A Genuine cool deal…

Many of you may not know this, but our sister company is Pro-One Motorcycles, and that’s Steve’s retail operation for both used motorcycles and now Genuine Scooters.  Pro-One Motorcycles is in the same building as CSC, and we’re proud to offer the complete line of Genuine Scooters, an extensive collection of pre-owned motorcycles, and of course, our CSC motorcycles.

We just received our first shipment of Genuine Scooters yesterday, and they’re pretty cool. We’re selling all of the Genuine models…the Stella (which looks like a classic Vespa), the Blur (which is the 220cc performance model), and the Buddy (which is available in both a 125cc version and a 170cc version).  I’m excited about this, and I’m excited about the Genuine Scooter line.  I especially like the two-tone green Buddy 170 (we’ll see what happens there).

I’m including a few photos to give you an idea of what’s in our showroom now and just how extensive our selection of new and used two-wheeled moto fun has become!   This first shot shows the 170cc Genuine Buddy scooters in our showroom along with our CSC motorcycles…

And here’s another…

Here’s a detail shot of the two-tone green Buddy “Series Italia” logo…I really like this one…

One of the Genuine Scooter models is the Stella, which is styled like a vintage Vespa…here’s Lupe prepping it before it goes on display…

The Genuine Scooter high performance model is the 220cc Blur, and here’s a shot or two of it…

And just to round out the picture, take a look at some of these pre-owned bikes we have in stock…we do a lot of cruisers…

Here’s an exceptionally clean 650 Star V-twin that just cried out for a photo…

I  had to get a close up photo of that Hayabusa, too!  The ‘Busa is one of the fastest motorcycles ever…it is a very impressive machine…

That’s it for now, folks, but there are more big announcements coming…and one of the hints is right here in this blog! 

Stay tuned!

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More on the Mungenast Museum…

I found this very cool video showing the collection inside the Dave Mungenast motorcycle museum…so enjoy this with your morning coffee, folks!

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Saturdays, Howard, and the Mungenast Museum…

I’ve been a away for a few days, folks, but I’m back with some good photos from our friends and good news. 

The good news first…

Our factory showroom is now open on Saturday with hours from 9 to 5, and we’re also open Monday through Friday from 7 to 5.   If you’re in our area or if you want to give us a call, please do so!

And more good stuff…this time from our our good friend and trusted advisor Carl Mungenast along with this note and photo…

Thought you might enjoy our latest acquisition!  There is a rich history of re-badged motorcycles that used the Indian name; this Royal Enfield “Hounds Arrow” is our favorite. It’s a 1958 250 cc.

Hope you get to visit in person some day!


When Carl speaks of the latest acquisition he is referring to the Dave Mungenast Classic Motorcycles Museum in St. Louis.  Carl is Dave’s younger brother, and Dave was a world famous motorcycle rider, racer, and entrepreneur.  You can read all about him in this great book, which is available from the museum…

And we have a couple more great photos for you from our good friend Howard along with a note…


These were taken at Dead Indian Summit, on the Chief Joseph Scenic Byway, between Cooke City, Montana, and Cody, Wyoming.

One of the best rides so far.


That’s about it for now, folks…it’s been brutally hot out here with a bit of humidity…it’s 105 outside right now, and hopefully it will cool off a bit tonight.

Keep an eye on us…there are good things happening!

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Spam, ham, and a gear jam

Folks, with your permission I’m going to turn off the CSC blog comments feature for awhile. If you have anything you want posted on the blog just shoot an email to me at California Scooter and I’ll post it. The amount of spam we’ve been receiving is overwhelming. Unless you guys and gals want to see offers for handbags, sunglasses, Viagra, search engine optimization, and the rest of the drivel that’s pouring in, we’ll just do without it for a bit.  Sometimes when you just turn things off, the automated bots that peddle this annoying stuff recognize they are no longer getting through and they stop sending it.  Let’s try it for a week or two and see what happens. We still want to hear from you, so if you want to comment, just shoot an email to me.

It’s been hot out here in southern California, and what’s unusual for us is that the humidity has been high. I was going to get out for a bicycle ride this morning, but when I went to get the papers, it was already close enough that I knew it would be sweltering by the time I returned from my usual 20+ miles.  I’ll just have to get up earlier tomorrow.

