On the road tomorrow…

Oh boy oh boy oh boy….I’m going riding tomorrow!

My Baja Blaster is a little funky right now, but I’m going to detail it tonight and it will glisten when we all get together in the morning.  I’ve been having too much fun riding my California Scooter to wash it.  I like having my bike spotless, but I like riding it even more.

You never know for sure how many people are going to show up on a ride, but all indications are this will be a good one.   We’ll have all the usual crew, and maybe a few more.   If you’re interested in joining us, be here at the plant at 8:30 in the morning.

The weather forecast has us at 87 degrees tomorrow, and I am sure looking forward to having a great ride.   If all goes as planned, we may even stop at the Donut Man, a local So Cal legend with the best donuts on the planet!

Lupe put new brake pads on the Baja Blaster for me this morning, and I just happened to have my iPhone handy when she tested them…

Keep an eye on the blog, folks…I’ll grab some photos from the ride for sure tomorrow!

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We’re riding this Saturday….

So anybody who wants to tag along…well, just meet us at the shop! I’ll be posting more details as the week progresses right here on the blog. Today I realized I need to get out and ride…and the weekend promises good weather and I know the Baja Blaster’s gonna be good to go!

Hey, I just got an email from my good buddy Alan Spears over at MSILSF (that’s the Motor Scooter International Land Speed Federation), and he sent a copy of an article in Twist-N-Go magazine about the Hell’s Loop Rally.   That’s the Death Valley run that TK, Arlene, and I rode a few months ago…

They called it the ride through hell, but I gotta tell you, hell must have frozen over that day…it was cold!  And that picture showing the competitors…that’s Alan Spears in the middle (he’s the dude who looks like Santa Claus), and to the right (in the photo) you can see Arlene, me, and TK.  It sure was a fun day…and it’s all part of the CSC adventure!

I can’t wait until Saturday!


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Hi Yo Ag!

And that’s my only clue on our next secret project….any guesses?

All right…one more clue…

Until next time, boys and girls…and keep your credit cards handy!

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The Mecum Wrap-Up!

We had a great time and sold a bunch of bikes at the Mecum event in Houston.  TK and Steve have been back for a week now, and I am just catching up with posting the last of the photos our guys grabbed while they were in the great state of Texas.   The event was great….great folks, great cars, and a great time!

Here’s a cool shot of TK with our one of our many CSC affiliates, Jim Cowan…

And here’s one of  Barbara McKenzie on her new Babydoll…

Allen Gresham getting comfortable on one of our custom CSC motorcycles…

Butch Martine at home on a CSC moto….

Jerry Owens, another new CSC owner….

Here’s Tom Seiter, another CSC rider…

Here’s Bugs Threadgill, a world-famous drag racer, signing posters for us

TK kind of fell down on this one…imagine grabbing this shot and not getting this young lady’s name!

And then we grabbed some fabulous photos of the Mecum cars and trucks….check these out!  Let’s start with a few gorgeous vintage Chevys!

How about a helicopter-engine-powered early Ford!

Or maybe a Woody…

And if that’s not rich enough for your blood, check out this ultra-cool Bentley!

Steve fell in love with this drag car…

During one of my conversations with TK I asked how the people were.  TK is a pretty nice guy, so I was shocked when he told me the folks in the next booth were a bunch of dummies…until he sent me this photo!

The Mecum event was a super deal for us, and it’s always a treat to touch down in Texas.  As was the case with the early Mustang, Texas is one of our best sales states, and we love doing business there!

That’s it for today, folks…we’ve got another secret project brewing in the back!  I’ve already grabbed a few photos, and I’ll grab a few more today…so like we always say, stay tuned!

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Birds of Prey…

Exciting times at the plant today, folks…

As you know, the CSC Motorcycles manufacturing facility is located on Brackett Airfield right here in southern California.  We see some exciting aircraft touch down, but today was a special treat.    The US Marine Corps’ latest short-takeoff-and-landing planes, the V22 Ospreys, shook things up a bit when they landed just a short distance from our plant (that’s funny in a way, because earlier this morning we actually had a 3.9 earthquake in So Cal…as Jerry Lee Lewis used to say, we had a whole lotta shakin’ goin’ on today)!   

Steve grabbed these shots, and they’re super…just like our Marines and all of our service men and women!

