonda walking up the sidewalk.  I said hello to him, he said hello back, and that was that.  I told everybody I knew.   Who knows…maybe Peter Fonda told everybody he knew that he said hello to me.   Well, maybe not.  But it was still a pretty cool experience.  

Peter Fonda, an American icon.   Mr. Fonda, our best birthday wishes to you from CSC Motorcycles!  And hey, if you ever want to ride a California Scooter, just give us a call!  Come to think of it, that goes for all of you other Easy Riders out there, too!


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Ja, das ist gut!

I don’t speak German, but I didn’t need to. You gotta watch what these guys do!

TK found that one online and he sent it to me. All I can say is Wow! (and that word is the same in English and German!)

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