So what’s this about bicycles?  Well, like most of you I’m a gearhead, and that extends to all things mechanical.  The electrical stuff I’m not quite as comfortable with, but if it’s mechanical, it’s got my interest and that includes cars, guns, motorcycles, and bicycles.  I’m going to guess everyone reading this blog had their interest in two-wheeled things start with a bicycle, and I’m firmly in that category. I remember being a kid riding my Schwinn and imagining it was a Triumph.  Good times.  I’ll bet a lot of you have those same memories.

I started riding bicycles seriously and diligently again about two months ago for two reasons…to shake off my beer belly, and, well, for the simple joy of riding.  I’m doing about 80 miles a week now, and my goal is to get up to 100.  Miles per week, that is…although you do meet some guys who are like fine wines or Tequila…they just keep getting better with age.  A couple of weekends ago while I was riding my bike I rode up alongside a guy named Elmer.   I  remembered meeting Elmer on another bicycle ride about 10 years ago, and he was 71 then!  I asked, and he confirmed it.   Ol’ Elmer is 81 years young, and he’s out there riding his bike 100 miles every week.  I want to be just like Elmer when I grow up.

Just this past Sunday, I took a 45-mile ride with three of my friends to the beach and back along the San Gabriel River Trail. That’s a cool ride as long as you stick to the trail, but of course, we didn’t. My buddy Greg prompted us to drop down into the river bed, and that was not so cool – broken glass everywhere, super-slick algae growing on the wet spots, and no way to get back up on the trail because we couldn’t find a return ramp. We rode in the river bed for a good five or six miles and finally gave up…we crawled back up the embankment with our bicycles.  Wouldn’t you know it…less than a quarter mile later we saw a ramp!  We all had a good laugh about that one.

The San Gabriel River Trail...the Pacific Ocean is only about five miles away at this point. I'm the guy in front of the lady rider. Photo by Riverboy.

Another cool thing about bicycles is that you can really go the vintage route on those, too. I’m a big fan of the older Celeste green steel-framed Bianchi bicycles when they were still made in Italy, and I’m a fervent Craigslist watcher for those bikes. 

My new-to-me 1987 Bianchi, in classic Celeste green!

I found a 1987 Bianchi this weekend, and after a speed run down to Orange County last night, it’s now where it belongs (that would be in my garage).  I need to tweak a few things on it (the gear shifting is a bit rough) and I’ll keep you posted as that project progresses.

These are really cool old bikes, and Bianchi is an awesome company. They are the oldest continuous-production bicycle manufacturer on the planet. Celeste green is their signature color, and there are plenty of stories around about how that color came to be. The most likely story is that after the war, they had a lot of OD green paint laying around, and it was easy to mix it with other colors to get the sea foam green they call Celeste. That story is kind of boring, though. My favorite is that old Eduardo Bianchi had a girlfriend named Celeste (with green eyes, of course), and he developed the color to match her eyes and her name.

I guess my bicycle enthusiasm is infectious…TK even bought a bicycle (a really fancy one…a Scott).  Like I wanna be Elmer when I grow up, I think TK wants to be just like me when he grows up.

Even TK caught the bicycle buzz...can you picture this guy in Spandex?

I’m at home today. Just got started on a big pot of chili and the rest of the crew is going to enjoy it this evening. It’s simmering in the crock pot right now. Peppers, onions, ground turkey, black beans, chili powder, chopped fresh tomatoes, taco powder, ground cumin, a little bit of bacon for some added flavor, and it’s gonna be good. I like cooking, I like cooking in a crock pot, and I love the way whatever’s cooking adds a great aroma to the entire place while it’s cooking. I’ll start picking up on the chili scent in about an hour.

It's going to be good!

And back to the main story….motorcycles. We’ve decided to press ahead with the Mustang book I talked about earlier, and it is coming along nicely. It’s going to have tons of awesome photographs, it’s going to tell the Mustang story, and it’s going to progress into the evolution of your favorite motorcycle, the California Scooter. I am learning lots of interesting things researching this with my esteemed co-author, and we’ll be offering the book through CSC. You’ll get a sneak preview of some of the things that will be in the book in a magazine article I’m doing on this topic, and I’ll post bits and pieces right here on the blog. It’s going to be grand fun.

The bike that started it all...an amazing motorcycle demonstrating exemplary engineering talent!

