Meet Matt!

We’ve been receiving lots of compliments on our new CSC website (, and the new look, outstanding navigability, and ability to buy things online didn’t happen by accident.   It’s the work of the latest addition to our CSC staff, good buddy Matt…


Low key, competent, easy to work with…Matt personifies exactly the kind of guy you want on the CSC team.  No doubt about it, Steve is building a great organization completely focused on delivering exceptional adventure riding value.   We’re sure glad Matt’s one of us.

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A nice note from Fred…

I received this nice note from our good buddy Texas Fred this morning, and I thought I would share it with you…


Hi Joe,

I am really enjoying my new red RX3!  Five years ago in 2010, I ran across Steve’s small ad in either Popular Mechanics or Popular Science, which I read while camping on vacation.  When I returned I started reading your blog.  Several months later I ordered my red 150cc Classic and it was delivered the day before Thanksgiving in 2010.  I have been enjoying it ever since until this year when our roads have become potholed and bumpy in our housing area.  Finally the potholes got to me and I began looking for a dirt bike that was light weight with shocks on both corners. 

All dirt bikes of at least 250cc’s had a seat height of 34”….and at 5’ 10” I needed a 31” seat max.  It was then I started thinking of the RX3 adventure bike.  I called Steve to talk about it and to order a new back tire for the 150 Classic.  You had done an outstanding job selling the RX3 and Steve told me that he was about my height and could easily touch the ground and it felt comfortable.  I decided the next day, about Thanksgiving of 2014, to go ahead and order it. 

When it came in, I got it put together and then took my first ride, even before I had it licensed.   I could not believe how solid it felt, held a good line in the gravel and had a lot more power than I ever expected.  It shifts well, has instant acceleration and is comfortable on the road with a sheepskin seat cover.  While I haven’t finished putting on the crash bars or the panniers, I will as I need them…..the bike looks great by itself.  The only improvement I will make eventually is a larger windshield to make it more relaxing on long days at highway speed. 

I just can’t thank you enough for your great sales efforts and Steve’s savvy to bring this great bike to North America.  And, I just can’t believe I have bought two bikes from CSC without riding either of them before buying.  That is a first for me!!!!

Thanks again, Joe, for your blog and I’ll keep reading it daily for a long, long time.

Fred in Texas

Fred, thanks for your email and your kind words.   We’ve had quite a few folks who own the CSC Mustangs also buy an RX3 (I’m one of them, and like you, I have a red CSC 150).   We appreciate your taking the time to write to us and sending a photo of your new RX3.

I’m glad you enjoy the blog.  I have a lot of fun writing it and we especially enjoy posting notes from our riders.

Ride safe, enjoy your new motorcycle, and think about joining us on our next adventure ride!

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That’s who was in the shop this afternoon…arguably the greatest moto artist alive today, none other than Hector Cademartori…


You may think you don’t know Hector Cademartori, but I guarantee you know his work.   It’s been in virtually every motorcycle and car magazine out there, as well as many other publications and places…take a look at just a few samples…





Hector loves the RX3.  He’s ridden with us before on the CSC Mustangs, and he’ll be riding with us in the near future on an RX3.  Folks, that’s a ride you’ll want to make…Hector is a genuine nice guy and any conversation with him is a real treat.   If you look up the word “gentleman” in any dictionary, it will say “see Hector Cademartori.”

Hector was in to show us some concept sketches for a few RX3 colors and treatments we are considering.   No, you can’t see them yet.   But you’ll love what we have cooking.

Wow, this job is fun!

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Seat Concepts, and more…


Steve and I went for a ride this morning to Seat Concepts way out in Riverside County.   After a super breakfast at Patsy’s Country Kitchen (thanks again, Boss!), we rolled into Seat Concepts to give the seal of approval to two new RX3 custom seats they are developing for you.

We visited Seat Concepts to approve the seat configurations, and to give these saddle impresarios the go ahead on the foam molds (what you see in the photo above).  Steve has the right asspitude for this job (you’ll get it later), and getting his “seat of the pants” feel for the new seats was a critical step in the process.


Our good buddy Robert (the owner at Seat Concepts) developed two seats for us….one with the stock height and one that is an inch taller.


This is pretty cool stuff, and I’m impressed.    Both seats felt good to me, even though they don’t have the new foam yet (more on that in a minute).   The seat in the foreground (in the photo above) is the taller seat; the one Robert is holding is the stock seat height.