Ever wonder what an actual osprey looks like?  Hey, we have you covered there, too!   When Carlos, Maria, and yours truly went down to see the whales in Baja last January, we visited a protected nesting area for (you guessed it) real ospreys.   

Ospreys are very cool birds of prey, and they are very well protected by the Mexican government.   We saw many areas where there were two telephone poles side by side, and our guides explained why:   If a pair of ospreys nest in a telephone tower, the Mexicans disable that tower and build another right next to it so as to not disturb the ospreys.   Very cool stuff.

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Walt Fulton, courtesy of Jimbo…

Our good buddy Jim Cavanaugh sent this note to us a bit earlier today and I knew I had to share it with you…

Today I was going through my old Mustang file looking for material for my quarterly contribution to the Mustang Newsletter and I found this old sketch/story about Walt Fulton…While the story is “old hat” I don’t remember seeing this particular item for a very long while..Looks like I got it from the Mustang Club…You can always hit the delete button!



Jim, thanks for sending this great article to us! 

I have a few of the great photos TK and Steve grabbed at the Mecum event in Texas and I’ll be loading those soon…so watch for them!

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Thanks, Jerry!

Jerry Owens, one of our newest California Scooter owners, sent this remarkable YouTube video to TK, who forwarded it on to me.   I just had to share it with you.  Grab a cup of coffee, boys and girls, and get ready for 10 minutes of pure joy!

Jerry, we wish you the best with your new CSC motorcycle, and thanks very much for sending this video to us!

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Governor Mitch Daniels

Seems like Indiana’s Governor Mitch Daniels, who rides a Harley and is being mentioned as a potential 2012 VP nominee, stirred up quite a controversy with his tongue-in-cheek pronouncement on motorcycles being a guy thing….

The controversy about the Governor’s comments is going full tilt over on Facebook (and probably elsewhere) right now.

Guys and gals, get a life!  The man was only joking (but if you read that article carefully, I gotta tell you that I have actually done most of the things he advised when I bought my old Softail back in 1992)!

Now, about the fact that he’s not on a California Scooter (yet)…that’s a problem we need to work!

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Nice day for a short ride…

And that’s about all I had time for today, but it sure was fun. We have been struggling with relatively cold weather (relatively cold for southern California, that is), and lots of rain. Not that you can’t find stuff cool stuff to do in the rain…I just don’t like to start motorcycle rides when it’s raining. There’s other stuff to do that’s cool, too. For example, I stopped in at Harbor Freight while it was raining cats and dogs yesterday, and I could have spent the whole day just wandering around in that fabulous place. I guess it’s a guy thing.

The sun finally popped out late yesterday, but it was still cold and was getting dark. More fun stuff in the evening…I punished myself on the treadmill at the gym for awhile. I’m feeling it today, but in a weird sort of way it’s a good feeling.

Anyway, today it warmed up a bit, and off I went…

Yep, that’s snow in the background up in the San Gabriels. It was a glorious day for a ride, even though it was a short one. I had a lot of stuff I wanted to do today, not the least of which was cleaning off my workbench in the garage. That took a lot longer than I thought it would, but when I finally could see the top of the bench (I sure hadn’t seen it in while), I pushed everything outside so I could sweep the garage.

When I rolled the old Baja Blaster outside, I noticed the left side of the rear wheel was pretty much coated in oil. Nothing’s leaking; I’m just one of those guys who likes to keep the rear chain a bit on the loose side and very well oiled. I can feel the difference (the bike shifts smoother and it’s faster), but the downside is that the chain throws a lot of oil. This week or next I’m going to find time to give the bike a good detailing, and when I do, I’ll post a cool photo for you. The snow up in the mountains will be gone by then, but my red CSC is so photogenic I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to shoot a good one!

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TK’s Mecum photos…

A quick look, boys and girls, at some of the i-Phone photos my good buddy TK is sending back from the Mecum event in Texas!

It is a cold and wet day here in California; hopefully you guys and gals in the rest of the country are having better weather than we are.   I was going to ride my California Scooter in to the plant this morning, but I took one look at the wet roads and chickened out.  Then I noted that one of my frends posted a note on Facebook asking about our top speed.    When I see that question on line, I always post this YouTube video…

I watched it a couple of times myself. I can’t wait for the sun to come out!

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