2:30 in the morning here in California, and I’m wide awake. It’s Veterans Day, one of the best days of the year for me. Allow me to offer a special thank you to all of you vets out there who are reading this…you are the ones who make our way of life possible.
I’m going to have more fun than usual doing what I want to do this fine day. I’ll be on the range playing with the Garand and the 1911s. There’s just something right about doing that on Veterans Day.

I’m looking forward to the weekend, too. We’re having another fun match…we’ll be punching holes in zombie targets with our Mosins, Mausers, Garands, and other milsurp rifles, and then repeating the process with the handguns. I’m competing with my Mosin, which is an absolute hoot to shoot. My lifelong buddy Paul, who designed the course of fire for this weekend, is rolling down from NorCal. It’s going to be awesome. The winner gets to buy lunch, and that’s usually at a Mexican restaurant I love. I’ll be having toasted chile rellenos (my favorite). Good times. I can almost taste them now.
Speaking of Mexico, my good buddies J and David are in Baja as we speak. I’m following their journey on Facebook, and (not surprisingly) it looks like they are having a blast. More good times. Baja…land of a thousand smells, a million memories waiting to be made, and the best motorcycle riding on the planet. Interest in our next CSC Baja expedition is high…and for those of you who let me know that you want to join us in March, keep an eye on your inbox. I’ll have a note to you this week about the ride.
We sure have a lot of irons in the fire at CSC. The RX3, the bike that is causing the industry and the market to wake up. The TT Special. The RC3. The RX3-P. The International Motorcycle Shows. Our Periscope broadcasts. Wowee!
Interest in the TT Special is high, and the specs we published yesterday on it are getting a lot of attention. EPA certification testing is progressing well with the TT, and folks, it’s a winner. I really enjoy getting out on it. It’s a completely different experience than the RX3. Not better, not worse, but different. And fun.
The RC3 is another bike that is generating a lot of excitement. We’ll be publishing more on it in the near future. What I can tell you about it now is that it is a gem. Literally. The fit and finish on this motorcycle are jewel-like in their precision and quality. You’ll see.
The RX3-P, our police motorcycle, is beyond awesome. Our RX3-P motorcycles are being built as we speak. They’re magnificent. I can’t wait for them to get here, and I know more than a few police departments feel the same way.
The RX3-P is a stunningly beautiful motorcycle, and it’s one that makes a lot of sense as a high performance law enforcement vehicle. They’ll be a fifth the purchase price of a BMW or Harley police bike, and the maintenance costs will be less than a tenth of what it costs to keep the best from Bavaria or Milwaukee on the beat.
From a police department’s perspective, a police motorcycle has (until now) been an expensive proposition. The currently available bikes cost about the same as a police car, but for existing police motorcycles, the maintenance costs are way higher. The police go through clutches, brakes, and tires on their motorcycles much more frequently than they do with their cars, and getting those things replaced on a Beemer or a potato bike cost big bucks. We’ve had a few keyboard commandos offer snide remarks (I know, I’m being redundant) about using a 250 for pursuit duty, but the fact is that police agencies don’t use motorcycles in that role. They’ll break off the chase if a bad guy attempts to outrun them and call in a car or a helicopter. The police motorcycle mission is different. Police bikes provide a visible symbol of law enforcement presence offering superior first responder abilities, and the RX3-P will fill that mission supremely well at a fraction of what it costs to do so with a BMW or a Harley. And as for that command presence thing….well, when you see an RX3-P in person (and you will), you’ll see what I mean.
The Long Beach International Motorcycle Show is the weekend after next. We’ll be there. If you’re in So Cal, you should be there, too. You’ll see the TT Special, the RC3, and the RX3. You can pick up a copy of 5000 Miles At 8000 RPM (which is doing very well…the book is getting a lot of compliments on Amazon).
Later, my friends. Time to scarf up some ammo and start loading the Subie for that trip to the range…and once again, to all you vets, thanks for your service.