Here’s a photo of the stock seat…


And here’s a photo of the 1-inch taller seat…


What surprised me greatly is that the taller seat felt like it was about the same height as the stock seat.   The seat is flatter across the top (from front to rear), it eliminates the downward forward slope of the current seat, it is wider at the rear, it is narrower at the front, and it will use a progressive foam.   Robert explained to me that the narrower front portion is what made the seat feel like it was the same height as the stock seat.   It allowed me to put both feet on the ground.   It also reduced my knee angle, and even though I don’t have an issue with this on the stock bike, it felt instantly and noticeably more comfortable with the taller seat.

The second custom seat is one that has the seat top at the same level as the stock seat, but it does the same things as the taller seat.   It’s more horizontal from front to rear (no forward slope down like the stock seat), it is narrower in the front, it is wider at the rear, and it uses the same progressive foam as the taller seat.

I sat on both seats and both were great.   Even though I’m a relatively short guy with a 29-inch inseam, I think I’ll go for the taller seat.

More good news…we have lots of options regarding colors, textures, and other cool things that will allow for more personalization of your RX3.

If you have an RX3 in the fastest color, hey, check this out…


If you have a blue RX3 like my good buddies John and Jay (your Dad was right, Jay…you should have taken Spanish), you’ll love this combo…


If you like to play MacGuyver (like one of the smartest engineers I’ve ever known….and yes, I’m taking to you, Justin), take a look at this…


The questions I know many of you will have are when will these new seats be available, and how much will they cost?   We’re thinking in about a month, and the price should be something south of $300.   We’ll post more details as they become available.

That’s the story on the seats.  I’d said there would be more, and there is.   Our good buddy and parts superstar Ryan has been hard at work on a new RX3 rear shock and stiffer front springs.   Things are moving along well on those fronts.   I don’t have dates or prices yet, folks, but those new accessories are coming.

Lots of rides are coming up, too.   One of the guys on the board invited me to an event in Oregon, and it’s now on my calendar.   I like the board a lot (the tech info is accurate, and there’s good reading on that site).

Ah, more on the rides coming up…I liked the ride through the Mojave so much that I’m going to do it again, with a focus on Amboy, the Kelso Depot, and maybe a bit of dirt riding through the Big Horn country…if I can find roads that aren’t all soft sand.


The Mojave ride will be more of a photo safari and riding expedition, and it will probably be a two day/one night deal, with most of the riding in the early morning and early evening time frame (when it’s cooler and the lighting is better).

One of the high points of a ride through that part of the world is stopping in Barstow at the Del Taco.   Don’t laugh…Ed Hackbarth (the Del Taco founder) kept the three Del Tacos in Barstow when he sold the chain, and he kept his original recipes.   They have the best tacos this side of Guerrero Negro, and Susie and I stop there every time we pass through (which we did twice on our recent Laughlin ride)…


If you want to get in on the next Mojave ride, let me know what dates are good for you and I’ll roll that into the schedule.

Later this week, I’ll be rolling up the 395 to Mammoth.  I love that area.   Keep an eye on the blog for the photos.

Wow, we sure have a lot going on.     Gerry Edwards starts as our new Service Manager next week.   We’re excited about that.  And Ryan recently brought in a bunch of new jackets, helmets, gloves, boots, and pants.   I’ll post about those on the blog tomorrow, but you can see them now if you go to our site and poke around a bit.   I’m impressed with Ryan and with the stuff he’s brought to the party.   I’m equally impressed with our new website and the young man who is developing it for us.  That’s Matt, and I’ll tell you more about him tomorrow.   If you haven’t visited the new CSC site, you owe it to yourself to do so.

That’s it for now, folks.  Ride safe!

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Seats and more…

We’re off this morning to pick up a custom seat or two we’re having prepared for the RX3, and I’m excited about it.   I’ll have some photos of the new seats later today, and I’ll give you a ride report on the new seats in another few days.

I’m off to Mammoth on Friday (a quick run up Highway 395, which is one of my favorite roads, especially starting in Bishop and heading north from there).   I’ll probably take the Subie (we’re going up there for a wedding, and somehow a tux just doesn’t look right on an RX3).  If the heat is anything like it was in Laughlin, the air conditioner will come in handy.

In the meantime, here are a few more photos from the Laughlin adventure…








All of the above photos are larger than what you see here.   Click on the photos and they’ll enlarge.   That last one is a photomerge of eight shots, all along the Colorado River from the California side.   Click on it and it really opens up.