I’m heading out on another secret mission tomorrow night (I’ll be in the US on this one), and I’ll make a post or two from the road. There are lots of things going on at CSC, and most of them are still under wraps.  Like we always say, stay tuned.

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Danny’s new Classic!

Our good buddy Danny picked up his brand new CSC Classic just a few moments ago…

Danny, you’re going to have a lot of fun on your new motorcycle!  Ride safe and enjoy your California Scooter!

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Howard in Montana!

Howard is continuing his epic CSC journey…he’s up in Montana right now, and he’s been sending great photos and notes to me.   Check these out…


No great scenery this time.  Just hanging out with Air Force buddies in Havre, Montana.  I was stationed here in 1964 & 1965 and I came back for a reunion.


And here’s another one…

Joe, I found you another Ercoupe.  Not as nice as the one in the blog, though.   This one is at the Airport Inn in Miles City, Montana.


That airplane is looking real good, Howard.   Those Ercoupes are pretty cool machines.   And speaking of cool machines, Howard grabbed these shots of his CSC with a very cool street rod…

The photo on the left shows the street rod’s owner, and the photo on the right shows Howard having a great time with his California Scooter in Montana. 

Looks like you’re having a great time, Howard, and please keep those photos coming!

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Scooters in Sturgis…

We just received a couple of cool photos showing CSC motorcycles at Sturgis…this first one shows Cynthia from St. Paul on her Babydoll…

And here’s another one showing Rob’s bike in Sturgis….

I really like the NGK stickers on the air can covers and the checkered flag logos on the fuel tank…they work really well when contrasted with the Greaser’s flat black paint.   Here’s an idea…an NGK-themed bike done up pretty much like this one, except with the NGK logos painted (full diameter) on both wheels and the air can covers…hmmm…I might just fire off a note to NGK on that idea…

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A custom turquoise Babydoll…

Here’s one that’s really pretty…a custom turquoise Babydoll!

We actually shipped two Babydolls to the same address last week…our standard pink and white Babydoll to Candi, and the turquoise custom you see above to Robert and Lynn, both in Athens, Texas.  You guys are going to have a lot of fun on your CSC Babydolls!

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Something’s going on….

And I don’t know what it is.  Steve has been spending a lot of time in the R&D area lately and he’s not telling me what he’s doing….lots of hush-hush stuff…but I know whatever it is, it’s gonna be good.

I snuck into Steve’s office yesterday and these were on his desk…

And then I saw him in the shop with a chainguard that matched the gearshift and brake controls…

Hey, I thought I was the secret mission guy!

Whatever it is, you’ll hear about it first right here on the CSC blog!

And here’s something else I saw coming together in the factory yesterday that’s really cool…how about a turquoise Babydoll!

Those colors really work, and I’ll have more information for you on this bike in the next day or so!

That’s it for now, boys and girls.   I had a long, hard, and hot bicycle ride today, and I think I need a Tecate to replace all those calories I burned up!


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Ercoupes, Classics, and Greasers…

Ever heard of an Ercoupe?

Don’t feel too bad…I never had, either.   But when I rolled into the plant this morning and saw this puppy parked across the lot at Howard Aviation, I knew I had to find out more.   My first thought was “wow, that is a cool airplane…” and my second was “I gotta get a photo of a maroon Classic with that airplane!”

I walked in and spoke with Mr. Howard (he’s a very cool guy).   He was fine with me grabbing a few photos.

Mr. Howard told me the Ercoupe has been manufactured by several companies.  The design predates World War II, and they were built until 1968.   These airplanes have no rudder pedals…when you steer with the yoke, it turns the twin rudders on the tail.   Ercoupes were intended to be the easiest and safest airplanes to fly.  The name is an acronym formed from the name of the original manufacturer (the Engineering Research Company).

So, about that shot with the Classic…

And I grabbed a couple more of the airplane…

Oh, and here’s another shot completely unrelated to the stuff above.  The weather is awesome right now, and I’ve been out on my CSC a lot lately. When I was out on the Baja Blaster the other day, I had my Nikon hanging around my neck when this fellow pulled up alongside me at a light…

It’s a pretty cool old vertical twin Triumph 500, done up in the same style as our Greaser.   That’s a very cool look, and this fellow had it nailed right down to the red rims and whitewalls.

Classic hot rod colors on a classic bike...the Greaser, by CSC Motorcycles!

That’s it for today, folks….stay tuned!

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