Attention all Nor Cal folks!

We’re going to be at the Sacramento International Motorcycle Show this weekend, folks, so if you want to see the RX3 up close and personal, be sure to stop by!


Ryan and Matt are going to be manning the CSC booth.   They’ll have several RX3s on display (including one of the Special Edition bikes), and they’ll have copies of 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM, too!

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Put yourself in this video…

Yep, we are at capacity, but shoot, maybe we’ll go a bit over.   Wanna go on a ride you’ll be bragging about for the rest of your life?   Baja, baby!   Wouldn’t you like to be in the video we on our March 2016 Baja Run?

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A reminder…our first Tech Day this Saturday!

Our first Tech Day, focused on chain replacement, is this Saturday at 9:00 a.m.   We’ll have coffee and donuts, and as soon as I figure out how to work this Periscope program, I’ll post directions on how to observe what we’re doing if you’re not able to make it to Azusa Saturday morning.   Stay tuned!

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The 1st RC3 in North America…

And you’re seeing it here for the first time…literally seconds after we added a spot of fuel and connected the battery…

More to follow, but to answer your question:  Yes, we are importing this amazing new sportsbike!

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A cool read, my friends….hot off the press!

Arches is a great destination…one of most beautiful National Parks I’ve ever visited.

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Another opportunity to weigh in…

Our good buddy Dan alerted us to an article on small-bore ADV bikes over on Bike…

It’s interesting to read what passes for journalism these days.  While generally favorable, the article lifted one of my photos without permission (if you BB guys read this, I hereby give you permission to use the photo) and they got one of the magazines that road tested the RX3 wrong.   They also panned us for lack of power (they misquoted the magazines that tested the RX3 in making that claim).   You good blog readers might want to weigh in and offer your impressions of the RX3 (just to set the record straight).

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Motorcyclist magazine’s Facebook page…


In addition to the online Motorcyclist magazine article I mentioned last week, Motorcyclist also posted a link to the article on their Facebook page.    That link is here:¬if_t=like

You know, it’s interesting to read the comments on these things.   A few haters and trolls turn out initially.   But what we’ve noticed is that there are fewer and fewer haters posting.   And the ones that do are basically displaying their prejudice and ignorance (I know, I’m being redundant; prejudice and ignorance usually go hand in hand).   What always happens next is that people who know about the RX3 post in response, and their posts (your posts) are based on actual experience.   When that happens, the haters and trolls usually crawl back down into the shadows under their bridges.

Okay, that’s enough on the trolls for now.  I’ve given them more print volume than they deserve.   I guess all I can say is that if ignorance is bliss, these folks must be the happiest people on the planet.   But I know and you know that’s not the case.   The happiest people on the planet are out riding their motorcycles (and for most of us, that will be on our RX3s)!

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Gary’s mighty mule…

What do you do if you’re a firefighter, you’ve ridden your RX3 to work, and you get a call to work another shift at a neighboring firestation?

Hey, no problem!  You do what Gary did…you throw 60+ lbs of firefighting equipment on your motorcycle and report for duty!



Gary, thanks for your service, and thanks for sharing your photos with us!

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Riding the TT Special!

Good times this afternoon, folks…I got out for a ride on the 250cc TT Special up in the San Gabriel Mountains.   I grabbed a few photos, carved a few corners, and had a great ride.   This new bike can grab a line and shred!   It’s designed for both street and the dirt, but I’m here to tell you it sure hooks up well on asphalt!

It was a very bright day today, which is not the best lighting for good photography, but things still turned out okay.   At least I think they did…let me know what you think!






And folks, that’s about it for tonight.   I’ve got a full weekend planned starting early tomorrow, and then we’re going to be getting set up for next weekend’s Tech Day.   If you want to find out how to change the chain on your RX3 or any other motorcycle, it’s something you’ll want to take in.  Keep an eye on the blog…we’ll be posting more info on our first Tech Day next week!


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Ohio Dan

Ohio Dan recently purchased a beautiful blue RX3 tastefully accessorized with our (now his) 19-inch front wheel and Shinko off-road tires, and from the looks of things, he knows how to work a camera!   Dan sent these amazing photos to Ryan, and two things impressed me immediately…the photography, and Ryan’s comment when he showed the photos to me.   “I want to ride that road,” he said.



Me, too, Ryan.

Dan, it’s obvious you are using the RX3 they way it was intended to be!  Ride safe, and thanks for sharing your awesome photos with us.

Folks, I’m headed into the mountains in a few minutes to grab some photos of the TT Special.   They won’t be as good as Ohio Dan’s, but it’s going to be fun!

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