The best part of the Laughlin trip was the California desert, especially the stuff in Amboy (see the photo in the blog entry below).   This area is one of my favorites, and it would make for a good two-day RX3-borne photo expedition.   If you’re interested, let me know…I’ll ride out there again in a heartbeat.

Later, my friends.  Watch for the seat photos later today!

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The Mojave….

More to come, boys and girls….the Nikon has been working overtime out here in the Mojave.


And yes, you might say it’s a bit toasty…


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The .416, the Franciscans, Baja II, the fog, and more….

Ah, the best laid plans and all that…

First, the day’s ride….I started out this morning intending to ride Angeles Crest Highway, but those plans just didn’t work out.   I was up super early, the RX3 fired right up (just like always), and I rolled the 50 freeway miles to get to the foot of California Highway 2.

All was well until I started up the Crest.   The fog was so thick I couldn’t see 50 feet in front of me.   Not good.   When my faceshield and then my glasses fogged over, I’d had enough.   I won’t ride in the fog – it’s just too dangerous.  Even just finding a spot to turn around was dicey, but I did and I gently rolled back down to the 210 Freeway.

So, I rode back toward home for another 30 freeway miles and I stopped at Le Roy’s for a chili cheese omelet.  Le Roy’s was packed (the best places always are), but there was a seat at the bar, someone left a copy of today’s Sunday LA Times, and I was in business.   Life is good.


I parked just outside the restaurant, and a family asked me all about the bike and then, when they saw the CSC Baja Inaugural Run sticker on the fuel tank, all about Baja.   They thought the RX3 was a BMW.   We hear that a lot.  I think I mentioned that quite a few folks who buy RX3s also own BMWs.   Interesting.

Here’s another cool shot…it’s a Ford that was parked in front of Le Roy’s when I stopped in for breakfast…


I decided to head up to Glendora Ridge Road through Mt. Baldy, and I had a great ride.   By the time I got to road that leads to Mt. Baldy, the fog had lifted, and I even found a little dirt to play around in…



Good times, and a few more photo ops….






I spotted this older Yamaha 175 Enduro parked by the side of the road.   I looked around to see if the owner was near, but I didn’t see anyone.

I hope that bike is still there when he returns…


These are panorama photos…I was playing around a bit with PhotoShop’s photomerge feature…



If you click on the panorama shots, they’ll open in a new window, and you’ll see larger versions.  Click on those and they get even larger.  Cool stuff.

The only downside to this morning’s ride was that I got whacked in the eye by a bug.   That’s the second time ever that this happened to me, and it’s not fun.  I’m just hanging around the house today waiting for my eye to get back to normal.  My eye looks like a peeled peach with a pupil.

Ah, let’s see, that takes care of the fog part of today’s title.

BajaMissions-sNext up, the Franciscans.   Actually, they’re one of three groups of interest.   First the Jesuits came to Baja, then the Franciscans (I listed them first to satisfy my allegiance to alliteration), and then the Dominicans.   The topics of interest in this part of our discussion center around the Baja missions.

You may recall that I told you about a couple of books I purchased recently – one on the Baja missions and one Baja’s cave paintings.  I just finished reading the one on the missions, and folks, if you have any interest at all in this topic in particular or Baja in general, you owe it to yourself to buy a copy of Burckhalter’s book.  The photography and the riding are top notch…so much so I feel kind of dorky for not buying it sooner.   All those trips I’ve made into Baja and I really haven’t known anything at all about the missions.   It seems the missions were the Europeans’ entry ticket into Baja, and all concerned paid an extremely high price…and none more so than the native inhabitants.   There were several indigenous tribes “missionized” by the Europeans with devastating effects.   Smallpox, in particular, came with the Europeans and took out close to 95% of Baja’s original population.

The above notwithstanding, the missions really are majestic.  I’ve seen three so far of the original eight that are still standing….San Ignacio, Mulege, and Loreto.   You saw our photo of the San Ignacio Mission on the recent CSC Baja Run…

The Baja missions all go back to the 1700s.   The story is a fascinating one, and Burckhalter tells it well.  It’s the kind of book I know I’m going to read a few more times to get the full story.  And the photos…well, let’s just say I wish I could take pictures like that.

As you may know, we’re in the planning stages for another CSC-sponsored Baja Run.  You can call it Baja II if you like.  If you’ve figured out that we’re not just selling motorcycles, you’ve done well.   We’re not just selling motorcycles, we’re selling the adventure.   That’s our business.  So, if you want to see Baja on a new RX3 and you want to embark on a real adventure, give us a call to reserve your spot on our next Baja expedition.  It will be sometime this summer.   We’ll be on the road for a three or four day adventure ride in Baja’s northern half, with an emphasis on photo ops, riding, and Baja cuisine.  We’ll do it over a weekend to minimize your time away from work.  We had 15 riders on the last trip, and we’re going to cap participation at around that same number.   The only things you’ll need are an RX3 motorcycle, a sense of adventure, and a positive attitude.  I think it’s fair to say that the folks who rode with us on the last CSC expedition had a great time, and we aim to do even better on this one!

Okay, the fog, the Franciscans, Baja II, and…oh yeah, the .416.

416ribyThat story goes like this…I stopped at a local gun shop the other day and they had just taken in on consignment a Ruger rifle chambered in .416 Rigby.    I always wanted one.   The .416 Rigby cartridge goes back to 1911, and it was originally designed for…you guessed…elephants.   Rigby is a famous old British custom rifle maker, and the cartridge was the ultimate boomer back in the day.    The price was right, so I offered even less, and to my surprise, the owner said okay.   I’m still a few days away from being able to pick it up (you know, we’ve got a 10-day waiting period here in the People’s Republik of Kalifornia), but when I get it I’ll post a photo or two.

In the meantime, folks, if you don’t already have an RX3, think about our (and your) upcoming Baja run.    When your buddies are talking about riding their uberbikes to Starbucks or the latest chrome doodad on their “ride-to-live” noisemakers or some carbon fiber bit, you’ll be able to smile smugly.   Come on this Baja ride with us.   We’ll show you what adventure riding is really all about.

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Newcomb’s Ranch and the Crest…

I’m riding Angeles Crest Highway early tomorrow morning, folks, and I’m stopping at Newcomb’s for breakfast.  I’m going to get up there early so I’ll miss the Ricky Racers and the rest of the squids.   The food ain’t bad, the riding is awesome, and like always, it will be fun to get the RX3 up in the mountains.  I’ll grab some photos for the blog, too.

I’m guessing the rest of you are going to catch a Sunday morning ride in your home states, just like me.   Ride safe, my friends.   Grab some photos with your RX3 and shoot them in to us!

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Our good buddy Arizona Craig…

I received this nice note a day or two ago from our good buddy Craig in Arizona…

Hey Joe: 

I figured I’d send you an update on how things are going.  I have almost 1400 miles on my RX3 since Steve delivered it to me on the way to the Overland Expo exactly 1 month ago.  I like this bike more and more as it has broken in.  In fact, I really haven’t ridden any of my other bikes in that time.  The fuel mileage continues to blow me away – consistently high 60s with my commute involving about 7 miles of 75 mph interstate travel per day.  I put the 30 watt LED driving lamps on mine and I have to say – they are really amazing for night travel.  I’ve attached a few photos of my RX3 that may or may not prove worthy of the blog – my cell phone is quite cheap as I spend all of my spare change on motorcycles. 

Also, you may take note that in one photo, my bike has blue handguards.  In the other, it has black handguards.  I think the black guards look much sharper on the blue bike.  Of course that is only an opinion.  

Anyway take care for now, and if you decide you’re coming back to Northern AZ anytime in the near future please drop me a line and I’ll join up for a ride.  Ride safe!


P.S. I know you wrote on the blog that you didn’t get a picture of me – so I also enclosed a good one of me goofing around when I put the clutch in my BMW.  It’s probably far from blogworthy, but it usually gets a good chuckle from my riding buddies​.

Craig1Craig2Craig3Craig4Craig, thanks for the note…and your photos are great!   I like them all, including the photo of you on your BMW.   Somewhere I’ve got an old photo one of my friends took of me fixing my Harley…if I recall correctly, I was using a large hammer in that one, which I resorted to a lot on that bike.

I will be in Arizona sometime within the next few weeks…Baja John is moving out there, and Tucson Greg wanted to get together for a ride, too.   I’ll keep you posted.  I really like riding in Arizona, especially on 89A.    How’s lunch in Jerome sound?

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Rock Store Rob on the Snake…

Our good buddy Rob just sent this photo to us…it’s from when we rode to the Rock Store on Sunday….


The photo is great, as is the road.   It’s the one that leads from the Rock Store back to Mulholland, and from there down to the Pacific.   Rob and the RX3 are awesome.

Rob, thanks for sending this to us!

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